Dry Mouth Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, Signs & Treatment (original) (raw)

What is dry mouth?

What Dry Mouth Feels Like

Dry mouth most commonly occurs as a side effect of medications that cause decreased saliva production.

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition that results from a decreased volume of saliva in the mouth. Xerostomia can make it difficult to speak, eat, and digest food and can lead to malnutrition.

Extreme dry mouth and salivary gland dysfunction can produce significant anxiety, permanent mouth, and throat disorders, and can impair a person's quality of life.

What are the benefits of saliva?

Saliva is an essential part of a healthy mouth and is often taken for granted.

What is the main cause of dry mouth?

There are many causes of dry mouth. It most commonly occurs as a side effect of medications that cause decreased saliva production, including:

There are over 400 commonly used medications that can cause dry mouth. Sometimes the dry mouth goes away, but usually, it continues as long as the medication is being used.

Other causes of dry mouth include:

Eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, are other risk factors for developing xerostomia. Salivary production can be decreased if a major salivary duct becomes blocked, such as from a salivary stone or infection.

Other risk factors include stress, anxiety, and depression. Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease often lead to dehydration, making a person constantly at risk for dry mouth. These along with stroke can cause a perception of dry mouth even if the salivary function is adequate, due to the diminished ability to perceive oral sensations.

Nerve damage or trauma to the head and neck can affect the nerves that provide sensation to the mouth and result in a feeling of dry mouth.

Shortness of breath may be caused by a panic attack, or anxiety, which can cause dry mouth. But shortness of breath may also be an indicator of serious respiratory or circulatory problems (such as a heart attack).

Dry mouth often occurs in pregnancy or breastfeeding due to dehydration and hormonal changes and is often accompanied by nausea.

Those undergoing treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, including CPAP, may experience dry mouth. This is typically due to any of the following:

Consultation with the physician managing sleep apnea can be helpful.

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What are the signs and symptoms of dry mouth?

People complaining of dry mouth may exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:

Fungal infections occurring in an individual with dry mouth may be associated with another underlying disease or disorder such as Addison's disease, HIV, or diabetes. The most common sign of fungal infection of the mouth is a burning tongue or white or dark plaque on the tongue or soft tissues of the mouth. Frequently, a dry mouth may manifest mostly at night during sleeping, especially in mouth-breathers.

What specialists diagnose and treat dry mouth?

The type of doctor who should treat dry mouth depends on the cause. A person noticing symptoms of dry mouth should first consult with their dentist for a consult and exam. A general dentist will do a review of medications, health history, lifestyle, diet, and other things that could contribute to dry mouth. They will then perform an intraoral examination to confirm diminished salivary flow and to determine the effects it has had on dentition and oral tissues. The management and maintenance of oral health will be the most important element of this relationship.

If it is determined that there is salivary gland dysfunction, the dentist may partner with an ENT physician who specializes in salivary gland disorders to help improve the condition.

How do healthcare professionals diagnose dry mouth?

When dry mouth is observed, the dentist can help determine the cause of dry mouth and obtain a proper diagnosis. The diagnosis will help in developing a plan for management and treatment.

The dentist will inspect the main salivary glands and ducts to check for blockages and may measure both stimulated and unstimulated salivary flow. The lips, tongue, and oral tissues will all be inspected for dryness. Sometimes a patient will still complain of dry mouth even if the salivary flow is adequate. Since the symptoms of dry mouth vary greatly from individual to individual, treatments vary. Sometimes treatments are given for prolonged, chronic complaints of dry mouth, even without clinical signs of changes within the mouth. The dentist can be an important resource for specific information to manage dry mouth.

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How do you get rid of dry mouth?

Those seeking treatment for dry mouth will most likely want something to provide comfort and relief. Most are over-the-counter (OTC) remedies. Treatment for dry mouth can be divided into the following four categories: saliva preservation, saliva substitution, saliva stimulation, and prevention of caries, and yeast (Candida) infection.

What is the prognosis of dry mouth?

The prognosis (outlook) depends on the underlying cause of the dry mouth. Management should be focused on eliminating the cause when possible, such as dehydration, anemia, and stress. If the cause can't be eliminated, then it is necessary to keep the affected person as comfortable and free from caries and Candida yeast infection as possible. By using simple techniques to help stimulate saliva, saliva substitute, and protect the teeth and surrounding tissues, one can expect a very good prognosis for avoiding the side effects of dry mouth.

Is it possible to prevent dry mouth?

There is really no prevention of dry mouth, only the side effects of dry mouth. It is vital to detect, diagnose, and treat xerostomia as early as possible to avoid the devastating consequences of chronic dry mouth on dental and overall health.

Medically Reviewed on 5/22/2023


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