Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, Iran (original) (raw)

Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, Irani

Regional Level Types
Esfahan (Isfahan) - not defined -
Isfahan County County
Isfahan Province Province
Iran Country

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

32° 40' 14'' North , 51° 39' 54'' East

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Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

Mineral list contains entries from the region specified including sub-localities

12 valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

AragoniteFormula: CaCO3Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
AurichalciteFormula: (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranHabit: acicularColour: turqoise-blue-greenReferences: Lapis 1977/VI 33
CerussiteFormula: PbCO3Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
HematiteFormula: Fe2O3Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Luetcke, Rolf (n.d.) Personal communication.
HemimorphiteFormula: Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 · H2OLocality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Rick Turner
HydrozinciteFormula: Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
KrauskopfiteFormula: BaSi2O5 · 3H2OLocality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Dr. H. J. Wilke and Sohne (Eppertshausen) specimen.
'Limonite'Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
MalachiteFormula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
PlattneriteFormula: PbO2Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
PyromorphiteFormula: Pb5(PO4)3ClLocality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Wilke, H.J. (1977): Persisches Tagebuch (1). - LAPIS, 2, 6, p. 30-33
RosasiteFormula: (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Rick Turner
SmithsoniteFormula: ZnCO3Locality: Chah Kuh, Esfahan (Isfahan), Isfahan County, Isfahan Province, IranReferences: Collection of NHM, Vienna

List of minerals for each chemical element

H Hydrogen
H Aurichalcite (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
H Hemimorphite Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 · H2O
H Hydrozincite Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6
H Krauskopfite BaSi2O5 · 3H2O
H Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
H Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
C Carbon
C Aragonite CaCO3
C Aurichalcite (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
C Cerussite PbCO3
C Hydrozincite Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6
C Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
C Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
C Smithsonite ZnCO3
O Oxygen
O Aragonite CaCO3
O Aurichalcite (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
O Cerussite PbCO3
O Hematite Fe2O3
O Hemimorphite Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 · H2O
O Hydrozincite Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6
O Krauskopfite BaSi2O5 · 3H2O
O Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
O Plattnerite PbO2
O Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl
O Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
O Smithsonite ZnCO3
Si Silicon
Si Hemimorphite Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 · H2O
Si Krauskopfite BaSi2O5 · 3H2O
P Phosphorus
P Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl
Cl Chlorine
Cl Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl
Ca Calcium
Ca Aragonite CaCO3
Fe Iron
Fe Hematite Fe2O3
Cu Copper
Cu Aurichalcite (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
Cu Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
Cu Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
Zn Zinc
Zn Aurichalcite (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
Zn Hemimorphite Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 · H2O
Zn Hydrozincite Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6
Zn Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
Zn Smithsonite ZnCO3
Ba Barium
Ba Krauskopfite BaSi2O5 · 3H2O
Pb Lead
Pb Cerussite PbCO3
Pb Plattnerite PbO2
Pb Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl

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