My first appearance on stage

I had my first.. - text for correction (proofreading) from user Elham (original) (raw)

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The text to correct from user Elham

My first appearance on stage
I had my first appearance on stage, when I was in the third grade. We performed a stage play for the newcomers in our school. The play was about a girl, who loosed her letters, which were in her school cone on the way to her first day at school. She cried because she´ll never learn to read without her letters. Then a magician came for help. He let letters appear. Each one of our class had one letter of the alphabet. We should represent something with the letter we got. My letter was the H. I walked across the stage with a notebook and a pencil and pretended to do my homework. I said: “I am the H and I like to do my homework! ” The whole audience began to laugh and some of them applause me. I was a bit confused because I didn´t understand why they laughed. During the play we sang a lot of songs. I also had stage fright and unfortunat­ely I still have it today. Although I wanted to play the main role, finally I was satisfied with me. The work we did has proved worthwhile because we got a lot of applause.

Language: German Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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