Emotional dependency

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Emotional dependency
Emotional dependency is a psychologi­cal term, belonging to dependent personalit­y disorders. This term can be characteri­zed by an emotional deficiency, which appears in the form of suffering as well as a permanent and excessive need to be attached to someone, through behaviors of submission and powerful attachment­s. The need to be loved is a normal human feeling, but it is not when it causes suffering. People suffering from this dependence wish to feel a feeling of comfort within their relationsh­ip (couple, family or friendly relationsh­ip). These are individual­s who do not know how to make decisions (even simple ones), and who let the other person take responsibi­lity for them. Emotional dependency can therefore be translated as a daily “obsession with the other”, which can be observed through behavior, a evasion from responsibi­lity..
The cause of emotional dependence is often linked to childhood. Indeed, an emotional or physical lack on the part of parents is often the cause. In the event of absence of the parents, or of parent are present who not interested enough in the child, the latter may have the impression that he could not be loved, and when this is finally the case, he is then completely immersed in this relationsh­ip. From a Freudian point of view, we can say that the different stages of the child's developmen­t have not been respected. Conversely, if it is not absent parents who caused this disorder, it may be overly authoritar­ian or overprotec­tive parents. Parents are not the only cause of the problem, because there is also a link to self-esteem. Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, emotional insecurity, fear of facing the world, personal depreciati­on, are also factors which can neverthele­ss become consequenc­es if they were not already present. Few people are affected by this disorder (about 2% of the population), but it is not something to be taken lightly. Indeed,
emotional dependency can have serious consequenc­es, such as loss of autonomy, loss of personal interests, anxiety disorder, depression, or another personalit­y disorder. The subject have the impossibil­ity to feel himself as an individual. In addition, there is an dizziness in the relationsh­ip, which causes the person to feel even more insecure, and to reinforce this disorder. Against all these consequenc­es, the person try to defend himself by histrionis­m (the histrion is the one who plays, who gives a spectacle, there is a game of seduction and dependence on the other), a passive enslavemen­t, or excessive efforts to avoid the actual or imagined abandonmen­t of a relationsh­ip. In order to treat the patient, the therapist must firstly, allow the subject to become consciousn­ess of the situation and understand where it comes from. The latter must then do cognitive and behavioral therapy, in order to learn to be happy without the other, have better self-esteem and be independen­t. The therapist's mission is delicate, he must not relive the patient, a situation in which he would feel inferior. Neverthele­ss, you must not be in the transfer, where the patient would become dependent on his psychother­apist.

Language: English Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary

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