FranBarra User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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My Bio

Hello folks!

I'm Fran Barra, Portuguese animation historian and cartoonist!

I created my own cartoon, GirlFurriends! and co-created Animated Lady!

My intention here is to entertain you all...

Favourite Visual Artist

Animators Eric Goldberg, Bob Cannon, John Williamson, Glen Kennedy et cetera...

Favourite Movies

I have so many!

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Stock Aitken WaterMan

Favourite Books

Asterix, Garfield, et cetera...

Favourite Games

SEGA games, Mario games...

Profile Comments 13

Can you do Alexandrina tap dancing (without holding their dress)?

Can you do Alexandrina wearing high heels shoes when holding their dress?

hello is the request open?