Square Peg - Round Hole! (original) (raw)
Ken Grant
○ Real Estate Broker (Windermere/M2, LLC) ○ Drone Cinematographer (StoryDrone) ○ Public Speaker (Summoning Your Superpower) ○ Auctioneer ○ TEDx Alum ○ Champion of Possibilities
Published Jun 25, 2019
You’re a manager and you hate people. Well, you don’t actually HATE all people. You just don’t love managing people and you’re not sure how you got here!
Is this you? Maybe you feel like a round peg in a square hole?
You were the top salesperson in the firm 3 years running. Your boss and all of the bosses loved you. You were wheeling and dealing, loving the art of sales from connection to close! Then, because you’re so good, they promoted you.
But now you are trapped, doing manager duties, worrying about stuff you never thought you’d worry about! It turns out you are a lousy manager (and it’s not your fault!)
Decision time. Do you accept your fate and suck it up—possibly risk having team members quit due to _you_—or learn to be a better manager?
Unless they replaced you with a better salesperson, it might be best to return to your true role, replacing you with a ‘real’ manager.
Managers—like salespeople—are experts at what they do. Just because you’re a great salesperson doesn’t necessarily make you a great manager. That’s the flaw in promotions often times. Don’t let those around you confuse transferable skills with expert skills. They are often not the same.
Be honest and go back to your passion. Everyone around you will thank you for it!
Next time: A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T please.
Leadership for Managers series, by Ken Grant: Host of The E2E Show, (e2eshow.com) - innovative podcasts and employee engagement services
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