Dear Tom Wheeler: I'm Sorry I Thought You Were A Mindless Cable Shill (original) (raw)

from the our-sincerest-apologies dept

Having written about the FCC for most of my adult life, I’ve grown cynically accustomed to an agency that pays empty lip service to things like consumer welfare and the painful lack of broadband competition. It doesn’t matter which party is in power; the FCC has, by and large, spent the lion’s share of an entire generation ignoring last mile competitive problems and the resulting symptoms of that greater disease. When the agency could be bothered to actually address these issues, the policies were so tainted by the fear of upsetting campaign contributors (read: regulatory capture) they were often worse than doing nothing at all (see our $300 million broadband map that hallucinates speeds and ignores prices or 2010’s loophole-filled net neutrality rules co-crafted by Verizon and Google).

Whether it was former FCC boss turned cable lobbyist Michael Powell’s claims that massively deregulating the sector would magically result in telecom Utopia (tip: that didn’t happen) or Julius Genachowski being utterly terrified of taking any meaningful stand whatsoever, the broadband industry has spent decades governed by an agency that, at its best, is too timid to do its job, and, at its worst, is an obvious revolving-door lap dog to an industry it’s supposed to regulate.

So in 2013 when it was announced that a former lobbyist for both the wireless and cable industries would be the next FCC boss, the collective, audible sighs of disgust unsurprisingly rattled the Internet. I, like many others, believed we were bearing witness to a twisted culmination of decades of regulatory capture, a giant, living, breathing middle finger to a public hungry for a more consumer and innovator-friendly FCC. John Oliver even put Wheeler’s name in lights when he infamously compared hiring the former cable lobbyist to employing a dingo as a babysitter:

Most people (with a few notable industry exceptions) believed Wheeler was the final nail in a grotesque, campaign-cash stuffed telecom coffin long under construction. We were painfully, ridiculously wrong.

Since coming into office, Wheeler has raised the base definition of broadband to 25 Mbps to aggressively highlight how three-quarters of the country lack more than one competitive option at that speed. He’s started threatening wireless ISPs for using throttling and congestion as bogeymen to make an extra buck. Wheeler also surprised everyone by reclassifying ISPs as common carriers and pushing tougher net neutrality rules. More importantly (I believe), he’s spearheaded an effort to kill ISP-crafted, state protectionist laws designed specifically to hinder broadband competition, an issue the FCC had spent the last fifteen years ignoring. Then, last week, Wheeler played the starring role in killing an ugly Comcast merger most sector analysts originally believed would see little regulatory resistance.

In fact, if you read profiles on Wheeler, he’s turned out to be a complete 180 from the thinking of a traditional revolving-door regulator, basing his decisions on all available information — even if that data conflicts with previously-held beliefs (a unique alien indeed in 2015). And while it’s true that massive grass roots advocacy helped shift Wheeler’s thinking on issues like Title II, his embrace of issues like municipal broadband required little to no shoving, since the lion’s share of the public had no idea the issue existed. One of the biggest reasons Wheeler’s willing to stand up to the broadband industry? He’s 69, and no longer biting his tongue and biding his time for the next cushy lobbyist or think tank gig. Perhaps we should make a rule that all future FCC bosses must be on the brink of retirement to avoid what we’ll henceforth call Michael Powell syndrome.

Still, watching Wheeler fills me with cognitive dissonance, as if my frequently-disappointed brain isn’t quite sure what to do with an FCC Commissioner capable of objective thought free of AT&T, Comcast and Verizon lobbyist detritus. As a sure sign of the looming apocalypse, last week I watched an FCC Commissioner issue a statement about protecting competition — and actually mean it:

“Comcast and Time Warner Cable?s decision to end Comcast?s proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable is in the best interests of consumers. The proposed transaction would have created a company with the most broadband and video subscribers in the nation alongside the ownership of significant programming interests. Today, an online video market is emerging that offers new business models and greater consumer choice. The proposed merger would have posed an unacceptable risk to competition and innovation especially given the growing importance of high-speed broadband to online video and innovative new services.”

Though his tenure’s unfinished, it may not be a stretch to say that a man most of us believed would be the epitome of revolving door dysfunction has proven to be one of the most consumer- and startup-friendly FCC Commissioners in the agency’s history. Granted that may not be saying much; caring more about consumers than Martin, Powell and Genachowski is like getting an award for beating a handful of lobotomized ducklings at a hundred yard dash. And none of this is to classify Wheeler as a saint — the agency’s net neutrality rules have some very concerning loopholes and the FCC still refuses to talk much about pricing, whether that’s the problems inherent in usage caps, unreliable meters, or sneaky below the line fees.

Still, it’s a lesson learned in letting your mind run on cynicism autopilot, and it’s a reminder that even our very broken, campaign-cashed soaked government can still occasionally manage to give birth to consumer-friendly policies. So in short, the tl;dr version is this: I apologize to you, Tom Wheeler, for believing you were a mindless cable shill. I was wrong.

Filed Under: consumer interest, fcc, lobbying, surprises, tom wheeler
Companies: at&t, comcast, verizon