FUSE Corp - Lukodol by SuperSonicGX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Lukodol (Lucario/Krookodile/Golurk)

Classification: Tomb Keeper FUSEmon

Client: :iconyaterthegamer:

Special Ability: Terra Cotta
"Boosts the wielder's defensive stats in a sandstorm."
(Note: While in a sandstorm, Lukodol's physical and special defense are increased by 33%)

Signature Move: Sobek's Wrath
Category: Physical
Type: Dark
Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
"Inbued with a godly power, the user unleashes a savage onslaught on the opponent. User must recharge after use." ----------------------------------------------------- "...This is...kind of surreal to talk about, if you want be to be honest. After 10+ months of slowly chipping away it...it's finally done. The last fusion I have on my list has finally taken shape! Not that these weren't fun to make; they certainly were, but I'm just happy that I can finally get this list off my back so I can focus on other things. Though, I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Without further delay, allow me to introduce you to...Lukodol, the Tomb Keeper FUSEmon!"

"In terms of design, Lukodol boasts a powerful, raptor-like stature and is clad in Golurk's signature stone armor, still glowing with the power of the ancient magic that brought the original automatons to life. Dramatics aside, Lukodol's design has a very ancient feel to it, and the glowing segments of the Golurk armor adds to this quite nicely. Even the Lucario elements, which are significantly downplayed compared to my other Lucario-based fusions, help compliment the design. The dreadlocks-turned-spines, in particular, when matched with the Krookodile head, invokes the appearance of a mighty desert god by the name of Sobek...according to my notes, anyways. Overall, I am quite a fan of this design. Not quite my favorite, but still pretty high up there."

"For personality, I'd best describe Lukodol as a sleeping Ursaring. Under normal circumstances, it's quite stoic and reserved in nature, not really bothered by anything (not surprising, given the 'mons it's fused from). But if you dare try to cross it, then may Arceus have mercy on your poor soul...you'll need as much as you can get. Thankfully, this has never actually happened...yet...and I really hope it doesn't. I'd rather not hear the sound of several dozen FUSE Corp scientists nagging in my ear about damaged property or personnel..."

"Ahem...anyways...battle specs. Given the three components that it's made up of, it's no surprise that Lukodol sports TREMENDOUS power...even rivaling some Legendary 'mons, in fact. Couple that with some impressive defense, thanks to that armor, a powerful signature move, and it being a lot faster than you'd probably expect out of something this big, and you've got quite the dominant force on your hands. And that's not even mentioning its special ability. You know how the Sand Force ability amps up a Pokemon's attack during a sandstorm? Terra Cotta is kinda the same thing...but for defense instead! You catch this guy while a sandstorm is up, Lukodol becomes virtually unstoppable...not quite Sczaggia levels, but still really flippin' high!"

"And with that, I believe that closes the book on this little saga of mine. Gotta say, this has been a ton of fun for me, using a lot of different Pokemon I've never even used before. Got some really impressive combos out of this, too...but I'm just as glad to start working on other things again! As for this guy, I think I'll station him in front of my high-security vaults. With how mighty this guy is, I highly doubt ANYONE will be getting in there any time soon."

_-----------------------------------------------------_10 months later, and I finally finished that list of fusions I had! Feels great to finally have this done and dusted! (If only I could've found out what YaterTG's DA name is...) For the curious, here's the other fusions from that list that I made:
fav.me/dcevcqd , fav.me/dci09in , fav.me/dcn1jbd , fav.me/dctnlm7 , fav.me/dcwsn57 , fav.me/dcynb2z

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this, and I hope you're looking forward to what I have in store next...and also give my commission page a look if you haven't already (hopefully by then, I'll have sorted out all these stupid issues I've been having with PayPal): fav.me/dd247ma