I think, that nowadays knowledge of foreighn.. - text for correction (proofreading) from user ArtUd (original) (raw)

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The text to correct from user ArtUd

I think, that nowadays knowledge of foreighn languages, especially English, is very important for every educated perosn,
We are living in an Informatio­n Era or Computer Age, If we want to know more informatio­n and rise up a quality of this informatio­n, we have to know a foreighn languages.
The first reason is Internet. A lot of useful websita can be on a foreighn languages. And if you want to know that is this site about, you must have to know a native languages for this website.
Another reason is more friends. Many interestin­g peoples may be a foreighns. If you want to connect with them, you have to know their language.
And the last main reason is your self-rating. If you know more informatio­n you will rise up in your own eyes, You will be a strong educated person with greatful backage of knowledge.

Language: English Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate

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