Aislya by lyzeravern on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Right after I have completed Destiny Night artwork, I was planning to do a realism artwork on original character design not by established artist like Tetsuya Nomura. Coincidentally, my friend :icontasukinoaijin: did created a character named Aislya. Her character was partly influence by Cloud from FF7 design hence the clothing and certain parts of her hair. You can see her original sketch design from [link] and several others if you browse through her gallery.

At first it was quite a challenging task because she instilled the tomboyish characteristic into Aislya. However, in my opinion, I would prefer if this character to show some feminine character rather than totally boyish look as how Tetsuya Nomura designed for Lightning from FF13 and Aya Brea from Parasite Eve.

As usual for my art style, I used Lyndall Jarvis as my model reference. Yeah, the one who face captured as Laughing Octopus from Beauty & Beast Corp in Metal Gear Solid 4. Certain face feature I have modified some from the original picture [link] . From the reference, obviously I have flipped the picture horizontally. Then next, I have redo her nose into fine and sharper. Then I put less eyeshadow (is it called as that? LOL) at below her eyes and then some glossy lipstick. And her eyes were intense teal color.

Her ear accessory was based on Spiro Ear Climber [link]

She kind of like sea of stars as background and some effects of FF7 lifestreams, so I did it for her. The sea of stars tutorial was referred from [link]

Doing all these, from scratch to completion, took me about 1 month and half and additional few weeks for me to get used on my new laptop. LOL :D

Oh yeah, this artwork is also a special birthday gift for :icontasukinoaijin: which I suppose to give her on February... But you know, I kind of like to take my own sweet time in order to do a secure quality artwork. Whatever is it, FINALLY it's aledy done. Here you go TasukiNoAijin and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! :hug:

Material Used:
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Wacom Graphire 4

As listed above.

Original Character Design: :icontasukinoaijin: with permission