Shy Guy Smash Bros Moveset by WilliamHeroofHyrule on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

***Shy Guy Flies in***

Name: Shy Guy
Universe: Yoshi
Entrance: Flies in like a Fly Guy Helicopter Spinning and then Falls down the Same Animation as Propeller Mario

Neutral Special/Neutral B:
Function: Shy Guy Wears a Snifit Mask and Shoots out a Marble

Custom Versions:
#1-Exploding Snifit
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but Explodes and doesn't Release anything
#2-Jumbo Snifit
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but the Marbles are as Big as King K. Rool's Kannonballs
#3-Inhale Snifit
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but Snifit would Vacuum those forward him

Side Special/Side B:
Spear Guy
Function: Shy Guy Wears a Spear Guy Mask and Tosses a SpearCustom Versions:
#1-Fire Toss
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but Contains Fire
#2-Ice Toss
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but Contains Ice
#3-Triple Toss
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but Bandana Dee would Throw Three at Once

Up Special/Up B:
Fly Guy
Function: Shy Guy would Turn into a Fly Guy and Fly up, very similar to Snake and King K. Rool's Up Specials

Custom Versions:
#1-Tornado Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but would have a Tornado Startup
#2-Fry Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but the Propellers have Large Flames
#3-Gravitational Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but would have a Gravitational PullDown Special/Down B:
Boom Guy
Function: Shy Guy would Charge up a Cannon and Shoot a Cannonball

Custom Versions:
#1-Explosive Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but the Cannonballs would Explode
#2-Spike Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but the Cannonballs would Spike and Expand
#3-Sticky Guy
Function: Same Function as the Normal Attack, but the Cannonballs would Stick Weighing Foes downFinal Smash: General Guy Army
Function: Shy Guy would Summon General Guy on his Cart leading to a Cutscene of General Guy summoning Attacking Shy Guys, Snifits, Spear Guys and Boom Guys
====Standard Attacks====
AAA-Upper Kick
Dash-Jumping Headbutt====Tilts====
Up: Spear Jab
Side: Spear Strike
Down: Split Kick====Smash Attacks====
Up: Kite and Balloon Strike
Side: Golf Club/Baseball Bat/Tennis Racket
Down: Ballerina Spin====Aerials====
Neutral: Pyro Flames
Up: Balloon Jab
Down: Stilt Strike
Forward: Fladdle
Back: Butt Jab====Grabs====
Pummel: Stick
Up: Tosses Foe Upwards
Down: Ground Pound
Forward: Toss Bounce
Back: Mario 64 Spin====Taunts====
Up: Dances in Joy
Side: Plays Sombrero and Guitar
Down: Looks Away and Itches his Face===Victory Poses===
Victory Theme: A Remix of the Kamek Theme from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Up: Flies around like a Helicopter then Falls Dizzily
Side: Dances around and Blows a Kiss
Down: Looks away from the Camera and Masks himself quickly as he Notices

===Idle Poses===
*Looks around
*Bows down

==Special Traits==

=Shield and B Move=
Spear Spin

Kirby Hat:
Wears Shy Guy's Mask

===Alternate Costumes===
#1-Default Red
#11-Mafia Orange
#12-All White
#13-Ghoul Gray
#14-Fawful Orange
#15-Dark Fawful Purple
#16-SMB2 Red
#17-SMB2 Pink
#18-Snifit Black
#19-All-Stars Red
#20-All-Star Cyan

===Classic Mode===
Masking for Smashing: Shy Guy Faces off with Various Masked Fighters

Round 1:
Meta Knight: Green Greens: Boss Theme Medley-Kirby Series:…

Round 2:
Mii Fighters (Various Masks): Mushroom Kingdom II (Battlefield Form): Rolling Hills A:…

Round 3:
Joker: Mementos: Beneath the Mask:…

(Bonus 1: Break the Targets)

Round 4:
Spring Man and Ribbon Girl: Spring Stadium:…

Round 5:
Ninjara and Min Min: Ramen Bowl: Ramen Bowl (Original):…

Round 6:
Skull Kid: Distant Planet: Termina Field:…

(Bonus 2: Board the Platforms)

Round 7:
Shy Guy (All Other Canon Colors): Wooly World: Main Theme-Yoshi's Woolly World:…

Round 8:
Yoshi and Baby Mario: Yoshi's Island II: Obstacle Course-Yoshi's Island:…

Round 9:
Ally: Birdo
Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad (Blue Outfit): Mushroom Kingdom II: Boss Theme-Super Mario Bros. 2:…
NOTES: References Super Mario Bros. 2

(Bonus 3: Race to the Finish)Round 10:
Metal (Character): Meta Crystal: Meta Crystal: (Big Grin)LpSqf…Round 11:
Fighting Mii Team: Big Battlefield: Battlefield (Ultimate):…Round 12:
Three Random Fighters: Final Destination: Final Destination (Ultimate):…

Final Boss:
(If Reached in under 8 minutes): Majora’s Mask, then Majora’s Incarnation, then Majora’s Wrath: Majora’s Throne: Majora’s Mask Theme:…, then…, then…
(Default): Master Hand: Final Destination: Master Hand:…
>3.0<5.0: Master Hand & Crazy Hand: Final Destination: Master/Crazy Hand:…
>5.0<8.0: Master Core: Final Destination: Master Core:…
>8.0: Master Fortress: Final Destination: Master Fortress: First Wave, then Master Fortress: Second Wave:…, then…

== Punch Out Title ==
Masked CowardTrophies Associated with Shy Guy:
Shy Guy
Two Alt. Trophies
General Guy Army (Final Smash)

Spirits Associated with Shy Guy:
Shy Guy (Artwork: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker)

Snake’s Codec Conversations:
Snake: Who's this Guy?
Mei Ling: Those are Shy Guys! They are Enemies in Yoshi and Mario Titles!
Snake: So I guess they Wear those Masks because they are Shy to Share themselves and Feel like their Face is that Ugly
Mei Ling: Snake!!!
Snake: Just my Theory!

Palutena’s Guidance:
Pit: Why's he got that Mask on, all Emotionless and Quiet....
Palutena: That's a Shy Guy...
Viridi: and here's my Thesis on these Guys. We have the Basic Shy Guys, Fly Guys, Snifits, Snufits, Laser Snifits, Spiky Snifits, Ice Snifits, Gunner Guys, Propeller Muchos, Snifaros, Scorchits, Flifits, Sneeds, Flying Snifits, Slurp Snifits, Chariot Snifits, Whistle Snifits, Spike Snifits, Spear Guys, Fat Guys, Bandits, Hook Guys, Chef Guys, Ninja Guys, Gold Guys, Stilt Guys, Groove Guys, Sky Guys, Spy Guys, Medi Guys, Pyro Guys, Chuck Guys, Elite Chuck Guys, Boom Guys, Elite Boom Guys, Boo Guys, Ghoul Guys, Leaf Guys, Fawful Guys, Dark Fawful Guys, Shy Guy Airtub Guys, Walker Guys, R Guys, Dreamy Guys, Paper Shy Guys, Shiny Guys, Sombrero Guys...
Pit: You Appear to be quite the Researcher...

=Yooka Laylee Slurp State=
Charged State

Rules for Requesting:…
Idea Submission Form (Please Vote here if you have Ideas):…

Also this Month is a Special Event Month so here what the Rest of this Months Codes for guessing are:
10/29 (Mask)
10/30 (Alien)

EDIT 09/19/2023: Added in the July 2023 Changes