Neuroimaging Techniques Applied In Theses Areas Research Papers (original) (raw)

Günümüzde daha pek çok çalışmayı gerektiren dilbilim ve psikoloji alanına giren sorunlar, dil edinimi ile ilgili çalışmalardan gelecek verilerle aydınlanma bulmakta ve ortaya çıkan bilgi ise bir takım soruları beraberinde getirmektedir.... more

Günümüzde daha pek çok çalışmayı gerektiren dilbilim ve psikoloji alanına giren sorunlar, dil edinimi ile ilgili çalışmalardan gelecek verilerle aydınlanma bulmakta ve ortaya çıkan bilgi ise bir takım soruları beraberinde getirmektedir. Kavram mı yoksa sözcük mü önce edinilir? Dil gelişimi ile birlikte öğrenilen yeni kavramların zihinde örgütlenmesi, nasıl bir düzeni takip eder? Bu soruları merkezinde bulunduran Öntür Kuramı, ulamın dereceli bir içyapısı olduğunu öne sürerek ulam öğelerinin, bulunduğu ulamı en iyi temsil eden öğeler etrafında odaklandığını savunmaktadır. Dereceli bir üyelik söz konusu olunca, zihinden çağrılma ve kavranma zorluğu üzerinde kavramın öntürlüğü etkili olmaktadır. İşte bu çalışma, deyimlerin bileşen adlarının öntürlüğü ve deyimin anlamlandırılması arasında bir koşutluğun olup olmadığını sorgulamaktadır. Araştırma grubu, anasınıfı, 3. sınıf, 5. sınıf ve 8. sınıflardan çocukları kapsamakta olup ilk uygulamada BEDEN BÖLÜMÜ üst ulamına ait kavramların bu yaşlara göre öntürlük değerleri sormaca yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Ortaya çıkan verilerden yola çıkarak seçilen kavram adlarını bileşeni olarak bulunduran ad + eylem yapısındaki deyimler, ad bileşeninin öntürlüğüne göre derecelendirilmiş ve her biri bir öykünün sonuç tümcesi olarak verilmiştir. Deyimlerin ya değişmeceli ya da gerçek anlamlarını yansıtan ya da konu dışı olan resimler hazırlanarak, bir kavrama testi oluşturulmuştur. Çocuk katılımcılar, öyküleri dinleyip sonundaki deyimi duydukları anda, öyküden anladıklarına dayalı olarak resimlerden birisini seçmişlerdir. Verilen yanıtların doğruluğu ve tepki süresi dikkate alınarak, deyimlerin anlamlandırılmasında bir öntürlük etkisi olup olmadığına yönelik çözümleme yapılmıştır. Anasınıfı grubu, ağırlıklı olarak gerçek anlamı seçmiş olup, diğer gruplarda ise ilerleyen yaşla birlikte değişmeceli anlama bir yönelim gözlenmiştir. Deyimlerin anlamlandırılmasında öntürlük etkisinden bahsetmeyi mümkün kılan bu bulgular, deyimlerin kalıplaşmış ve tek parça sözcükler olduğunu dolayısıyla bileşen sözcüklerin deyimin değişmeceli anlamı üzerinde bir etkisi olmadığını öne süren varsayımlara karşıt veri niteliğindedir. Diğer bir deyişle, deyimlerin anlamlandırılmasında, değişmeceli anlama erişildiği durumda bile gerçek anlama bir şekilde erişim sağlandığına dair, alanda yaygın çalışılmış tanınırlık ve saydamlık kriterlerinden farklı olarak, öntürlük kriteriyle kanıt sunulmuştur.

Les accidents de circulations font toujours de plus en plus de mort dans le monde entier en général et au Cameroun en particulier. Malgré les efforts fournis par les gouvernements afin de réduire au maximum ces catastrophes, nous... more

Les accidents de circulations font toujours de plus en plus de mort dans le monde entier en général et au Cameroun en particulier. Malgré les efforts fournis par les gouvernements afin de réduire au maximum ces catastrophes, nous assistons toujours à des scènes macabres et parfois difficiles, voire impossibles à expliquer, surtout lorsque tous les témoins potentiels (conducteurs et passagers) ayant péri dans l’accident, ne peuvent plus relater les faits tels qu’ils ont eu lieu aux enquêteurs afin d’en déterminer les causes et de les prévenir. Dans ces cas, comment déterminer les causes de l’accident afin de les prévenir ou de les éviter à l’avenir ?
Les travaux menés dans ce but sont en général basés sur des principes de stockage des données de navigation dans des unités couramment appelés boites noires pour le cas du transport aériens, ferroviaires et maritimes. Mais ces méthodes sont limitées par le fait qu’ils ne permettent pas d’avoir accès en temps réel aux données recueillies ou même de n’y avoir pas du tout accès quand il est impossible de retrouver les unités de stockages dans lesquelles elles ont été enregistrées.
Par rapport à cette limite et à notre préoccupation qui est de limiter et de prévenir au maximum ces catastrophes dans le domaine du transport, nous envisageons de mettre sur pied un protocole de transfert de donnée temps réel, basée sur un système de ségrégation de flux , via des connexions sans files pour un transfert temps-réel de donnée d’un système embarqué en environnements hostiles vers une station de récupération fixe. Ces données permettront entre autre de prévenir les accidents de circulation et de déterminer avec précision leurs causes. Nous allons par suite concevoir un système de contrôle pouvant permettre de faire des impulsions à distance sur les véhicules en circulation. Ce système sera par ailleurs relié à toutes les agences de secourt des environnant la zone de sinistre (hôpitaux, pompiers, …) qui seront alertés directement afin d’intervenir le plus rapidement possible.

Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has many limitations which are mostly ignored or not commented upon in the academia, although this is now changing. The current essay introduces and comments on... more

Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has many limitations which are mostly ignored or not commented upon in the academia, although this is now changing. The current essay introduces and comments on some of these specific limitations that can cause Type I errors as well as Type II. The author also briefly discusses possible future directions for future research.

We conducted a systematic review to assess the evidence for specific effects of cannabis on impulsivity, disinhibition and motor control. The review had a specific focus on neuroimaging findings associated with acute and chronic use of... more

We conducted a systematic review to assess the evidence for specific effects of cannabis on impulsivity, disinhibition and motor control. The review had a specific focus on neuroimaging findings associated with acute and chronic use of the drug and covers literature published up until May 2012. Seventeen studies were identified, of which 13 met the inclusion criteria; three studies investigated acute effects of cannabis (1 fMRI, 2 PET), while six studies investigated non-acute functional effects (4 fMRI, 2 PET), and four studies investigated structural alterations. Functional imaging studies of impulsivity studies suggest that prefrontal blood flow is lower in chronic cannabis users than in controls. Studies of acute administration of THC or marijuana report increased brain metabolism in several brain regions during impulsivity tasks. Structural imaging studies of cannabis users found differences in reduced prefrontal volumes and white matter integrity that might mediate the abnormal impulsivity and mood observed in marijuana users. To address the question whether impulsivity as a trait precedes cannabis consumption or whether cannabis aggravates impulsivity and discontinuation of usage more longitudinal study designs are warranted.

Rapid advances in the field of neuroimaging techniques including magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), voxel based morphomentry (VBM), and optical imaging, have... more

Rapid advances in the field of neuroimaging techniques including magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), voxel based morphomentry (VBM), and optical imaging, have allowed neuroscientists to investigate neural processes in ways that have not been possible until recently. Combining these techniques with advanced analysis procedures during different conditions such as hypnosis, psychiatric and neurological conditions, subliminal stimulation, and psychotropic drugs began transforming the study of neuroscience, ushering a new paradigm that may allow neuroscientists to tackle the hard problem of consciousness.

Impact on society Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important cause of disability in the United States, with estimates of direct and indirect costs exceeding $56 billion [1]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data [2]... more

Impact on society Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important cause of disability in the United States, with estimates of direct and indirect costs exceeding $56 billion [1]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data [2] estimate the annual incidence of TBI in the United States at 1.4 million people. Of these, 50,000 will not survive the acute injury, 235,000 will be hospitalized, and the remaining 1.1 million people will be treated and released from emergency departments. Data are lacking on patients who have TBI evaluated in nonhospital settings and those who do not receive medical care, but estimates show that primary care providers see 439,000 patients and another 89,000 are seen in other outpatient settings . These data do not include persons receiving care within the Veteran's Administration or military hospital systems . Patients who have mild TBI, especially secondary to sports-related injuries, who do not seek medical attention may also add many thousands of unaccounted patients . Although infants, toddlers, and young adults are at highest risk for TBI, patients older than 75 years

Scientifically burnout was been well described by dr. Christine Maslach. This resulted amongst others in the 'MBI', Maslach Burnout Inventory, a test used world wide and published by Pearson. Meanwhile, neuroimaging has made an enormous... more

Scientifically burnout was been well described by dr. Christine Maslach. This resulted amongst others in the 'MBI', Maslach Burnout Inventory, a test used world wide and published by Pearson. Meanwhile, neuroimaging has made an enormous entrance in neuroscience. Unfortunately, the findings of dr. Christine Maslach (a) emotional exhaustian, b) distance, c) low esteem of own competences have never been tested using a neuroscan. In this short article a few additional characteristics are added that could very well be tested with a neuroscanner: MRI, PET with trace marker, or MEG. J. Philippe Blankert M.Sc. M.A., chairman of the Dutch burnout institute 'Stichting Burnout',, 26 August 2013.

The current essay introduces and describes the mechanisms of action and discusses the plethora of functional neuroimaging (fNI) modalities applicable while also detailing the theoretical framework behind psychosis. The essay also comments... more

The current essay introduces and describes the mechanisms of action and discusses the plethora of functional neuroimaging (fNI) modalities applicable while also detailing the theoretical framework behind psychosis. The essay also comments on a range of anti-psychotic agents and relates the fNI methods as invaluable instruments of investigation for examination of anti-psychotic agents. The author concludes that fNI techniques have informed the academic community, aiding the clinical environment and highlights possible directions of future research.