GremCorps | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Comments 1.9K

For future commenters,please read this before posting a comment, you may find your answer here.

Gremcorps has stated they no longer read notes or comments for thsi group. If you want access to the discord server, note @MrGremble or email for a invite since it's a invite only server.

For design approvals and stuff related to the ARPG ( Please wait 7 days before messaging a mod or sending in a claim note. These mods have a lot of requests to go through as well as personal lives, so please be patient.

Messaging them through the discord server is most effective.

You can also message mods and email for questions and other things for a faster reply.

The people running Gremcorps are also people, so please be kind and patient with them, and I hope this helps any future readers who are interested in the discord and answers to questions.

is there a discord i can join for this?

Yup, but you gotta message @MrGremble for the invite.

Is the arpg dead or something? I filled a simple claim for the discord server as suggested by the news post and haven't heard anything since 3 days, i also have a gibs transfer pending from another user and nothing.

have you heard anything about requests to join the group since then or the discord? I want to join but idk if i did anything wrong

@rotsevere You guys gotta message @MrGremble for a invite link, since I don't think they can send out invites themselves.

Hey, how do I join the discord?