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is seriously stressing out...

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Artists Block by shappirexrose, visual art

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Favourite Visual Artist

all of em'

Favourite Movies

shutter island

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

three days grace

Favourite Writers

Max Turner

Favourite Games

I use to like 'The Sims' alot?

Tools of the Trade

workin' hard 4 what i luv

Other Interests

hmm, dA, fanfiction, (maybe LJ), biology (LOL nerd :B), animals, jewelry, beaches (Australia!<3)

I've made a very tough decision and after many weeks of debate I've decided to either DELETE THIS ACCOUNT or leave it FOREVER. And by leaving it forever I mean just keeping this account and never using it again. Either way you won't hear from me again. Sorry but I found somewhere else a lot better than Da to spenD my time, plus there's too many viruses on this site not to mention it freezes. So I guess this is goodbye, and it's been fun but time for me to go....... ADIOS BITCHES, KRISTY'S GOT A TUMBLR YO! :la: :la: :la:

Ya know what I'm done stressing. I've decided NOT to leave for a few months, because I'm not sick , not stressed, not fustrated, not anything anymore. The reason? I crammed. I went on a freakin homework marathon and did EVERYTHING. Ah it feels good to be remotely relaxed and not tired again.  *dances* :la: ~I'll continue check my dA when I get extra time (or if I'm really bored) ~Shappi :P

I'm really busy with life at the moment. I'm tired, sick, and just want to relax like any normal person, but I can't. there's too much work for me to do and I need to find another college and finish a extremely important experiment. Homework and sleep are my top priorities right now (don't even know if I spelled that correctly, kinda dizzy right now). So well...bye I guess I'll be back in a few months (maybe) it all depends on how I feel, and hell right about now I feel like crap. Oh yeah, Merry (late) Christmas. ~Shappi

Profile Comments 516

Thanks for the favs. :)

No problem hun ;P

I read you're Sig Listening to a sad song and I started to cry a little bit

Ah, no need to cry! *hugs*

So who was he/she? ( I don't remember the gender ^^; )