X-Ray Detectors Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

An experiment measuring the 2S Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen (m À p) was performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. It required small and compact detectors for 1.9 keV X-rays (2P–1S transition) with an energy resolution around... more

An experiment measuring the 2S Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen (m À p) was performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. It required small and compact detectors for 1.9 keV X-rays (2P–1S transition) with an energy resolution around 25% at 2 keV, a time resolution better than 100 ns, a large solid angle coverage, and insensitivity to a 5 T magnetic field. We chose Large Area Avalanche Photodiodes (LAAPDs) from Radiation Monitoring Devices as X-ray detectors, and they were used during the last data taking period in 2003. For X-ray spectroscopy applications, these LAAPDs have to be cooled in order to suppress the dark current noise; hence, a series of tests were performed to choose the optimal operation temperature. Specifically, the temperature dependence of gain, energy resolution, dark current, ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/nima 0168-9002/$-see front matter r