Mood Disorders (Health Sciences) Research Papers (original) (raw)

Recopilación/compilación de textos referentes y relativos al trastorno distímico, tomado de seis fuentes bibliográficas distintas.

Mood disorder merupakan hal yang umum dan lazim (gangguan ini terbanyak ditemukan baik dipelayanan kesehatan mental maupun dalam praktek dokter medis umum). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa,... more

Mood disorder merupakan hal yang umum dan lazim (gangguan ini terbanyak ditemukan baik dipelayanan kesehatan mental maupun dalam praktek dokter medis umum). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa, diperkirakan 9-26% wanita dan 5-21% pria pernah mengalami depresi yang gawat di dalam kehidupan mereka.
Hampir 2/3 individu yang mengalami depresi memikirkan untuk bunuh diri dan hanya 10-15% yang melakukan percobaan bunuh diri. Mereka yang di bawa ke rumah sakit karena percobaan bunuh diri akan lebih berhasil bunuh diri daripada mereka yang belum dirawat di rumah sakit. Hampir semua pasien (97%) mengeluh bahwa mereka kekurangan energi, sukar menyelesaikan tugas mereka, prestasi belajar menurun, prestasi pekerjaan menurun, kurang motivasi untuk menerima tugas atau proyek baru.

Background: Although evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean suggests that depression can be effectively treated in primary care settings, depression management remains unevenly performed. This systematic review evaluates all the... more

Background: Although evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean suggests that depression can be effectively treated in primary care settings, depression management remains unevenly performed. This systematic review evaluates all the international evidence on healthcare team training programs aimed at improving the outcomes of patients with depression. Methods: Three databases were searched for articles in English or Spanish indexed up to November 20, 2014. Studies were included if they fulfilled the following conditions: clinical trials, meta-analyses, or systematic reviews; and if they evaluated a training or educational program intended to improve the management of depression by primary healthcare teams, and assessed change in depressive symptoms, diagnosis or response rates, referral rates, patients' satisfaction and/or quality of life, and the effectiveness of treatments. Results: Nine studies were included in this systematic review. Five trials tested the effectiveness of multi-component interventions (training included), and the remaining studies evaluated the effectiveness of specific training programs for depression management. All the studies that implemented multi-component interventions were efficacious, and half of the training trials were shown to be effective. Limitations: Contribution of training programs alone to the effectiveness of multi-component interventions is yet to be established. The lack of specificity regarding health providers' characteristics might be a confounding factor. Conclusions: The review conducted suggests that stand-alone training programs are less effective than multi-component interventions. In applying the evidence gathered from developed countries to Latin America and the Caribbean, these training programs must consider and address local conditions of mental health systems, and therefore multi-component interventions may be warranted.

Modeling in animals is an invaluable tool in exploring the pathophysiology of human diseases and developing better therapies. Models can be generated using a variety of pharmacological, behavioral, and genetic approaches, but they all... more

Modeling in animals is an invaluable tool in exploring the pathophysiology of human diseases and developing better therapies. Models can be generated using a variety of pharmacological, behavioral, and genetic approaches, but they all require extensive ...

The lack of appropriate animal models is a major limitation in research of bipolar disorder (BPD): at this time there are very few models for this devastating disease. Whereas limited attempts have been made to develop comprehensive... more

The lack of appropriate animal models is a major limitation in research of bipolar disorder (BPD): at this time there are very few models for this devastating disease. Whereas limited attempts have been made to develop comprehensive models for BPD, the new notion of endophenotypes encourages us to explore the possibility of developing separate models for separate facets of the disorder. Since more models are available for depression, there is a dire need for models for mania that will be relatively easy and simple to induce and test and will therefore be practical for purposes of screening possible new drugs or mutant mice that are developed based on novel molecular theories. Such models may already be tentatively available as they were developed in the context of other disorders, but there is a need to validate them for mania. The present paper proposes such models for most of the facets of mania including: increased energy, activity or restlessness; extreme irritability; reduced sleep; provocative, intrusive or aggressive behaviour; increased sexual drive; abuse of drugs; distractibility, reduced ability to concentrate; and unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers resulting in poor judgement. Validating these models may demand a major research effort but it may be worthy as validated models for the different facets of mania could then be used efficiently and may be utilized to construct a standard battery of tests that can serve to explore the various components of manic-like behaviour in rodents.