Nlia by SeekHim on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is a commission done for my by parasky

Nlia is a planet that exists in my AU 'New Start' verse.…

Name: Nlia
Class: M (Earthlike)
Size: Venus
Rotation: 26 hours
Year: 370 days
Population: 500 million
Moon: Tilva


Nlia is located in the Revla System of the Alpha Quadrant.
It is the homeworld of the NliansGEOGRAPHY

"The desert is far from barren."

"The sifting sands hold many secrets to those skilled in their lore."

Nlia has three main landmasses:
The Northern Land: A tiny northern island/continent roughly the size of Turkey.
The Western Land: A large western continent the size of Eurasia
The Eastern Land: A large eastern continent about the size of Asia.

The two southern continents are collectively referred to as the Southern Lands and mostly comprise
of desert with arid grasslands near the northern coasts.

The Northern Land, in stark contrast to the south, is covered with dense forests.

In the Southern Lands the most important skill is finding sources of drinkable water.
Oases and springs were more valuable than gold to the ancient Nlians and permanent settlements, grew around them.

Through the application of advanced technologies like hydroponics, Nlian cities extend these limited resources to support an infrastructure the equal of any in the Federation.

The planet is divided into seventeen regions/provinces.

The largest city states are:
Oslamth The Queen of Cities Western Land 1.2 million
Thonel The City of the Northern Gate Eastern Land 1 million

Helum The City ofthe Whie Harbor Eastern Land 1 million
Isma The City of White Towers Eastern Land 1 million
Khasha The City of Steel Western Land 850,000
Aaupa The City of Spices Western Land 800,000
Lareea The City of Gold Western Land 800,000
Jomiyel The City of Lights Eastern Land 800,000

While the harshness of their world could have driven the Nlians to fiercely compete over limited resources, it instead fostered a culture of cooperation, sharing, and respect for the land.

One of their most common sayings is: "Be mindful of those that will live here after you," and the Nlians have taken this to heart with a deep love and respect of the natural world.

Every city, even those in the Great Dune Sea, devotes significant resources to creating lush gardens: a custom which is aided by the Nlian mastery of desert agriculture, efficiently utilizing oases and even the meekest of subterranean water sources.

Civilization began in the Western continent
The Nlians were initially nomadic hunter-gatherers and later pastoralists.
Permanent settlements gradually formed by oases, reservoirs and along the coasts.

The Nlians came to thrive on trade and wealthy city-states developed along caravan routes.
The Western Land was home to the Great Trade Route which supported cities even in the otherwise inhospitable Dune Sea found in the center of the continent.

Marine trade between the Western and Eastern continents was so great that the narrow sea between
the two continents became known as the Trade Sea. The city of Oslamth, the largest trading port
on Nlia, would eventually become the planetary capital.

Trade was so important that cities were designated as being either a 'Caravan City**'**, where trade
was conducted by caravan, or a 'Ship City', where trade was conducted by ship. Both types of cities acknowledged that 'The caravan connects all.' for caravans brought inland goods to port cities and vice versa.

Along the northern coast of the Western Land is the Valo Hills region.
Thousands of years before the city states were founded, it was home to a variety of small
fishing communities along the coasts.

Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions forced them to flee the region in small boats.
The refugees followed the migratory patterns of the now extinct White Gliders in the hopes
of finding a new home and were led to the Northern Continent.

Upon arriving in the Northern Land, the refugees abandoned their original sea-faring lifestyle
in favor of hunting and gathering in their bountiful new home.

The Northern Land lost contact with the Southern Lands for thousands of years.
During this time the Northerners became adept at forestry and woodworking.

The Valo Hills would be plagued by periodic smaller eruptions that would make it inhospitable
for a thousand years.
Eventually the activity died down and new populations re-settled the region.
The former volcanic activity made the soil in the region incredibly fertile, transforming former
desert into rich grasslands.

The Valo Hills came to be called ‘Fertile Land’ by the Nlians that resettled the area .
By the time of the City States the area had become the breadbasket of the Western Land.

The Northern and Southern Lands would eventually reestablish contact and trade around
the Earth year 800 B.C.
By 1420 A.D, the entire planet was peacefully unified under the terms of the Concord of Unity.

In 1821 AD, the Nlians began leaving their planet and exploring their system.
Over the next two centuries they established a colony on their moon and mining installations on the ore-rich planet of Icar.
Outposts were also built on the moons of Droshen, and Zeuna the system's two gas giants.

In 2000 the Nlian began experimenting with faster than light propulsion.
In 2005 they developed warp drive.

In 2012 they made First Contact with the Tkarites, natives of a neighboring star system.
In 2054 they established regular trade relations with said Tkarites.

Nlia first begin interacting with the United Federation of Planets in 2165.
In 2210 they officially joined the Federation.

Nlia is home Tuskaro Alyen Alyen and Shylea L'Naym crewmembers of the USS Saratoga **********************************************************************

You can see a map of Nlia here

Nlia Map by SeekHim Map of Nlia by SeekHim

Learn more of the

Nlians here

Nlians The Nlians are a humanoid species native to the planet Nlia. They are a gentle race, whose culture emphasizes sharing, cooperation and love of the environment. Nlians are members of the United Federation of Planets and becoming increasingly common in Starfleet. PLANET "The desert is far from barren." The Nlian homeworld is Nlia, an M-Class planet in the Norayis Sector of the Alpha Quadrant. The planet has three main landmasses: The Northern Land: A tiny island continent roughly the size of Turkey. The Western Land: A large continent the size of Eurasia. The Eastern Land: A large continent about the size of Asia. Both the Western and Eastern continents are referred to collectively as the Southern Lands. The Southern Lands are largely arid, comprised of endless deserts, towering mesas, deep canyons and arid savannahs. In complete contrast, the Northern Land is temperate and covered with thick forests. Much of the landscape of the Southern Lands is harsh and forbiddin

See two Nlians here
Crewman Shylea L'Naym
Crewman Shylea L'Naym by SeekHim

Crewman Tuskaro Alyen

Crewman Tuskaro Alyen by SeekHim

See if you can figure out which part of the planet they’re from!

More art from the series here.…