Kimcar166 - Photographer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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In my world of pirates

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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (110)

My Bio

Hello :]

Current Residence: Canada
Favourite genre of music: Almost everything
Favourite style of art: Everything
MP3 player of choice: My old Mp3 player :] xD

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Too many to list them all :)

Other Interests

Reading, taking pictures, beeing on my computer...Photoshop ^^ Music!! (:

Sorryy I'll try to answer to all your comments soon and I'll try to take a look at all the beautiful art you have submitted recently (:

It's been a crazy week! O: I had so many things to do! I'm sorry for the late replies. I'll try to answer as soon as I can :]

Heyy :] I started a drawing a while ago, but I have no ideas for the hair and the clothes so I can't finish it :( I thought that maybe one of you me? ^^' I could show it to one of you and you could tell me if you have any ideas... :hmm: If any of you is interested, tell me :D Thanks a lot!! -------------------- French : Heyy :] Il y a quelque temps, j'ai commencé un dessin, mais je n'ai pas d'idées pour les cheveux et les vêtements alors je ne peux pas le terminer :( J'ai pensé que peut-être l'un de vous pourrait...m'aider? ^^' Je pourrais le montrer à l'un de vous et vous pourriez me dire

Profile Comments 696

bonjour Kim; quelques mots en passant pour te dire que je pense souvent à toi.

je te souhaite une magnifique année 2014.

porte-toi bien.

avec mes meilleurs souvenirs et amitié,

Louise Gisèle. :-) :heart:

Hello, is there anybody in there, just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home? T.T

bonjour Kim,
un petit instant pour te souhaiter une merveilleuse année; j'espère que tout va bien de ton côté.
mes pensées amicales t'accompagnent. porte-toi bien.
Louise. :-)

Kim. ~ ♥
Long time no see you!!
Sorry. =//
How are you? ♥
I'd like to ask if you have Facebook account?
I go there very often.
Bisous, ma chèrie. ♥

knock knock you're still alive?!

Heeyy! How are you? O:

Sorryyyy I'm soo busy! I don't have time to do anything :\ I don't even have time to sleep :(
I hope things will calm down soon :\

me misses you!! come back soon and hope everything is going fine! ><