Pascal Programming Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Ecrire un algorithme d'un module récursif qui permet de vérifier l'existence d'un entier X dans un tableau T de N entiers (N=10) , en utilisant la méthode de recherche séquentielle N.B. : La recherche séquentielle ou recherche linéaire ou... more
Ecrire un algorithme d'un module récursif qui permet de vérifier l'existence d'un entier X dans un tableau T de N entiers (N=10) , en utilisant la méthode de recherche séquentielle N.B. : La recherche séquentielle ou recherche linéaire ou recherche par balayage est une méthode de recherche pour trouver une valeur dans un tableau. Elle consiste à parcourir les éléments un par un, jusqu'à ce que l'élément soit trouvé, ou que toutes les cases aient été vérifiées.
The main goal for this application assignment was the development of a multi-player game where a central Java server application functions as a referee and a score keeper. This application serves as a prototype for a multi-player combat... more
The main goal for this application assignment was the development of a multi-player game where a central Java server application functions as a referee and a score keeper. This application serves as a prototype for a multi-player combat game that is in development. In this Tic Tac Toe game it is necessary for the creation of two graphics file, an X and an O in .gif form which will have the dimensions of 25 x 25 pixels and function as the game board markers. In this classic version of Tic Tac Tow the Java server application is launched first and continually listens for a network connection from a Tic Tac Toe client. The first client application is launched and automatically connects to the referee/server application and the first player receives a message that they are connected but waiting for another player to login. Once a second version of the client software is launched then the game play begins and the first player is given the option of selecting the first square for game play. The game progresses until a player wins or a tie game is completed. The referee/server watches all player game moves to ensure a player does not select a square that has already been selected by the other player. The future assignment requires a multiplayer client/server warrior game where an unlimited number of players may connect to the server.
A review of previous array Pascals leads on to a description the Glasgow Pascal compiler. The compiler is an ISO-Pascal superset with semantic extensions to translate data parallel statements to run on multiple SIMD cores. An appendix is... more
A review of previous array Pascals leads on to a description the
Glasgow Pascal compiler. The compiler is an ISO-Pascal superset
with semantic extensions to translate data parallel statements to
run on multiple SIMD cores. An appendix is given which includes
demonstrations of the tool.
Comprendre les concepts rencontrés dans les langages de programmation. Grammaire, syntaxe et sémantique d'un langage. Concepts : types simples, objets, hérédité, polymorphisme, confinement, types structurés. Instructions : expressions,... more
Ce livre est destiné à tous ceux qui veulent acquérir des bases solides en algorithmique et structures de données. Les algorithmes de ce livre ont été traduits en langage Pascal. Ce livre permet un apprentissage autonome. Les exercices de... more
Ce livre est destiné à tous ceux qui veulent acquérir des bases solides en algorithmique et structures de données. Les algorithmes de ce livre ont été traduits en langage Pascal.
Ce livre permet un apprentissage autonome. Les exercices de chaque chapitre ont une difficulté progressive. Après avoir lu et compris le cours, l’étudiant est conseillé d’essayer de résoudre les exercices par lui-même avant de consulter la correction. L’étudiant ne doit pas oublier qu’un même problème peut être résolu par différents algorithmes.
L’auteur de ce livre sera très reconnaissant de recevoir toute remarque, suggestion ou correction.
Écrire un algorithme d'un module récursif qui permet de calculer X puissance n (avec X et n deux entiers positifs)
Evaluate And Analysis of ALGOL, ADA ,PASCAL Programming Languages
The manual is intended to students of the pedagogical higher education institutions which are trained on specialties the teacher of physics, mathematics and informatics. In it methodological aspects of modeling of difficult systems are... more
The manual is intended to students of the pedagogical higher education institutions which are trained on specialties the teacher of physics, mathematics and informatics. In it methodological aspects of modeling of difficult systems are considered, standard mathematical schemes are submitted, on concrete examples methods of the discrete and continuous, stochastic and determined modeling are analysed. The wide range of problems is analized, beginning from standard tasks on modeling of mechanical oscillations, waves, heat conductivity and finishing with tasks on calculation of vortex currents of liquid, behavior of biological systems, studying of development of society, etc. The textbook contains a large number of computer programs which allow to simulate directly on occupation various physical, technical, biological and social systems, to execute the corresponding computing experiments.
Scheduling course timetables for a large array of courses is a very complex problem which often has to be solved manually by the center staff even though results are not always fully optimal. Timetabling being a highly constrained... more
Scheduling course timetables for a large array of courses is a very complex problem which often has to be solved manually by the center staff even though results are not always fully optimal.
Timetabling being a highly constrained combinatorial problem, this work attempts to put into play the effectiveness of evolutionary techniques based on Darwin’s theories to solve the timetabling problem if not fully optimal but near optimal.
Genetic Algorithm is a popular meta-heuristic that has been successfully applied to many hard combinatorial optimization problems which includes timetabling and scheduling problems. In
this work, the course sets, halls and time allocations are represented by a multidimensional array on which a local search is performed and a combination of the direct representation of the timetable with heuristic crossover is made to ensure that fundamental constraints are not violated.
Finally, the genetic algorithm was applied in the development of a viable timetabling system which was tested to demonstrated the variety of possible timetables that can be generated based
on user specified constraint and requirements.
Komputer tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu kalo tidak ada instruksi yang mengaturnya. Sebenarnya di dalam disk terdapat perintah-perintah untuk komputer. Perintah-perintah atau instruksi-instruksi yang diberikan kepada komputer agar komputer... more
Komputer tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu kalo tidak ada instruksi yang mengaturnya. Sebenarnya di dalam disk terdapat perintah-perintah untuk komputer. Perintah-perintah atau instruksi-instruksi yang diberikan kepada komputer agar komputer dapat melaksanakan tugas-tugas tertentu dikenal dengan sebutan program.
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