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When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth!All

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth!Featured

stuff i needto read

Literature{Candy} Sugawara Koushi x ReaderTo: F/n From: Cutie <3 Hey, just wondering where you were today! Class was so boring without you, I wish you would have told me you were going to skip :( I chuckle after glancing at my phone, holding my stomach as it spasms once more. I quickly reach for another candy but realize that the bowl is empty. I flip my h/c hair over my shoulder hastily before sending a reply back. To: Cutie <3 From: F/n I’m so sorry, today wasn’t very good...girl problems. I should be back tomorrow! Promise! Throwing my phone on the couch next to me, I slowly rise into a standing position, grimacing in pain. I wrap my small hand around the boHaikyuu

LiteratureSaving the Alpha (Owen Grady x Raptor!Reader) WARNING! THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE FILM, JURASSIC WORLD! PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN CAUTION AND DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU BECAUSE AS FROM ABOVE, AGAIN, THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE FILM, JURASSIC WORLD! If any of you are wondering why I'm doing's for the fun of it. I've seen the movie and I praise it for being very good and original. I recommend it to you if any of you are interested in seeing it. Plus, who doesn't want to see our galaxy hero turned into a dinosaur trainer (if you know what I mean...) Again, I'm just doing this for the fun of it. I had some trouble naming this as to the film's plot but I hope many oJurassic x reader

Literature*~*BunnymundxReader~*~* It was the anual Easter Egg hunt. Growing up, it was the only thing you still really loved about your childhood. You remembered all the old egg hunts with your friends, laughing and giggling as you ran around and having contests. But today, you got help younger children search for eggs. Since you and your friends were older now, you got to be helpers. It was job you were happy to accept, if it meant searching for the legendary Easter Bunny. Every time you told your friends about it, they laughed. They respected your likes and opinions, but they felt as if stil believing in something like that was silly. I'll show them whose whiRotG x reader

LiteratureSecret (Levi X Shifter!Reader)“Cadet (Last Name),” a regal voice called out to you while you were in the stables tending to your golden stallion, who you so affectionately named ‘Sundance’. You were preparing to go off on a quick mission, being the last member of Levi's team who hadn’t been killed by the Female Titan. You paused in grooming your horse companion as you turned to find Commander Erwin approaching you, squad leaders Mike and Levi walking behind on either sides of him. You quickly dropped the brush into the bucket of horse care products then stood up straight and saluted your superiors. “Cadet (Name) (Last Name), sir!”Attack on Titan

LiteratureHikaru x Reader x Kaoru for LizEvansHikaru x Reader x Kaoru I Can Tell for LizEvans Today was your first day at Ouran High School, your dad was wealthy but not like you'd ever let anyone know. You had gone to public schools very year before this one, why was this one different? You made a deal with a father, if you went to his choice of school you could choose your husband instead of having an arranged marriage. What girl wants an arranged marriage? Class were proving to be a bit hard, you weren't really the smartest girl, which annoyed you. You had made a few friends to be not socially awkward but they started talking about something called; The Host Club? You ignored it;OHSHC x reader

LiteratureHot Head ((Loki x Reader)) Introduction Ahhh, what a lovely day. The sun is shining, and white puffy clouds decorate the sky. Of course, you wouldn’t know that; because you are still passed out in bed. “(Y/N)!!” “AHREaqLALYDIA!” You grunt in return. “(Y/N) GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, I DON’TON’T PAY YOU TO SLEEP!” wow, her voice is awfully close. You make an attempt at English. “DOYE YOAH VEN PAMEHTALL?” “Try again, sweetheart.” Her voice is sarcastic, and closer. “Fahkyoou.” Avengers x reader


LiteratureThe Unconscious Cuddler (JapanxReader) He seemed so far away, yet you could hear his breathing. It was like there was a little wall between the two of you in that lonely bed. He always stayed a good distance away from you, even when he was awake, because he had issues with his personal space. That even includes you, (Full name), his loving girlfriend of two years. You gazed at the boy across the bed, tucked away into the blankets as if it was his own little world without you in it. Sadly, you rolled over so your back was too him and sighed, holding onto your pillow; which you often fantasized to be him (before and after you started dating). Kiku Honda was the name of the boHetalia X Reader

LiteratureClaude Faustus x Bullied!Reader - My Lament 1I walked on school's corridor and heard people laughing behind my back. Yeah, this have happened on three years and I have seriously told to teachers but they can't do anything more because their parents are seriously wealthy. My parents died on car accident a year ago and I go every day after school to visit their graves. I sighed and tried my best not to cry front of them because they will know that I'm weak. But I have one friend called Jack who is senior. ''Hi (y/n)!'' he yelled when I was putting my books in my locker. ''Oh, hi Jack. What's up?'' I asked and smiled to him gently. ''I'm going with my girlfriend Elizabeth out so are gonnaBlack Butler

LiteratureAsahi x Nishinoya (Haikyuu!) (WARNING: SOMEWHAT IMPLIED SEXUAL THEMES, NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE JUST A FEW MENTIONS HERE AND THERE) Asahi felt a warmth over his entire body, one was solid the other war faint. The faint warmth was on his face and Asahi classified it as the sun, the other warmth wasn't too heavy, he felt a wetness on his chest. Cracking his eyes open he looked down, there was his classmate and boyfriend, Nishinoya was snoozing on the tall male. Snoring slightly, the wetness on his chest was the drool spilling from the boys mouth. Both males were shirtless in fact from what he could feel under the covers they were completely naked. Asahi felt a heat rise toYaoi

On The BattlefieldNaruto

Chinese zodiacNice Pics

Lunar Days Sim Datehehehe -_-'

Digimon: CrestsDigimon

my wallpaperTokyo Mew Mew

+ SessKag + Condom?Inuyasha

Harry PotterHarry Potter

Raven and Starfire Again.Teen Titans

Literature'Novermber 5th' Larry-AhkNovember 5th Rating: PG (for mild swearing, references and some petting… ) Summary: Ahkmenrah has a secret… Comments: I know that somewhere along the way, Ahk's name had gotten changed in history, but for the sake of the movies and the story, we'll just keep his name Ahk here. Also, THIS FIC GOES OUT TO MY BABY MAMA, WITCHGIRL8 FOR HER 15th BIRTHDAY!!!!! HAPPY B-DAY ALLEH, HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!! ~~~~~ The sun was beginning to edge towards dawn, as the museum inhabitants scrambled back to the safety of their displays. Only one inhabitant remained outside his display, and it would be only for a short time.NATM

LiteratureIndulge Me (Human!CheshirexReader) Part 1~Author's Note: I'm doing this whole process on an iPad my mom recently gave me. It is not fun. Lol I hope you guys enjoy!!~ "Alice!" The name echoes through the sunlit trees to only be answered by the calls of birds and hushed sighs of wind whispering through the leaves. Despite the peaceful atmosphere, you are anything but. Your friend Alice had just disappeared during studies to follow a white rabbit, and you had gone to find her after she'd yelped in alarm, but you have yet to locate her. "Alice!" You call again, more weary. You sigh, "Goodness, where did she go off to this time?" right before you spot a large rabbit hole with the eartDisney x reader

LiteratureBTS x Reader: Kissing Types If the members were asked if they’ve kissed any of their friends, their answer would probably be a flat, solid no way. But, we all know that it’s pretty much a lie. While they’ve kissed each other a few select times, either on accident or as a joke, they’ve extensively kissed someone else. Namely, you. You’re their best friend. Sometimes, you’re their only friend. They all sit in a line, and the question is simple. “What kind of kisser do you think you are?” Everything they answer with is not accurate. It’s not that they're lying, but apparently, they can’t gauge their own skCelebrity x reader

LiteratureMasquerade (Caius Volturi x Reader)Masquerade~ (Caius Volturi x Reader) Italy was more beautiful than you ever could have imagined. The city was wonderfully active. There were people flitting about everywhere, and several vendors were selling a variety of masquerade masks for the evening's celebratory masquerade ball. As you passed by one of the carts, the man standing behind it waved you over with a quick and rather excited gesture. "Grazie per il tuo business," he told the woman who had just bought a leopard print mask. You arched an eyebrow and approached the cart hesitantly. The man's face was half-hidden behind a mask of his own. There was a large, aqua colored plTwilight

LiteratureHidden Feelings (Warren Peace x Reader)“Again warren?” you said as you stood in front of him, seeing his bruised face and busted lip, “you really need to stop picking fights” “Tch, you should have seen the other guy”, he said his voice still angered, “besides he had no right to make fun of you” “I think he does, I mean I am in hero support, I think that puts me in the bottom of the social ladder, I'm bound to get picked on”, you said making him sit down on the steps of the school, to better examine his face. It wasn’t too bad, but still Warren usually got into fights without getting hurt in the process, so just seAvatar + SkyHigh

Toothless x Dragon!Reader (p.1)May 4, 2015You woke with a start. Pricking your ears, you listened for the sound that woke you. Someone was talking, a dragon? Slowly, you walked out of the cave, looking for the source of the talking. You stopped when you spotted a viking and a... Night Fury! Another one! You thought you were the last one left. You listened to what they were saying. "Alright Toothless, this is a new island so we might find new dragons," the viking said. New dragons? Did they capture dragons? You panicked, accedinally stepping on a stick, snapping it. The dragon turned its head, his eyes widening. The viking slowly turned around, seeing you. "Another NHTTYD