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There's a project for creating opensource artwork for RM2k/2k3 and EasyRPG

It's called Open RTP
Easyrtr by jetrotal


This year it reached an amazing milestone, by completing all the chipset that was needed with the help of Jason Perry from finalbossblues :D

ortp2K exterior by jetrotal

If you feel like giving a new life to your old original assets or make new ones, you can check OpenRTP progress and how to help here:…

Thanks in advance and sorry if this isn't the best place to talk about this kind of project!

The Curse of Hanako-san (Promotional Poster) by EspyFur

I wanted to promote this RPGMaker game a bit that I'm doing the soundtrack for.

Thanks for accepting me (/·u·)/

Hello! Thanks for accepting me :)

I'm currently developing the game PENINJA (The Funky Sexy Love Ninja RPG) with a friend. We've just started putting a tech demo together (and a website and all, you know), so I'm thrilled to be here and get feedback from you guys :) (Smile)
Stay funky,

Did you, or someone you know is able to create some nice faceset for a complex story based game ?
More information in here if you're interested ->…

Don't hesitate to PM me, I bite (つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ