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LiteraturePreppingPrepping Admittedly, this little adventure is loosely based on the Ship of Theseus paradox. Go ahead, look it up. Carlie had to sigh as she shut the door to her room. She plopped onto her bed, pulling out the halter top with the generous size for cleavage on it. She sighed again, knowing what she’d have to do to get ready. Her friends were arriving in a few hours, so she didn’t have much time. She stood up, going to her chest of drawers to try and decide which one she’d want to wear. Which one really fit the theme of a nightclub that she’d want to go with. As she looked at the contents of the drawer she felt only a little creeped out. There were three or four heads in there, all of them blank-eyed, but looking up at her. It always felt a little unnerving to see that. She sighed again. “Okay then.” She pulled out the blonde with the long hair that she knew would get some attention. “No, not yet.” For a few minutes, Carlie placed the head on her nightstand and took a red marker toLiteratureNightingale 8Song of the Nightingale Part 8 of the Nightingale Saga This series has been based almost entirely on the characters of the Royal Thieves from the Top Games game “Evony; The King’s Return.” The game is worth it and, I hope, you enjoy the series as well. I can only take some credit for this as it’s all lore based on the characters I created with my own imagination. Nightingale had to smile. She just had to. Stepping out of the booth meant another recording session completed, with her favorite manager and producer in attendance. Sure, they’d been together for nearly 3000 years now, and they’d done a lot. Still, with the way the world of Evony was, now, breaking into places to steal things was not the best way to get their primary occupation done, so, instead, they “went legit.” Even though she was over 3000, Nightingale looked to be in her early- to mid-twenties. Nell, ever the sharp mind, thought they could possibly work an angle with him as her producer and Duke, always ready forLiteratureThe InheritanceThe Inheritance This story was inspired by Ms. Frankie’s three-part rendering of two girls who end up sawing each other in half. Blame her if this doesn’t go out well. Katie pulled into the long drive, not believing Laurie’s luck. How in the world had she gotten this? As she pulled up to the house, no, mansion, she was absolutely flabbergasted. Sure, she and Laurie had been friends for as long as she could remember. She could even remember Laurie talking about her Uncle Mark and Aunt Peggy, and even saw one of their shows once. But she had no idea how Laurie ended up inheriting her uncle’s entire estate. Especially since they’d been dead for 3 years. As she pulled up, Laurie practically bounded into the garage, full of cars, where Katie parked. She hugged Katie, then spread her arms wide. “Welcome to my home.” Katie had to know. “How in the hell did you get this?” Laurie sighed. “You know Uncle Mark and Aunt Peggy couldn’t have kids. They kind of adopted me as theirs, even though myLiteratureThe Class ProjectThe Class Project Ari huffed again, not sure what she was doing. She was failing her 11th grade art class, and was told that, unless she managed to find something spectacular, she’d likely completely flunk it and have to retake the class over summer. She tried all the usual tricks, the begging, the shameless flirting, even trying, one day, to show a little extra skin for the teacher, but he refused to budge. She had to make an art project unlike any other. So, she had only one choice. Jackson. I mean, yeah, they’d been friends for she wasn’t sure how long. She knew he’d dabbled in magic a little, but still wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Today, he only said to tie her shirt up or come in a crop top. She had the kind of body that looked good like that, so that wasn’t what made her nervous. All he told her was that he’d take care of everything for his version of Modern Art. But there was no cabinet, no huge prop for her to get into. All he came in with was his usual gear. SheLiteratureThe BathtubOkay, so I lied, but this isn't an NBM story. Ready for something a little twisted? Based on a story I wrote years ago, one that was much more twisted.... Emmy still didn't feel totally right. There was something about this apartment the 13 year old and her mom moved into, one that came very cheap because, apparently, the former inhabitant disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to her, but Emmy could feel the chill every time she went into her room. It wasn't her mom's fault. As a first-year nurse, her mom didn't have much money to support them, but they had this place now. Emmy took some comfort in that fact, but she often felt like she was being watched in her room or when she was trying to study. Emmy was a good student, she knew her stuff. Sure, she felt a little behind because other girls her age were already developing, but she hadn't, not yet. She wondered if there was something wrong with her, but, for now, it was this apartment that had her really concerned. StillLiteratureThe Know-it-allThe Know-it-all Based loosely on the original title in the original site, this story has a different outcome for @MagicalFirefly Carlie, one that, I think, is going to be fun. So, all of Carlie’s friends knew of her fascination with magic. Ever since she saw that video of a double-sawing, with both women looking like they were enjoying the experience, she’d fantasized about it for a long time. She’d often have dreams about it, but never told anyone. It came as no surprise, to her, when one of her friends, Arianna, decided to take her to a magic show. He was supposed to be one of the better illusionists, but Ari told Carlie she’s already prepared ahead of time. She knew all the tricks. Carlie knew what Ari was trying to do. Sure, Ari was a friend, and she trusted her, but Ari had the idea that she could pierce Carlie’s dreams and fantasies by showing her what these tricks were really all about. For about an hour, as Ari sat next to her, Carlie watched, amazed as the magician, a guy238blhaJxoWMb9muVH9q--1--ax1h4 (1) (1)LiteratureThe SimulationThe Simulation Carlie still wasn’t sure she was comfortable with this idea. Jim had come to her with this new idea to make VR a “totally immersive experience.” So that was how he got her in this skin-tight, completely covering thing all over her body that left her face free and had her about ready to jump into this water. According to Jim, he had something that he knew she would want to experience, something that, he hoped, would relay to let her actually feel it, not just see it. She had the VR goggles in one hand and already had the O2 attachment over the lower half of her face. She could use the radio to communicate to Jim and he’d talk into the earpiece that was now covered by this thing. “Anything wrong, Carlie?” Carlie sighed, not sure again. “No, just not sure what to expect.” He was trying to be reassuring. “There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just a simulation, nothing that happens to you in there is likely to come even close to what’ll be happening out here. The suit’ll