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Small talk with your evil clonedadAll

voltron klance lancelot keitorFeatured

Light and DarknessMonochrome Factor

All Sales FinalDetroit : Become Human

AxelKingdom Hearts

UNDERTALE - amalgamatesUndertale

Time Scar - 114Time Scar -Undertale-

The Merciful SOULS 108The Merciful SOULS -Undertale-

Small talk with your evil clonedadHandplates - Undertale-

Endertale - Page 38Endertale

Life Coach - Chap. 7, page 15Flowey is not a good life coach

Bad Day part 2- page 3Dadster -Undertale-

Underfell - Waterfall - 138Underfell

DeeperDown Page 395Deeper Down - Undertale-

Reminiscence: Undertale Fan Comic Pg. 38Reminiscence -Undertale-

Chaos and EntropyReapertale

Shattered Realities - Ch.4 -  Page 20Shattered Realities -Undertale-

Butterfly's SilenceVocaloid

Box+Dock+CapDoctor Who ?

Tsubasa RC: Fai or Mokona?Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

OKAMI: Who Will WinOkami

Odinson brothersAvengers Thor et surtout Loki

Fanfic Avengers THor

Holidays at Stark Tower -finished-

Loki for PresidentOnce Again -finish-

LiteratureOur Family "Thor, please, calm down!" They were in the waiting room. Thor was extremely nervous, the reason Loki had come to stay with him. The God of Thunder, now wearing a simple but beautiful white T-shirt with jeans, walked around endlessly, murmuring something to himself. Loki, on the other hand, was sitting on the small seat next to the door, his suit swinging around as he tried to calm his brother down. "Thor, please, relax! Jane will be fine, you just need to give her some time!" "She… Sh-shouldn't she be ready already? I-It's been some time since she went into the room and-" Loki sighed. Thor was alreadA Second Chance -finish-

LiteratureLessons SharedAs they approached the doors of the infirmary, several of the repentant Avengers shifted uncomfortably. What Charlie had said had really hit home for them, and he was right. They really did have a lot to thank Loki for, and to apologise for. The Avengers, now including Loki, were meant to be a team, and they hadn't acted like one. They had excluded Loki based on past impressions, and refused to acknowledge the qualities and skills he brought to the team, and for that, they were ashamed. The five Avengers stopped just outside the Infirmary doors, not wanting to intrude if there was a family moment going on. Tony had taken Charlie to bed shortFor me -finish-

LiteratureStitched Up (20/20+epilogue?)Gradually, things gained a sense of normality in the Avengers tower, Loki and Tony being the obvious exceptions. Loki was gradually regaining his confidence, but being around Tony after what was quickly becoming known as 'The Incident' made him noticeably uncomfortable, and Tony was at a loss for what to do about it. "You have to give him time" This insight came surprisingly from their resident female spy, Natasha of course. Tony scoffed. "Because you would know all about Loki wouldn't you?" Since his coming to the tower, Natasha and Loki had barely been seen in the same room as each other. Loki assured him he wasn't offended by it, they juStitched Up -finish-

Choices and consequences -finished-

Loki Memoirs -finished-

LiteratureThe Spirit of Yule 5 (Final)Chapter 5 Thor's Room By the time Frigga returned with the bucket she found the two very content together. The spirit was resting with his head on the edge of the bed while Thor was asleep, his hand laid on top of Yule's head. She did not want to disturb the peace they were in so she placed the bucket quietly on the floor and closed the door till a crack was only there. Yule was indeed happy to be with Thor, the mortal was kind to him. He said he would protect Yule and this made him feel safe in the mortal dwelling. The spirit's ears flipped a little picking up small noises from the other parts of the home. All was quiet then, Yule stThe Spirit of Yule -finished-

LiteratureWho'd Have Known: Chapter 11 (End)Chapter 11 A/N Yup. This is it. The final installment. Buckle in because this one is long. And I mean loooong. So give yourself time to read it, or at least in chunks because this is a gut rencher. It is sad. Also, I highly recommend listening to the soundtrack as you read this. Start from Brothers Fight all the way to Earth to Asgard. BTW: If you want to really follow along with that, the final notes of Earth to Asgard should end with the final lines of the story. Yeah, it's that lined up. I'll leave a link to those songs for you who want to listen to it in the description. So sit down, grab the feels blanket and enjoy the final chapter ofWho'd have know -finished-

LiteratureTumbling DownEverything tumbles down when they are found out. It's not like Tony hasn't been expecting it. In fact, he has expected something like this to happen much earlier, but somehow they have been lucky and were able to keep it from anybody. If he thinks about it more closely the biggest surprise is probably that they were able to keep it from Pepper of all people, seeing how she literally just walks in when she wants to talk to him, even after their break up. But he pushes the thought away as he stares up at Steve from his, very comfortable, place in Loki's arms. "Hey Steve," he greets sheepishly. Steve looks like he can't quite decide how to reacTumbling Down etc -finished-

Fallen God -finished-

On thin Ice -finished-

LiteratureMelting Snow ~ Ch. 4Thor/Loki Overall NC17, this part PG-13 Contrary to his recent actions, Thor was not stupid. He might not always think about what he was doing, might sometimes - or often - run head-first into danger without thinking about the consequences, but even Thor was very much aware that he had - to put it nicely - fucked up royally. He also knew that he had to do something to prevent a war from happening. Honestly, he could understand Loki's rage and anger. Maybe he would have acted the same if their situations had been the other way around ... Without really noticing it, he stalked through the abandoned hallways, turning left and right and wanderMelting Snow -finished ?-

Skin -finished-

Remittance -finished-

Warbride - Finish -

LiteratureLoki Origins (Young Loki) 20: pt3Part 3: Reassurances Bright streaks of rainbow light erupted around them as Loki felt himself being pulled into the column of the Bi Frost. Then he felt the sensation of travelling at enormous speed and his hand tightened around his mother’s in apprehension. Just as he felt he would continue to move at this incredible rate forever and never stop, they landed and the light receded. A noise similar to the peal of thunder sounded and he looked to the ground at their feet, which was patterned with runes of safe travel. A gentle squeeze of his hand prompted him to look up to his mother and she smiled down at him, “Are you well, Loki?&Loki Origins series

LiteratureThe enemy of my enemy ch.10Chapter 10: Face-off. Thor was oddly calm once they had headed away. Somehow the thrill of battle and the promise of a fight made his worries seem like minor issues. He knew that he could help Loki by doing something, by standing by his side. Now, he only cared about speed, hurry, faster and faster. He needed to be there. Every second wasted to catch a breath could be a second too much. Tony could not follow him at the same speed, it asked too much of his suit, but Thor would see him there, he would be able to hold off any enemies long enough. He touched down on the grounds of the industrial park, just remembering Tony’s warning aboutThe enemy of my enemy

LiteratureBy The Willow Shade - Chapter 14 The next morning Willow woke up practically smothered by her own hair, as usual, and after a good ten minutes of trying to get it to behave she gave up and simply tied it back in a messy tail before getting dressed and leaving the room to join Loki for breakfast. She wasn’t quite expecting Thor to be there, though, much less to be having what appeared to be a friendly discussion with Loki, and looked between them curiously as she walked to the table. “Okay; what’d I miss?” She asked as she sat down in her usual seat, Thor moving a bit to make more room for her. “I’ve decided to set an example By The Willow Shade

LiteratureA Helping Hand - Chapter 11 Daria awoke the next morning feel oddly peaceful considering all that had happened the previous day; a large part of her stress had been due to her worrying about Loki, so knowing that he was relatively okay did wonders for her. She had breakfast in the room she had slept in then spent the rest of the morning in a very large set of rooms she was taken to afterwards; they were easily a house unto itself and Frigga told her they were Loki’s. Apparently he’d been very adamant that she be given his hall, claiming that ‘someone may as well use them’, which translated to it being the only place he’d be comfortable A Helping Hand

Song of Snow and Thunder