Colony collapse disorder (CCD) | Definition, Causes, Effects, & Facts | Britannica (original) (raw)

colony collapse disorder (CCD), disorder affecting honeybee colonies that is characterized by sudden colony death, with a lack of healthy adult bees inside the hive. Although the cause is not known, researchers suspect that multiple factors may be involved. The disorder appears to affect the adult bees’ ability to navigate. They leave the hive to find pollen and never return. Honey and pollen are usually present in the hive, and there is often evidence of recent brood rearing. In some cases the queen and a small number of survivor bees may remain in the brood nest. CCD is also characterized by delayed robbing of the honey in the dead colonies by other, healthy bee colonies in the immediate area, as well as slower than normal invasion by common pests, such as wax moths and small hive beetles. The disorder appears to affect only the European honeybee (Apis mellifera).

Colony loss and economic impact

The unexplained loss of honeybee colonies that came to be known as CCD was first reported in the fall of 2006 by a commercial beekeeper from Pennsylvania, U.S., who was overwintering his colonies in Florida. (Subsequent investigations suggested that beekeepers had experienced unexplained colony losses for at least the previous three years; similar losses had been reported previously as well, including in the late 19th century and in various decades of the 20th century.) By February 2007 several large commercial migratory beekeeping operations in the United States had reported cases of CCD, with some operators suffering the loss of 50–90 percent of their colonies. Many of these larger operations were overwintering their colonies in California, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas. By late February 2007 some nonmigratory operations located in the mid-Atlantic region and the Pacific Northwest of the United States also had reported the loss of more than 50 percent of their colonies. The absence of dead bees in the affected hives made initial investigations difficult and inconclusive. That same year, other countries, including Canada, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, Poland, France, and Switzerland, also reported substantial losses of honeybees. From 2006 to 2011 total annual colony losses in the United States averaged around 33 percent; beekeepers cited CCD as the cause of roughly one-third of those losses.

beekeeperBeekeepers provide pollination service for more than 90 percent of crops grown commercially in the United States.

Beekeeping is a critical component of modern agriculture. CCD not only threatens the beekeeping operations that provide pollination service and honey production but also has the potential for crippling the production of the many crops that are dependent on honeybees for pollination. In the United States, beekeepers provide pollination service for more than 90 commercially grown crops, including many fruits and vegetables. The economic value of U.S. crops that benefit from honeybee pollination has been estimated at 15billionannually.In2006theCalifornia[almond]([valued]( billion annually. In 2006 the California almond export crop alone was valued at 15billionannually.In2006theCalifornia[almond]([valued]( billion and required more than one million bee colonies for pollination (out of a total of about 2.6 million colonies in the United States). With the number of available colonies for crop pollination in the country in decline, the beekeeping industry faced a tremendous challenge in meeting the demand for pollination services.

Suspected causes

The Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture organized efforts to address the CCD crisis through surveys and data collection, samples analysis, and mitigation and preventive measures. A variety of possible causes of CCD were suggested. They included chemical contamination of colony food stores or beeswax; poisoning from pesticides, including nicotine-based insecticides known as neonicotinoids (the use of which has been restricted in some countries); possible lack of genetic diversity in colonies; and infection of colonies by pathogens or parasites, including known honeybee parasites such as the single-celled microsporidians (parasitic fungus) Nosema ceranae and N. apis and the invasive varroa mite (Varroa destructor).

Multiple studies have suggested that CCD might be the result of simultaneous exposure to a combination of two or more pathogens or stressors, in which the combination of stressors has a synergistic effect. Bee colonies are commonly found to be infested with pathogens and parasites, and the investigation of the interactions of all the possible causative agents has proved to be a challenge for bee researchers. Pathogens that have been implicated in CCD include acute bee paralysis virus, Ascosphaera apis (chalkbrood disease), black queen cell virus, chronic bee paralysis virus, deformed wing virus, invertebrate iridescent virus, Israeli acute paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus, Nosema species, Paenibacillus larvae (American foulbrood), and sacbrood virus. Many of those pathogens are present in increased abundance in hives affected by CCD, and varroa mites are capable of transmitting deadly honeybee viruses, including black queen cell virus and deformed wing virus. However, no pathogens have been found definitively to cause the disorder. Another parasite that may play a role in CCD is the phorid fly Apocephalus borealis. A known parasite of bumblebees, A. borealis has been identified as an emerging threat to honeybees. It was first reported to infect honeybees in 2012, when it was found to be associated with hive abandonment. Honeybees from parasitized hives often are infected with Nosema species and deformed wing virus. Many phorid larvae that emerge from dead bees also are infected with those pathogens, suggesting that phorid flies may serve as a reservoir for the agents, transmitting them to bees upon parasitization.

Pesticides implicated in CCD include the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam. Although no causal link has been established, the agents have been associated with atypical honeybee behaviour and weakened immune function, which may worsen preexisting pathogen infection. For example, sublethal exposure to thiamethoxam appears to impair bees’ homing ability, with consequences for colony survival, and exposure to imidacloprid and clothianidin may suppress immune function and promote the proliferation of deformed wing virus in infected honeybees. In addition, an antimicrobial agent known as fumagillin that is commonly used to control Nosema species has been shown to affect the physiology of European honeybees at concentrations that are ineffective against N. ceranae, the most invasive of the microsporidian pathogens. Because honeybees raised in brood combs with high levels of pesticide residue show increased susceptibility to N. ceranae, there is concern that pesticides and other agents, including fumagillin, could be contributing to an increase in the occurrence of N. ceranae infection.

The full sequence of the honeybee genome, which was published in late 2006, was a technological advance that could conceivably help in discovering the underlying cause of CCD in honeybees. Knowledge of the sequence made available new molecular approaches and introduced honeybee genomics to the investigation of CCD. It also enabled scientists to study the impact of the possible causal agents on specific genes and honeybee colony health. Likewise, the advance might help identify new pathogens in honeybees and unravel the complex effects of multiple combinations of pathogens and environmental toxins.