SavePlanetEarth | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Helping to Save Planet Earth



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New group layout: How to submit to the group

You can use this workaround tell dA fixes the problem with the new groups layout

Thank you to ambient-avalancer, AndreaGodoy and Foolish-Hearts for giving me insights to this workaround and having it currently applying to all group folders

1st; Click on your deviation , 2nd; On your deviation page you will see a button that says add to group click on that and you will get a list of groups you can submit your stuff to, click on that group and it will open a list of the folders inside of that group. (you should be able to do this for all groups that you are at least a member in), 3rd; Find the folder inside of the group all well still on your deviation page, click on that folder, If all goes well you have just submitted your deviation submission into the groups folder.

You can also follow this route

Another way is to click "Submit" on the right of the group's header bar. Choose the drawing from your gallery, then select the folder you wish to submit to from the drop-down menu at the upper left of the window.

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Group Info

THIS IS OUR GROUP. OUR GROUP IS FOR THE ART AND THE ARTISTS. Earth is the Mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. Nature photography, digital, traditional, fractal arts accepted as well as literary commentary and all mediums relating to the love of ecology, the natural world, and of humanity.

Beginning on March 25, 2024, groups will be automatically migrated, starting with inactive groups. All groups will be migrated by April 8, 2024. The official DeviantART journal is bellow I decided to migrate now and not on April 8th so I and hopefully many of the groups Co-Founders as well and group members can get used to the new look. If you decide to leave I will not blame you as the new groups look is a bit jarring. For those that stay I can tell you that I am getting used to the new groups look and systems just like you are. Thank you for your time Your founder SpaceShipEarth

I can not imagine a human like her. She is humble but she acts so noble. She is funny but she seems cool...She is the best street photographer but she also creates photomanipulations without vampire ladies. She never acts; she is so honest on her daily life but she can change both her character and visualisations by acting like a professional when she is modelling SHE IS MY BEST MODEL SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: .. Today I visited her gallery and choose some photographs to add my journal. It was not that easy to decide what to choose. So I took some random shots here are some gems from :iconcanakk:..

What would be more important if humanity does not exist on earth one day; what will remain from huge civilisation we created. And how would Gılgamesh or such mythologic characters will succeed to be remembered, if we can not leave some evidences that we lived on that BLUE PLANET :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: The humanbeing on Neolithic age did not have such ideas, they were struggling with the existing problems they have, but they left Gobeklitepe to us. So now we are aware that they passed from earth. Now we  can have an idea of how they lived and what they do to survive The importance of GOBEKLİTEPE makes

Comments 717

Photography Folder 5 is full...

thank you will create a new one sorry for the wait

Thank you for accepting me as a new member in your fine group. Handshake

Humans' unsustainable EXPLOITATION OF NATURE is what's killing Life on Earth.. & only 'en masse' can we improve our chances to reverse its ill effects, if we listen to the scientists & change our consumption habits: buy only NON-GMO, ORGANIC, SUSTAINABLE & VEGAN.. as well as urge our lame-ass leaders to DIVEST from harmful industries like LOGGiNG, MiNiNG & O&G.. Give sovereignty back to Nature-wise indigenous communities.. Use less energy - bicycle & walk more, & DRIVE LESS! Billionaires' footprints are 100X worse than ordinary peoples - & they're the ones driving us all to extinction, along with the polluting corps they head up! Decreasing demand for THEIR unsustainable products that are destroying Mama Nature's biodiversity (flora & fauna & their habitats) & regenerative systems -- while INCREASING demand for low-footprint processes like regenerative farming & renewable energy -- will force govts to HEED THE MASSES (i.e. US) & INVEST IN A CLIMATE-BALANCED, NATURE-FRIENDLY FUTURE~!! Tks..XO

We need to stop breeding like rabbits!

You are right :nod: