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LiteratureThe Little Peach - 14Fear and surprise can do wonders to the rational mind. Looking outside of the situation, one would think the obvious thing to do when seeing a maniacal rapidly growing Oni is run in the opposite direction and never look back. To be entirely fair, several of the villagers did exactly that. But the majority of the kingdom, especially those who had previously been inside the palace, could do little more than gawk at who had been one of their most trusted guards. “I quit,” Marsupilami said while raising his hand and tail. “How could this have happened?!” Clarabelle was close to having her legs give way, her arms tightlyAll

LiteratureThe Little Peach - 14Fear and surprise can do wonders to the rational mind. Looking outside of the situation, one would think the obvious thing to do when seeing a maniacal rapidly growing Oni is run in the opposite direction and never look back. To be entirely fair, several of the villagers did exactly that. But the majority of the kingdom, especially those who had previously been inside the palace, could do little more than gawk at who had been one of their most trusted guards. “I quit,” Marsupilami said while raising his hand and tail. “How could this have happened?!” Clarabelle was close to having her legs give way, her arms tightlyFeatured

LiteratureThe Son Of Scheherazade, 28One minute earlier, Panchito asked, “You guys hear something?” though he hated to interrupt the group study session. Mickey's arm was still mighty sore, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from planning a way out and saving Minnie. Scheherazade was helping draw blueprints of the palace on the stone floor with Jose's umbrella, and Goofy was trying to pick out points where they could ambush their enemies. Daisy was trying to think of wishes the Phantom Prince could use, so Donald could come up with ways to counter them. Mickey was about to reply that no, he hadn't heard anything, when he felt a hard pull on his scar. He wincedSon of Scheherazade

LiteratureAs Dawn Broke, EpilogueSix Months Later “I'm not wearing this thing.” Mickey tossed the gigantic white hat to the side. “And you can't make me.” He knew that today was special and he should look his best, but he had his limits. Plus, he was sure the special person of the day wasn't going to mind. “We're gunna be late if you keep this up!” The sun hadn't risen yet, but everyone in the Sun Kingdom was already awake and ready for the day. Horace grunted as he picked up the discarded hat. “Forgive me for trying to make you look presentable! It's a wedding. Everyone's expecting you to be formal.” “Nobody's going tThe Sun And The Moon

LiteratureDisney Storybits 35There was something to be said for love at first sight – it had its uses. Morgana had believed in such things when she was a little girl, but then she also believed in fairy tales and the Easter Goblin. Children grow out of these fantasies, but much to her own embarrassment, she continued to believe that love existed. She loved her father - she loved her schoolteachers - but that was different from the longing she’d have when looking alone at the moonlight through her window. She would try to reason with her herself that only money and the power it came with would bring happiness, yet time and time again she’d wistfully sigDarkwing Duck

LiteratureDisney Storybits 22When you first hear the news, you're also the last to know. You're usually the last to hear any kind of news, since you're always in the boiler room with your latest blueprints and inventions. Someone always has to come and find you if news needs to be shared. That 'job' was usually Minnie's and you prefer it that way. She always stays after she's shared the news, asking about what you've been working on, and you enjoy her company. This time it's Jessica and she has to knock your hat off before you lift your head up and actually listen to what she's saying… it's not Minnie, because the news is about Minnie. Jessica's expressions are tySteamboat Steampunk

LiteratureDisney Storybits 60All in all, it had turned out to be a typical day for Scrooge McDuck, as he dusted off the last remnants of Magica’s failed spell off of his clothes. “That may be one for the record books.” He said mostly to himself, glancing up at the tree where Magica had crashed into. “Are you stuck?” “Shut up.” Magica replied, not surprising him in the least. “This is a little depressing,” Brigitta said next to Scrooge, her hair having yet to change back to its original color. Magica’s spell had been a doozy, but ultimately a failure. “Shut up,” Magica said again, before falling ouScrooge Magica

LiteratureDisney Storybits 65It was getting pretty late, and sleeping in the ship was uncomfortable – as Mickey had personally experienced some time ago – so it was mutually agreed that they would set up camp. Riku wasn’t much of a conversationalist, so Mickey did most of the talking, sharing stories from his youth. Every now and then Riku would nod, or ask a small question, wearing the faintest hint of a smile as he did. As the sky grew darker, Mickey volunteered to take the first shift of “guard duty”. They argued about this for a few turns, but Riku eventually relented – he was learning that the King could be very stubborn. It remiMisc.

LiteratureDisney Storybits 37This had been an extremely bad idea from the start and it was going to get so much worse. Mickey kept swallowing and he was sure by the end of the hour he was going to run out of spit. He wished more than anything that something would break the silence, aside from Horace turning the pages. He’d even be grateful for an earthquake that would push one of the walls down and flatten Mickey like a bug. He deserved it, honestly. Everything up to this point had been his fault, and judging from Horace’s glowering stare at the written word, it was going to get worse. So much worse. Horace had gotten to the last page, and when he looked up,Acting School

LiteratureDisney Storybits 7When the dust settled, the ringleader of the traders lay twitching underneath the rocks, still alive, but very much in pain. As the townspeople stared in shock at the defeat, the other traders had wisely ran off without a single slave to their name. As for the hero, he did his best to ignore the eyes and murmurs, ever so calmly picking up his hat. He turned around, and addressed the red-haired maiden who was clutching her injured father. "Well." He clicked his tongue, realizing the awkwardness of the situation. "Like I was tryin' to say before... I have a message to you from Don Flats. His wife is givin' birth, so there will be a delay in thMessenger Dragon

LiteratureDisney Storybits 19It was almost as if that dreadful winter had never happened, judging by the warm weather and the overflowing plant life all over the kingdom. Mickey still didn't really understand the connection between the kingdom's well-being, the princess, and Uncle Scrooge's magic, but he was happy in his ignorance since he was only a small child. Even now as he and the family he had been adopted into approached the gigantic pale castle, he didn't bother asking just why Scrooge needed these daily visits, nor why when Scrooge returned he always looked thoroughly exhausted. What mattered most in those visits was the rare glance at the castle over the massivKnights of Dreams

LiteratureDisney Storybits 46There had been six million ways to go about this and eventually Mickey had rejected them all. This was something to be done with absolute precision and perfection, which was difficult when he was an imprecise and imperfect mouse. It was rather ironic that an idea that was supposed to guarantee a lifetime of joy was giving him nothing but anger and frustration first. He was distant to his friends, and often ignored meals. There were many chances to put the plan into action, but something always went wrong, and for a sad while Mickey gave up. Perhaps he should hold off on asking her all together. Then, one day, on a day that wasn’t diffeMusketeers

LiteraturePirates Versus Privates, 34Alcatraz hadn't changed much since Mickey had nearly gone there last time. It was still a cold, desolate island in the middle of nowhere, since it was supposed to be a place where people sent pirates so they could be forgotten about forever. Today was the exact opposite. All eyes were on the island, with dozens of ships in the water and in the air going around the world renowned prison. A meeting was happening inside that hadn't been heard of in years, and everyone wanted to listen in on it. On this mutual territory, the rulers of the four kingdoms were deciding the fate of piracy. Mickey and Minnie had been pulled from the cold water and rePirates Versus Privates

LiteratureThe Scarlet, 15The fire from the Rodawn theater didn't take long to touch upon adjacent buildings, sending the city into fear. The wealthy were forced to pick what possessions they valued most before fleeing their homes, while those without possessions to pick were able to help others evacuate friends faster. Water tanks on wheels and firefighters on crotchety small engines arrived as fast as they could, shouting for volunteers to aid them, unable to catch up with the speed of the flames on their own. There was no time to cry over lost valuables when every hand was needed. One of the few places the fire had yet to reach was the remains of the school whereThe Scarlet

LiteratureLove Like Lava Epilogue“You don't have to do this, you know.” Donald knew his statement was obvious, yet he felt a need to say it anyway. “You don't owe him anything... except maybe a kick to his almighty shin.” “I know,” Mickey casually replied, finishing the last strikes with his hammer upon his project. “But when I had this in mind, it was for someone huge, and he's the only guy big enough to use it. Besides, I like makin' stuff for folks.” “Oh, Mickey.” Minnie was sitting on his workbench, admiring him with a swooning sigh. “You've got such a big heart.” “If you two are going to geLove Like Lava

LiteratureSegreto, 7Mickey had taken the coward’s way out so many times before that surely adding one more to the list couldn’t hurt. That was what he had tried to tell himself as he escaped the palace as the sun waited in the sky, but his heart still pained with every throb. He knew he could not be a witness to the wedding, but at least he could be with company. No one noticed him as he walked throughout the kingdom, since everyone was so devoted to what they would do for the wedding they did not dare to stop and allow their thoughts to rest. So he left the kingdom as easily as if he did not exist at all, and he retraced his steps to the time he firSegreto

LiteratureMysterious Masquerade, 3Minnie’s voice was barely above a whisper. “What?” She had tried to stay away from the doors, fearing what was on the opposite side, and had sat on Cinderella's throne, her tiny legs dangling. “Why didn’t you tell me anythin’ about this!” Mickey slammed his hands on the door, needing to feel something besides fear for once, even if it was a ridiculous bout of anger. “We never, ever, ever host a day in the club without talkin’ to each other! All the acts, all the cartoon shorts, we always talk it over first! I know I’m not that bright, but… but I thought my opinion was importaMysterious Masquerade

LiteratureThe Nutcracker Prince, 7Goofy wasn't one of the guards who had been given the strange order to let any intruders in, but it was probably for the best. If he'd thought about it too hard, he might have gotten a headache. He was in the midst of taking yet another nap at his post when he heard hoofbeats, and when he woke up he saw exactly what he was expecting – horses. Though he certainly hadn't been expecting the riders – hadn't those people escaped before? What in the world were they doing coming back? He stood up straight, holding the empty shotgun and mulling over his options. He'd been trying to prevent people from entering the kingdom so they could aThe Nutcracker Prince

LiteratureThe Last Straw, 5Donald didn't so much sleep and wake up as he actually passed out and eventually resurfaced to the living world. The pain had never stopped, and instead grew worse with every waking minute. It had now become such horrendous agony that it reached his entire body – his stomach threatened to empty everything he'd ever eaten, tears never stopped flowing out of his eyes, and there were times he questioned his very sanity. The only way he knew any time had passed at all was when the sun had begun to prod him through the window. If it was day, then that must mean the King was going to return, and while Minnie believed wholly in the magician, DThe Last Straw

LiteratureWelcome To Spookyville - 5For the final tale in Spookyville, we return once more to the pumpkin-filled park, where our heroes – protagonists? – maybe “main victims” is the best term – were quietly passing the time, waiting patiently for another man's arrival. Goofy had set up a lovely picnic, and Donald and Mickey were eating away, their manners impeccable and their taste buds questionable. As they waited, they discussed the topic of the day – the word “normal”. Normal is relative in Spookyville. If something happens to you enough times, you might consider it normal for your day to day life. Today, for example, Mayor MiWelcome to Spookyville

LiteratureShattered - 11Minnie could no longer be sure about the truth of the weather, for her insides stayed cold no matter how roughly she rubbed her hands as she rode one of the reindeer with Goofy. Ratface stayed on her shoulder, cuddled up close only because he “felt an itch” that her ear was good to scratch, and nothing more, so he'd insist. Occasionally from within the carriage beside them Daisy would call out and ask if Minnie was all right. Minnie would lie and say yes she was, and Daisy would pretend to believe it since there was nothing she could do to fix it. As the hours piled on, so did the snow, starting lightly in front and then growing hShattered

LiteratureThe Little Peach - 14Fear and surprise can do wonders to the rational mind. Looking outside of the situation, one would think the obvious thing to do when seeing a maniacal rapidly growing Oni is run in the opposite direction and never look back. To be entirely fair, several of the villagers did exactly that. But the majority of the kingdom, especially those who had previously been inside the palace, could do little more than gawk at who had been one of their most trusted guards. “I quit,” Marsupilami said while raising his hand and tail. “How could this have happened?!” Clarabelle was close to having her legs give way, her arms tightlyThe Little Peach

The Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of the Moon warred for decades, and only recently have obtained peace. When the princess of the moon invites the prince of the sun to her birthday celebration, it sets off a chain of events that could either spell a beautiful romance, or the end of one kingdom.

As Dawn Broke, Epilogue by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 15 : Part Two by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 15 : Part One by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 14 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 13 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 12 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 11 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 10 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 9 by steamboat-promises, literature

As Dawn Broke, 8 by steamboat-promises, literature