Morrowblood3 - Professional, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureBAS Chapter 2: The Wing CeremonyCold air from the cave's depths rushes past me as I sprint inside, my sword on my back. I soon run into a couple of bats. Drawing my weapon, I swing the blade into the bats’ bodies one by one. After I have killed them, I continue onward. I encounter two slimes. I dispatch them with my sword and start to run off, when… Wait a minute. I turn around and walk back to where I killed the first slime and find a jelly blob on the ground in its place. I pick it up, remembering that small trinkets like these allow me to craft and upgrade things later on in the game. I veer off the path slightly, sensing a treasure chest nearby. Leaping off a ledge, I find a small chest and open it. Inside is a red rupee. Good. More money to buy things. I return to where I once was and push forward. I kill a few more bats and a slime along my way. Water from cave puddles seeps into my boots. I reach a wall of vines and, my instinct knowing exactly what to do, I grab hold and begin to climb. Luckily, myAll

LiteratureBlood and Spirit: PrologueAh, you’ve returned. Greetings, my friend. If you’re reading this, you must be curious about what happens next. Last you heard from me, I thought I’d finally reached the end of my quest to return home. We’d defeated Zeromus, and I had the honor of watching Cecil and Rosa’s coronation and wedding—a beautiful ceremony to be certain. Although I had to say goodbye to some of my dearest friends and my first girlfriend, experiences that were so painful that I could only put them into poetry, I was happy to see my parents again. I had closed my eyes in darkness and hoped to wake up in the light. But I was wrong. And that, my beloved reader, is where we begin this tale… Gasping, I open my eyes to find myself floating in empty space: no light, no warmth, no hope of escape. I try to cast a light with my newfound magic, but whatever sparks appear fizzle out within seconds of creating them. I look down at myself and realize that I am no longer wearing the blue dress I’d worn when I left theFeatured

The Red Machine

LiteratureA Paladin's Promise: Prologue How could this have happened? Why did I give up everything for a silly dream? I always thought I knew what I wanted, but... I suppose I was wrong. Oh, I'm sorry— you don't know what I'm talking about! My name is Adrienne Hope Rayne. As an ordinary high school sophomore, I often dreamed I lived in a fantasy world. Not that my real life was terrible— not at all! I simply realized how many more possibilities there could be in a realm with no limits. I sought magic. I sought friendship. I sought adventure. I made a mistake chasing my dream. Now I'm dealing with the consequences. This is the story of my quest through the virtual world of video games and back to the real world. It is a story of adventure, war, pain, loss, friendship, and love. Prepare yourself. This tale will change the way you look at video games. Forever. *** Creeping up to the door, a mysterious figure holds a knife firmly in his hand. He silently pushes open the door to see her asleep in bed. Good. SlowlyA Paladin's Promise

LiteratureBlood and Spirit: PrologueAh, you’ve returned. Greetings, my friend. If you’re reading this, you must be curious about what happens next. Last you heard from me, I thought I’d finally reached the end of my quest to return home. We’d defeated Zeromus, and I had the honor of watching Cecil and Rosa’s coronation and wedding—a beautiful ceremony to be certain. Although I had to say goodbye to some of my dearest friends and my first girlfriend, experiences that were so painful that I could only put them into poetry, I was happy to see my parents again. I had closed my eyes in darkness and hoped to wake up in the light. But I was wrong. And that, my beloved reader, is where we begin this tale… Gasping, I open my eyes to find myself floating in empty space: no light, no warmth, no hope of escape. I try to cast a light with my newfound magic, but whatever sparks appear fizzle out within seconds of creating them. I look down at myself and realize that I am no longer wearing the blue dress I’d worn when I left theBlood and Spirit

LiteratureA Hopeless SapphicAll women are flowers, and I am a bee. Overflowing with pollen, my fragile wings carry me into the beautifully sacred Garden of Eden. As I float from flower to flower, leaving my kisses behind, I rest on their soft flesh and revel in their sweet smell as their petals caress my body. Every flower in the garden blooms once I visit: roses, orchids, daisies, tulips, peonies, lilies, carnations, poppies, magnolias— all of you, I’m yours. As evening falls over the garden, I fly home to my hive, laden with sweet gold nectar and I store it inside, a symbol of love from my adventures. I sleep in my hive, dreaming of the flowers dancing in the breeze in paradise on Earth. I wish to immerse myself in their beauty until my own death.Daydreams

LiteratureMiseryCrying in my bed alone at night, that familiar haunting feeling floods through my veins. Eyes shining with tears, spilling out onto my pillows like a watercolor painting. Ears pressed down with my hands, listening to the complete silence of my dark, cold bedroom. Heart beating ever slower, threatening to stop entirely at any moment. Lungs full of heavy black tar, releasing toxic fumes in my body; help me, I cannot breathe. Hands clasped together in prayer, begging God for a reason why I’m not good enough for you. Stomach empty of anything to give me life and energy; no hunger, only a void. Mind paralyzed with self-hatred, wondering how truly worthless our friendship was to you. Sorrow pours from me like a rainstorm; harsh, murky. You make me rust. Coldness, paranoia, and pain: all of these things I feel now that I'm without you. Goodbye. I wish you all the best. Can I forget you? Is this... misery?Nightmares

LiteratureEverything I Know About Love3:33 A.M. Opening his eyes, Miles Edgeworth once more finds himself trapped inside that damned elevator, red lights flashing overhead. He looks down at himself. A pair of handcuffs surround his wrists this time. His heart pounding, he stands up and slams his fists into the door in sheer panic, trying to escape his confines. Unfortunately for him, he is slowly suffocating. H…Help! I can’t… b-breathe! A couple of hours later, he breaks down sobbing realizing his efforts to survive are futile. He sinks into a corner of the elevator which suddenly begins to shake and hugs himself. God, please, I-I don’t want to die! No one hears his cries… *** Waking up in a cold sweat, Miles Edgeworth clutches his head as he tries to shake off his dream. Since the DL-6 Incident all those years ago, Edgeworth has had night terrors about his father’s murder, and the mere thought that he had killed him makes him dizzy. He wishes more than anything that he could call someone right now to comfort him,Fanfiction One Shots

Solar Eclipse: August 21st, 2017Photography

Noelle SketchKrita Digital Art

After leaving the realm of Final Fantasy IV behind, Adrienne believes she is returning home at long last. However, she immediately knows something has gone terribly wrong when she wakes up in complete darkness. She begins to have a nightmare, and when she wakes in a bed that isn't hers, she realizes she is now in the world of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Knowing full well what lies ahead, she must now figure out how to navigate Skyloft and the realms below the clouds. Will she return home, or will she meet her end?

Blood and Spirit: Prologue by Morrowblood3, literature

BAS Chapter 1: The Missing Loftwing by Morrowblood3, literature

BAS Chapter 2: The Wing Ceremony by Morrowblood3, literature