Striped Hyaena – Hyaenidae (original) (raw)

Spotted Hyaena: Reproduction

Spotted hyaenas in most parts of Africa give birth at any time of year to litters containing one or two cubs, although triplet litters are occasionally reported as well (Frank et al. 1991; Wahaj et al 2007). Females may give birth at the communal den or in a private birth den (East et al. 1989, Henschel and Skinner 1990b; White…

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Striped Hyaena: Social Behavior

Almost invariably described as solitary in Africa, a recent study by Wagner (2006) in Kenya study found that striped hyaenas do frequently rest in pairs and occasionally in groups of up to four individuals. These groups never include more than one adult female. Foraging is strictly solitary, beyond mothers with cubs, and even though a number of individuals may visit…

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Striped Hyaena: Physical Description

The striped hyaena is a medium-sized carnivore with overall appearance reminiscent of a dog. It has a back sloping downwards towards the tail, and black vertical stripes on the sides. Its general colour is pale grey or beige. It has a black patch on the throat, five to nine more or less distinct vertical stripes on the flanks and clearer…

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Striped Hyaena: Association with other species

In Israel the striped hyaena may encounter wolves, red foxes and caracals at carcasses. On a one-to-one basis it is dominant over the wolf, but a group of four wolves has been observed driving a single hyaena from a carcass (H. Mendelssohn unpublished data). A caracal may drive a subadult striped hyaena away from a carcass (Skinner and Ilani 1979).…

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Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)

The information presented below is based on Heribert Hofer, in Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan – Hyaenas and Aaron P. Wagner in Mammals of Africa Striped hyenas occur in grasslands, open woodlands, and bushy regions, usually in rugged terrain (Mills & Hofer 1998). Far less is known about these animals than about any other extant hyaenid. Striped hyenas usually weigh 30 to 35…

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Striped Hyaena: Diet and Foraging

The diet of the striped hyaena remains a matter of some debate. However, these animals have been reported to consume a wide variety of vertebrates, invertebrates, vegetables, fruit, and human originated organic wastes (Flower 1932, Novikov 1962, Harrison 1968, Ilani 1975, Kruuk 1976, Macdonald 1978, Leakey 1999, Wagner 2006). It is known to scavenge off lion and spotted hyaena kills…

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Striped Hyaena: Distribution and Habitat

The striped hyaena has a very large range extending through the Middle East, Caucus region, Central Asia, and the Indian sub-continent, with its southern and western limits in Africa. Absent from the Central Sahara, the distribution in Africa extends eastward from Senegal along the extent of the North African coast into Egypt and into the Central African states of Mali,…

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Striped Hyaena: Reproduction

In the wild, litter size varies from one to four (median of three) throughout the year, after a gestation period of 90-91 days (Pocock 1941, Ronnefeld 1969, Heptner and Sludskij 1980). Average litter size in captivity is 2.4, with a range of one to five (Rieger 1979a). Parturition is preceded by intensive digging behaviour by the female and often followed…

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Striped Hyaena: Status and Conservation

Status Conservation Measures Questionnaire surveys in the Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan and an evaluation of published information suggest that the striped hyaena is already extinct in many localities and that populations are generally declining throughout its range. The major reasons for this decline are decreasing natural and domestic sources of carrion due to declines in the populations of…

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Gallery: Striped hyaena

Striped hyaenas captured on film by camera traps. A striped hyaena visits an old carcass. A striped hyaena rests in the entrance to its den. Face of a striped hyaena.

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