Explore the Best Fatboyfriend Art | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureHera and TedHera Hoffman was a young college student who constantly did her best to try and fit in, desperate for friends and company. The problem was she wasn’t exactly in tune with what was ‘in’ or ‘trending’ and had vastly different interests than most of the girls around her age. She was very short and petite, so her clothes often were oversized. Her trademark outfit was usually a sweater two sizes too big with some sort of video game or anime character featured on the front and a pair of loose fitting mom-jeans to hide her figure even more. Her skin was pale with a natural slightly blotchy red hue on her cheeks. Her haiLiteratureOliver and Clara (2)Clara woke up one morning to the scent of something delicious coming from the kitchen. She had stayed the night at Oliver’s house which she did quite frequently since they didn’t live together and she still lived at home with her parents. His place was so organized and clean, he had always like to keep things neat. He probably went a little overboard but its most likely the result of him feeling finally free, living in his own home for the first time. For almost his whole life he had to deal with practically raising 3 younger siblings and it felt good to get away and be his own person, and especially to not have to worry about chiMac (fanart)LiteratureOliver and Clara (5)Oliver and Clara were on a date together, they usually went out together at least once a week. This time it was an ice cream date and they were both enjoying way too much ice cream together and chatting. “Oh I forgot to ask, how was your appointment today?” Asked Clara. “Eh just the usual, nothing important to note. Oh but Rose got a new headgear and she definitely wasn’t happy about that.” “Oh? Why?” “Its like bigger, bulkier than the other one. Its called interlandi or something. Poor girl though she absolutely hates it and its wired in just like the last one.” “Aw. I feel badLiteratureMy Little Sunshine (3)"Eiko can I give you a makeover?" I asked. "Why? I thought you said I was perfect just the way I am." She said, beginning to tear up. "No no! You absolutely are perfect, really! I just meant—" "Then why would you say that?" She asked. "I just mean for fun, Eiko. You never did that with your friends before?" "Oh... for fun. No, I only ever saw people on TV do it. My only friends were Eichi and Yua." "Yua?" "My fox plushie." She said, hugging it tighter. "Oh..." I said, starting to feel a bit bad for her but I shook away the feeling after realizing she's happy. Not everyone needs millions of friends. "Well can I or not? I promiseLiteratureOliver and Clara (1)Oliver was just about the nicest guy you could ever meet. He was kind and warm, welcoming and good-humored, the basic definition of southern charm. He was pretty good looking too, with nice brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes. Despite being seemingly outgoing, he was actually quite shy. Which, unfortunately his timidness was a result of an unfair history of being bullied. He grew up as a chubby kid and as he got older he graduated into the category of, well, to put it plainly, fat. In his teen years he realized a passion and love for the culinary arts, he was actually quite gifted. By 16 he could make just about any elaborate dish. FromLiteratureGina and Mia (Oneshot) Before you read: This is a very fast braces story that I’ve been keeping for a while. Super quick straight to the point, anyways, enjoy! Once there was a perfect family. A mom a dad and their two teenage twin daughters Gina and Mia. Gina and Mia were both good students, cheerleaders, and they both babysat. They had blonde hair and big mouths. One day they had a dentist appointment. The dentist looked at their teeth and told them, “Gina and Mia you two need braces.” “Braces?” They said in unison. “Yes, I will set up an appointment next week hows that?” Their appointment was set and stacy and sarahLiteratureVampire with braces? 2Before reading- If youre not familiar with monster high lingo, A boovie is the same as a movie except its all monsters and no humans. anyways, enjoy! Vince woke up with a mouth full of sore teeth once again, he was truly starting to dread the feeling. When he had came home with broken wires and brackets after the whole incident with Manny, Vince’s mother surprisingly wasn’t mad. It was quite strange even, the vampiress actually apologized to the boy, saying something along the lines of “Oh my poor baby I’m so sorry! You’re just as much of a vampire as anyone else and I shouldn’t have ignored that. We are g