Dental Cavities Pictures, Tooth Decay, Symptoms & Treatment (original) (raw)

What are cavities and microcavities?

Dental Cavities

Not all dental cavities cause toothache or pain.

Dental cavities are holes in teeth caused by tooth decay. Cavities are also referred to as caries. They occur when the bacteria in your mouth produce acid that attacks the outer layer of your teeth, known as the enamel. Over time, this can create a small hole, or cavity, in the tooth.

If you have a cavity, your dentist may recommend a filling, crown, or other treatment to restore the tooth and prevent further damage. In severe cases, a root canal or tooth extraction may be necessary.

What are microcavities?

Microcavities, also known as incipient caries or initial enamel caries, are the earliest stage of tooth decay. Teeth are in an environment of a constant acid attack that strips the teeth of important minerals and breaks them down. While this attack is constantly occurring, minerals are also constantly replenished through mineral-rich saliva and fluoridated water, and toothpaste. In addition to fluoride, calcium, and phosphate also help to remineralize enamel. When the demineralization starts and is confined to the outermost layer of enamel, it is called a microcavity, or incipient cavity. These types of cavities rarely need anything more than very conservative treatment. Only when the cavity breaks through the enamel layer and into the dentin does it threaten the tooth. So when these microcavities are detected, it is best to try a remineralization protocol to see if they can be reversed instead of jumping to a filling right away. A dentist will help in determining the most effective conservative treatment for these early cavities.

The dentist's goal is to achieve a healthy balance between prevention and restoration. It is a balance between being proactive and reactive. The dentist doesn't want to be so proactive that he is recommending things that don't need to be done -- preventing problems that never would have occurred. But he doesn't want to be so reactive that he simply watches small problems become big problems. One mistake people often make is waiting for the pain to dictate the timing of treatment. Once a tooth starts hurting, it is often too late for remineralization or a small filling. The pain usually indicates a need for root canal treatment, a crown, or tooth extraction. There is some variability in how dentists will treat microcavities and when they determine a filling is necessary. Some people are more prone to caries than others. Analyzing one's history of cavities, current diet, and oral hygiene may lead the dentist to be more aggressive or more conservative with his recommendations. This is why each person must find a dentist that echoes his or her philosophy regarding aggressive versus conservative dental treatment.

Treating microcavities early on is important to prevent further decay and potential tooth loss. In many cases, the decay can be reversed through a process called remineralization, which involves applying fluoride treatments or using dental products that contain fluoride.

Regardless of the dentist, regular returns to the dentist are key to being conservative so the cavity can be monitored and treated before it grows too much. Small cavities can become root canals within a year under the right circumstances. As a cavity grows, more tooth structure is lost. Lost tooth structure leads to a greater likelihood of fractured teeth, recurrent decay, and tooth loss. When possible, one is always better off getting a small filling than ending up with a large filling, a root canal, or a crown.

What causes dental cavities?

Two main factors contribute to tooth decay -- bacteria in the mouth and a diet high in sugar and starch.

The parts of teeth that are most vulnerable to tooth decay are areas where plaque can accumulate most easily. Plaque tends to settle into the pits and fissures in the tops of teeth, into the areas in between the teeth, and next to the gum line. Where there is plaque, there are bacteria and acid, and eventually destruction of the tooth surface. The cavity starts in the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) and as it gets deeper, penetrates the softer inner layer of the tooth (dentin). Typically, it isn't until the decay reaches the dentin that a person will start to notice signs and symptoms of the cavity.

What risk factors contribute to tooth decay?

Saliva helps prevent plaque from attaching to teeth and helps wash away and digest food particles. A low salivary flow or dry mouth leaves the teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay. This is particularly common in patients with diseases that feature dryness of the mouth, such as Sjögren's syndrome and other diseases of the salivary glands.

Genetic factors that affect tooth decay are the following:

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What are the symptoms of cavities?

When a cavity advances deep into the tooth, it may produce increased sensitivity to foods that are cold, hot, or sweet. But not all cavities will cause a toothache. If they are small or progressing slowly, they may only be detected by a dentist before they cause pain. Cavities on front teeth are easiest for a person to see, and they will be visible as a light or dark brown spot. The brown spot is a tooth structure that has become soft due to the acid attack from bacteria. Generally, light brown represents a fast-growing cavity and dark brown represents a slower-growing cavity. If the cavity gets large enough, part of the affected tooth may break off and leave a hole.

The signs and symptoms of cavities can vary depending on the severity and location of the decay. Some common signs and symptoms include:

It's important to note that not all cavities cause pain or noticeable symptoms in their early stages, which is why regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential for detecting and treating cavities early on.

How are cavities diagnosed?

A dentist can detect a cavity by using a sharp instrument to feel tooth structure that has been softened by tooth decay. If a cavity forms in between the teeth, it may only be visible on an X-ray.

Other diagnostic tools that are used to detect cavities include:

Regular dental exams are recommended so cavities can be diagnosed when they are small cavities (incipient caries or microcavities) instead of waiting until they grow large enough to produce pain and require more extensive treatment.

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What is the best treatment for cavities?

There are three things to consider in the treatment of dental cavities: prevention, remineralization, and restoration.


A greater emphasis on preventive dentistry has helped reduce the incidence of premature tooth loss. Since we can't eliminate the bacteria that are in the mouth, limiting the amount and frequency of sugars and starches in our diet is the easiest way to prevent dental caries.

Plaque can be removed from the outside of teeth by brushing and from in between the teeth with dental floss. The use of mouthwash also helps by limiting the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth. A dentist will often suggest placing plastic sealants in the pits and grooves of teeth in children to protect them from decay. Visiting the dentist regularly will help prevent cavities from forming or catch them when they're small.


Shallow cavities can be reversed when they are treated with a substance that contains fluoride or calcium. This "rehardening" process is known as tooth remineralization. Fluoride makes the enamel more resistant to cavities and can be applied to teeth through fluoride toothpaste, supplements, dental office fluoride treatments and varnishes, and fluoridated water. The amount of fluoride exposure must be carefully controlled though because high levels can be toxic.


When a cavity is too large to be remineralized, it must be restored.

Treatment of cavities during pregnancy

Hormonal and bacterial quantity changes during pregnancy put pregnant women at greater risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Therefore, pregnant women must continue to get regular dental cleanings during pregnancy. Delaying treatment can lead to more serious dental problems and complications.

It's generally safe to undergo dental treatment during pregnancy, although some procedures may need to be postponed until after delivery. Your dentist can work with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs. Some common treatment options for cavities during pregnancy include dental fillings, crowns, and root canal therapy.

It's also important to maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy and limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks to help prevent cavities.

What is the prognosis of a cavity?

Dental cavities are a preventable and treatable disease. By making simple changes in diet and hygiene, one can minimize the risk of developing caries.

Can the CAMBRA method help prevent dental cavities?

CAMBRA stands for "Caries Management by Risk Assessment". It is a method for assessing a person's risk for developing dental cavities and making dental treatment decisions and recommendations based on the patient's caries risk. The dentist performing CAMBRA will perform tests for oral bacteria and take X-rays. He will then determine the patient's level of caries risk by analyzing caries history, current caries condition, dietary habits, hygiene habits, prescription medications, salivary flow, and medical conditions.

CAMBRA is based on the idea that dental caries is a preventable disease that can be managed with early detection, risk assessment, and targeted interventions. By identifying and managing risk factors, the goal is to prevent the development of cavities and reduce the need for more invasive and costly dental treatments.

Treatment will then be tailored to the patient based on managing the risk factors through behavioral, chemical, and minimally invasive procedures. No two cavities are the same because no two people are the same. Thus, diagnosis and treatment planning requires risk assessment in addition to caries detection.

CAMBRA is widely recognized as an effective approach to preventing dental caries and is recommended by organizations such as the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is often used in both adult and pediatric dentistry to help patients maintain optimal oral health.

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Medically Reviewed on 5/23/2023


Medically reviewed by Kenneth Rotskoff, MD, DDS; Board Certified Dentistry, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery

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