IOT( Internet of Things) is driving need of next generation PLM platform (original) (raw)


Deepak Gupta

Deepak Gupta

Vice President | Global Head | Chief of Digital Service Offerings | Healthcare and Life Sciences | HCI Group

Published Oct 17, 2019

Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big thing coming down the road. Sensors, mobile devices, AI, connected machines, etc. are some of the use cases which are going to generate tremendous amount of useful information related to product that you manufacture and sell. This useful information is going to force organizations to review their product life cycle management architectures that they have today .

With IoT, the definition of “product data” is changing drastically . It is not going to be just the product definition model and it’s few attributes but it will also include information about each unit of product bought , manufactured , distributed, sold and fixed . Where we have used to define products by SKUs , it’s going to be defined by GTINs ( CPG/ Retail) , UDIs( Medical Devices) , EUMDRs, Serial Numbers etc.

Basically all the product units that are sold need to be uniquely identified to best utilize the power of IOT . There is a need to relate them to their product requirements , definitions, their successive owners, and trace changes for their entire lifetime. With IOT , each product unit that is sold is going to be tracked to understand how customers are using and it’s complexities to build a greater customer experience.

This is going to impose major challenge for enterprises who trust their existing PLM and ERP with a capability of maintaining product catalog with hundreds or thousand of items as Product Management system .The reason is, with “ IOT” data flood, this product data will easily touch millions of units, spanning across millions of customer records for many vendors. This also imposes challenge to Enterprises that began their product MDM journey with Product Information Management (PIM) Solutions where these sorts of data volumes were not kept in mind . These commerce centric PIM solutions could handle product categorization and SKUs, but they weren't intended to handle millions/ billions of product related information which is going to come from connected devices for that product and touch entire lifecycle of product starting from it’s inception till its obsoletion.

Hence there is a need for true enterprise level Product Lifecycle Management Solution which can handle both the complexities of traditional product design and development requirements combined with product commercialization, product quality and has the ability to handle the data volumes created by the IoT. Also PLM system should be flexible to handle complex device metadata through its life cycle covering quality , risk and compliance information and easily accessible to utilize this information for analytical and transactional purpose . Companies that wish to strategically benefit from the Internet of Things must have a strategy to choose an PLM platform engineered to handle these emerging requirements.

Solution like Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud ( Oracle Product Management Cloud) together with Birlasoft’s IOT accelerators/ adapters to configure , manage and integrate large volume of IOT metadata and data are uniquely positioned to handle this volume complexities presented by IoT and it’s ability to associate this humongous data stream of information back to the critical attributes of the product data.

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