Our family loves animals and birds In winter we.. - text for correction (proofreading) from user andrienkov (original) (raw)

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The text to correct from user andrienkov

Our family loves animals and birds In winter we make the feeders for the birds and often feed them throwing crumbs out the window. The doves, sparrows, titmice come to our house to regale.
One fine, hot day in spring my sister and I decided to make an apple pie. We had found the perfect recipe, bought all the ingredient­s to surprise our mum.
We have made the pie for a long time and we really wanted to make a big and a tasty surprise! Finally, we have done it! The smell of the pie was incredible.
My sister and I hid the pie on the fridge. It was a wonderful secret place for the pie. Than we went to the playing room to have a rest.
The strange and loud sounds were heard from the kitchen to us. We ran to the kitchen and were very shocked. A lot of doves were sitting on the fridge and eating the yummy apple pie. We understood that we have forgotten to close the window in the kitchen.
The surprise was failed. But the doves were pleased!

Language: English Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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