Huy137 - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Sunny day by Huy137, visual art





Digital Art

Well, I would have no problem is he just tag his stuff and AI made. But he didn't because if he did, no one would buy commission from him again. SO basically he is trying to trick people into buy AI image with the price of real artist commission. - Please keep in mind that AI detector is just my second opinion. - My first suspicions because of his absurd change in artstyle. And then I try to run his recent image through AI detector with the expected result as 99% possitive AI made for many case.

You may hear about the challenger between Ruan Jia and an AI prompters. The link about the original topic is here: Recently, Yao Jia has made a challenger. He challenged any AI painter to complete a piece in 30 minutes based on the draft he provided. And compared it with his finished image. After 30 minutes, there's no sign of any AI prompter . Then he extend the limit time for AI prompters to 2 hours, such a generous deal. Why do you do this? Ruan Jia then explained he is not resisting technological progress Instead he said: "I don't think it's right to insult those who fell in this wave of shock. People who have worked hard, it hurts to see them being abused You shouldn't gloat on them, that's his attitude" This is his draft and finished image. ( took him 30 days to complete) And you guy guess who is the winner? Yeah, no need to guess the obviously. But

To be specific there is no such thing as "AI artist" so I 'll call them "AI prompter" as they are. Today I see this kind of answer and I'm not suprise anymore with this typical behavior among "AI prompter" : - I guess It took some grow up first and then being properly artist later, since this kind of answer sound like a kid being butthurt about their lack of artistic knowledge. - They let AI do all the work and just fix the hand in the end. I wonder how well they know about human anatomy themselves or can they even draw the hand properly at all? - Kim Jung Gi must be rolling in his grave right now knowing all his advice about" draw stuff alot to know the stuff" can as well go to trash bin with this generation of so call "AI artist"

Profile Comments 147

I'm really bummed FlowerXL started posting obviously AI art in his channel. It's not even in his style! Thank you for calling it out. I can't believe he didn't label it.. I wonder if he's deleting comments calling it out because I can only see yours.

Yeah, he indeed delete calling out comment and block me along the way. If he has anything to proved his innocent, he would show it instead of block me like that.

I hope you can spread the news so people can be well aware of his scam AI commission.

lol there's a guy on his front page posting this:


He says FlowerXL PM'd him to show him "proof" that he actually drew the pictures. When this is probably just him tracing over the AI. It's sad because he obviously knows how to draw for real. And the AI doesn't look anything close to his own art. I couldn't imagine paying someone $270 (which is a HUGE amount for a single character pic, really) and having them just churn out AI.

Yeah, that's why he is desperated to hide his AI call out, or else no one would commission him anymore.

As if he can really earn benefit from AI image without scam some one :nuu:

There is something that has been pestering me about the whole AI debacle.

We have Nightshade and Glaze, which theoretically should give artists a chance to ''poison'' the AI datasets and possibly even speed up the downfall of the whole damnable trend.

Instead, artists simply leave and move to other websites that have made it clear (or at least claim) that they won't accept AI-generated images or AI-data scraping programs on their site.

Does it not cross the minds of the quitting artists at all that by leaving they're effectively leaving a vacuum behind – which the opportunistic AI image creators will be more than happy to fill?

My concern is that this movement will get nowhere, if the artists go about this the wrong way.

I think that over the long run this will kill the graphic arts industry, to the point where it gets dropped from colleges. Why pay for an artist when a prompter can pump out dozens of complete creations in an hour or so? What's AI going to feed on then when art goes stagnant? The market (for lack of a better term) is already inundated with so much AI stuff, and it all looks the same.

- AI image creator is just like a parasite, they need some real living artwork to leech off and survive. As you already know AI generator cant feed on another AI images because it 'll collapse their data pool.

- A community full of AI images creatos is basically a dead community because they 'll feed on each other and die off over time.

- Plus you would know that most of people who spend money to buy AI image around here is bot account made by the same AI image creator, this is a fact which has been proved here:

You never know if it's wrong or right if you just stay till and wait. There're two type of people, the one who act for better outcome, and the one who do nothing and expect the better outcome.