Bursting with the Feeling by CuteFlare on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

As you can probably obviously see this picture was intended to be Valentine's Day picture...:XD:
But due school and other stuff I really couldn't finish this in time so... Have this slightly later :dummy:

Before anyone asks anything, no I am not crushing on any guy at the moment 🫣
I am feeling rather stable to be perfectly honest with ever man I am surrounded with but despite the fact I am not in a relationship right now nor having a crush on anyone, this feeling is my drug

I know how people say they hate this feeling with burning passion and how they never want to be in a relationship since it is complicated (which it is, I admit it), I am completely from the opposite of the spectrum.
I love this feeling, I love the chills and heat it brings to my face and skin, I love how it gives me this fuzzy, comfortable feeling of safeness, feeling of being loved and feeling of ultimate trust.
This feeling gives me inspiration, motivation to go on, overall have faith and just believe that life goes on and all the pain we suffer is worth of something.

But I can totally understand why some people may hate this feeling as well :shrug:
I have lost many many nights crying or feeling broken because of this feeling, I have gone insane and sometimes even lost my ability to focus in important situations.
It may also make me decisions that I wouldn't really do if I really gave it a second thought.

In the end, I still love this feeling.
I love the feeling to be able to feel these butterflies in my stomach, the feeling of having lovely dreams, the feeling my OTPs' (One True Pairings') are feeling for one another... The list goes on :dummy:

Also thing I think is important: Love belongs to everyone
Whether you're a straight, bi, gay, lesbian, asexual or even pansexual as far as I care, I think everyone deserves a chance to experience love, both platonic and romantic even if they so desire :heart:

I have been lucky from my end to be surrounded by so much love :huggle:
My family loves me, I have caring friends who I know share these platonic feelings with me and overall, I am living in rather loved environment :heart::la::heart:

The thing I am missing right now from my life is romantic part of my love life :shrug:
I admit it, I am sometimes rather impatient when it comes to this topic. But the thought of finally finding someone I can commit to and actually lay my faith and trust on, is honestly the greatest reward of this hard quest that shouldn't be rushed in the first place.
I think the problem people get very easily upset when looking for their "the one" is because they most of the time try to rush ahead of things instead of letting it roll on its own pace. Usually those rushed situations end up into a break up or something more worse... And that's something I don't wish to anyone to go through ;w;

Even though I miss that "the one" from my life right now, it doesn't mean that I couldn't be happy!
I am on top of the world right now because of the reasons I said earlier :la:
I have loving friends, loving family, loving environment...:happycry:

Even if world is surrounded by hate and hateful words, we all should sometimes just have a moment and think what is it that we have good right now.
Since those moments are the ones that help us grow as a humans ^^

I hope you guys have a great and loving day today :heart:
Thank you for reading and having your mind for a moment in this long description :huggle:

More Art from my Gallery:
Jump in the Christmas Feel by CuteFlare Chit chat by CuteFlare Under the Starry Sky by CuteFlare Sugar Rush by CuteFlare Could you guys not by CuteFlare


This picture is personal art work, so anything art-criminal stuff such as over colouring, tracing, copying ect. will be punished in a way or another.

Art © Me (CuteFlare)