Stardate Devon 03 by sodacan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Vulcans In The Attic
Working at beach coffee was all about the money for Devon. Since Curtis was away at school, things were just not as much fun at the coffee shop as they used to be. It helped pay for tuition and books, she got good shifts, but she wasn't sure about the assistant manager, the boy who hired her. Maybe he was just being a friend, but he touched her a lot. Kinda gross. As she was thinking about it, Marty walked into the shop. He must be home from school on Easter break, she thought as she ran over and gave him a big hug.

"Welcome back Captain!", she said as they hugged. Marty was short, Devon was average for a girl so they were about the same height.

"Good to be back Lieutenant." They both laughed at the joke. The embrace lasted a little longer than a friendly welcome and Devon broke it off.

"Grab a table outside, I'm almost ready for a break. We can catch up." Devon was glad to see a friend, it broke up the boredom.

"Cool" was Marty's response and he went out to the patio to have a seat.

As Devon was making Marty's espresso, Jason, the assistant manager, approached her.

"Devon, I overhead you talking to that guy. You've been here a little over an hour, you're not eligible for a break."

This was unexpected. Jason usually let her do what she wanted. What was the problem here? Maybe if he was a Vulcan, she wouldn't have to worry about him. He could understand the logic of why she wanted to take a break.... "A Vulcan" she thought.... "That would be cool"....

Cue 60s Star Trek intro music.....

..... Due to the treaty, Federation Starships usually were not allowed in Vulcan space. True they were part of the Federation, but they had Vulcan specific ships and those were the one's that usually patrolled Vulcan.

As they entered the Vulcan homeworld, a spokesperson from planet Vulcan came on the screen. Before a word was said, Devon quickly put up the sign of "Live Long and Prosper". Captain Benjamin gave Lt Devon a slight elbow to the side. He recognized as half Vulcan, half human, she was glad to see Vulcan, but he was concerned her excessive display of emotion might upset the officials on Vulcan.

"Live Long and prosper, Lt Devon.... Captain Benjamin." I am Minister Jason. "Allow me to get straight to the point. You have had Lt Devon for an extended period of time. Vulcan needs their daughter to come home"

The "Inquisitor" was a science vessel and not a ship of war, but there was no way Martin Benjamin was going to let Minister Jason take his prized first officer. "By order of the Treaty of Delbus 5, Vulcan has the right to man their ships as they see fit while Star Fleet has complete autonomy of the staffing of her own vessels. it's true Lt Devon is a citizen of Vulcan, but she is under Star Fleet command.... under my command." Benjamin was firm, but not forceful.

"Captain, you are in Vulcan space. It would be illogical.... and unwise, to challenge the decision of the Vulcan High Command." Minister Jason wanted his citizen back, but "why?", thought Benjamin.

Devon spoke up, "Captain, I am a Starfleet Officer, but I am also a citizen of Vulcan. It is unfortunate, but I must comply with the requests of the Vulcan High Command. It would be illogical to risk the safety of the Inquisitor and it's crew for one officer. May I remind you, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few."

"Or the one...." Said Benjamin.

"Martin T Benjamin, I will forever be your friend."

With that, Devon was energized and disappeared. She was now on Vulcan.

"Devon!" yelled Benjamin.

"Devon.... Devon!" Jason snapped his fingers. "Fine. I'll give you your 15 minutes early, but you owe me...."

Devon left to go on break without considering what "owe me" could potentially mean....

2400 x 3600 download
Stardate Devon 04
Stardate Devon 04 by sodacan

Devon is G3 from Daz3D with Deco anime head
Deco head/body conversions from :iconamyaimei: