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Profile: Jenny B - The Rodent.World Wrestling Anthro Mammals

LiteratureDigimon Renegades - Episode 2Virus and Vaccine *His jaw having dropped at the sight of the strange bipedal dinosaur staring up at him with eyes filled with curiosity and unease, Robert found himself frozen stiff with disbelief. Once the initial shock had subsided, he eventually managed to force a few words out* Robert: *shakes his head* Okay, calm down, Robert. There’s a logical explanation for this. *looks the dinosaur over* It’s gotta be a toy, right? Where’s the speaker on this thing? *Robert picked up the small dinosaur and turned him over, before giving him a few shakes as if he was trying to see if anything fell out* Robert: I swear if this is another one of your pranks, Joey! *After being rendered slightly dizzy for a moment, the dinosaur quickly shook his head and shouted* Dinosaur: Hey, knock it off! *The sudden outburst, in turn, startled Robert to the point where he dropped the dinosaur in shock, letting him fall tail first to the ground before he stood back up and dusted himself off* Dinosaur: Okay,Digimon Renegades

LiteratureAbigail and the Rats of NIMH - Chapter 36 Penny made it to the laboratory with her friends in tow; Abigail was still being carried by her father, having passed out in his arms, and looked after by Willy and Russell. Bernard and Bianca rode on Penny’s shoulders, and the Rescue Rangers followed along too, happy to be a complete unit again. As they ran, Gadget excitedly told Chip and Monty about the upgrades to her new plane. Even though they needed a new headquarters, at least they had that. About five rodents including Cornelius were still in their cages in the lab, and in no shape to try and jump down. Three of these were elderly specimens; one seemed to have radiation poisoniAbigail and the Rats of NIMH

LiteratureDigimon Rangers Episode 8*Greeley Colorado, 7:30 a.m., a meeting is being held at the local police station, on account of a recent crime bust. Not by the police or Rangers, but someone else. Commissioner Gordon is reading the headline of the newest addition of the Greeley Tribune to his men and Rick Johnson, a detective* Gordon: *Reads* "Muggers get mugged. Police are baffled as mysterious Greeley Phantom strikes again." Rick: There you are chief, there it is in black-and-white. This "Phantom" is making a monkey of the police department! Random Officer #1: That ox can't call me a monkey! Random Officer #2: Shut up you baboon! Sgt. Burke: Commissioner, PLEASE, leDigimon Rangers Episodes

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LiteratureAiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 6*The next morning, snow gently fell from the sky as everypony in Ponyville was gathered around the giant decorated tree in the town square. Pinkie was happily dancing with her sisters while their parents gushed over Pound and Pumpkin. The Apple family were happily exchanges gifts with each other. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were surrounded by their relatives. At one point, Rarity let out a raucous laugh in the same accent her parents have, only to cover her mouth, blushing madly. Fluttershy and Angel were exchanging gifts with her mother and father while Twilight and Spike exchanged gifts with Mezmo and Salem before they had to go off to CanterlMy Little Pony

LiteratureDigimon All-Stars episode 21Lets continue this adventure, shall we? Enjoy. Episode 21: Separation makes the heart grow fonder (In the Digital World…) In a large, desert-like area, there stands a large gold and black metallic pyramid with a large eye on the tip of it, and had a large golden door on the front. In the front of the building stood two creatures; Both were large, rock creatures with black masks over their heads, dark red eyes, thick gray wires on it's body, stitches keeping their body together, and spikes on their backs and shoulders. That's when the flying creature that saw Shimegimon kill his soldiers came out of the shadows and says "Hello guardsDigimon All Stars

LiteratureMythologies - Episode 1Rewriting History - The Myth Begins Part 1 Narrator: Many eons ago, before the race of man ever walked upon the vast Earth, there were the Titans - the children of Earth and Sky. Dwarfing the highest mountains, the Titans towered above all else and ruled over all with an iron fist - but no other was worse than their king; Cronus, who slew his father, and claimed his throne and power for his own. However, while Cronus and his fellow Titans were powerful, in time his reign was challenged by his own son; Zeus, the future Lord of Olympus, who gained allies from three other great God-Kings from lands afar. After a fierce, unspeakable battle, thatMythology

LiteratureDigi-Titans Ch.#3Mere moments after the battle against Windegomon, a commotion has taken place inside the Tamer's Center. Lithe and Fang emerge inside, with the rest of the tamers and their digimon surrounding them in a tight circle. They had been talking non-stop ever since the battle, the majority of the team both confused and outraged as to what had taken place during the fight. As they pushed through the library, Lithe squeezes through the group and climbs atop the front desk. At the top of her lungs, Lithe's shout can be heard above the din. "EVERYONE QUIET!!!" The shout from the cat's mighty lungs caused the entire team to cease chatter and stare at tDigi-Titans

LiteraturePokemon: Journey of Discovery Episode 1 (Beta)*Just beyond the boundaries of the Kanto Region, nestled in-between the mountains and the ocean, was the small city of Gainsboro; a bustling city filled with people, tall skyscrapers and barely a Pokémon in sight. Compared to the rest of Kanto, any Pokémon that lived in Gainsboro belonged to a trainer, and even then, their numbers dwindled. Gainsboro was more ordinary than the other cities of the world, almost as if it belonged to another world all together* *Among the many places in the city was Gainsboro High School, a place most teenagers considered living hell. One of them was a boy named Devon McConnell, a boy who had absolutePokemon Journey of Discovery

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LiteratureBenny, Leo, Johnny, and Rae Meet Captain EO*A view of the universe appears and a meteorite spins closer and closer to the screen* Male Announcer: The cosmos: a universe of good and evil where a small group struggles to bring freedom to the countless worlds of despair; a rag-tag band led by the infamous Captain EO. *EO's spaceship blasts the meteorite into pieces and then soars into the picture on its way to a nearby planet. On board, the ship's navigator appear. The creature, known as The Geex, has two heads - one named Idy and the other Ody* Ody: This planet doesn't look so dangerous, Idy. Idy: Is this it, Ody? Ody: We'll see. Idy: Ohh. Ody: We better find that landing beacon.Ridenbaugh and Kanyon Materials

LiteratureThe Land Before Time: CR's version PrologueNarrator: Millions of years ago, our planet we call home was a very different place. Earth started out as a big mass of hot gas and rock, but it eventually cooled down to become a solid planet. Then, when the great oceans formed, some of the very first forms of life made their first appearance on Earth. Microscopic life is shown within the deep blue sea. It started as one microscopic organism until millions of them roamed across the sea like a swarm. So much of these creatures there were, who could keep track of all of them? ChipmunkRaccoon Presents Narrator: First, tiny microscopic creatures... Over time, some of the early fish began toThe Land Before Time Remake

LiteratureDoctor Who Episode 2Year of the Devils ???: I don't care what you think! I've already gone through the script a dozen times and it's the single-most piece of crap I've ever read. The characters are uninteresting, the story is all over the place, and I'd rather be swallowing razor-blades than reading this crap! The next time you want to send me a screenplay for a story you claim to be good, how about actually putting time and effort into putting together a memorable story. Otherwise, you're better off throwing your body off a cliff and singing the National Anthem before your body cracks through a thousand pounds of water. YOU HEARD ME! *There was a SLAM as a haDoctor Who

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AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 6 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 5 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 4 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 3 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 2 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Flight To Save Christmas Chapter 1 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Mareheim Chronicles Chapter 7 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Mareheim Chronicles Chapter 6 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Mareheim Chronicles Chapter 5 by HewyToonmore, literature

AiE: The Mareheim Chronicles Chapter 4 by HewyToonmore, literature