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What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes, also referred to as K8s for the number of letters between K and S, is an open source platform used to manage containerized applications across private, public and hybrid cloud environments. Organizations can also use Kubernetes to manage microservice architectures. Containers and Kubernetes are deployable on most cloud providers.

Application developers, IT system administrators and DevOps engineers use Kubernetes to automatically deploy, scale, maintain, schedule and operate multiple application containers across clusters of nodes. Containers run on top of a common shared operating system (OS) on host machines but are isolated from each other unless a user chooses to connect them.

What is Kubernetes used for?

Enterprises primarily use Kubernetes to manage and federate containers, as well as to manage passwords, tokens, Secure Shell (SSH) keys and other sensitive information. But enterprises also find Kubernetes useful in other cases, including the following:

Common Kubernetes terms

The following basic terms can help users grasp how Kubernetes and its deployment work:

How does Kubernetes infrastructure work?

Kubernetes infrastructure includes multiple elements that help users deploy and administrate containerized applications. This encompasses physical or virtual servers, cloud platforms and other relevant components.

The following is a quick dive into Kubernetes container management, its components and how it works.


Pods are comprised of one or multiple containers located on a host machine and the containers can share resources. Kubernetes finds a machine that has enough free compute capacity for a given pod and launches the associated containers. To avoid conflicts, each pod is assigned a unique Internet Protocol address (IP address), which lets applications use ports.

Node agent

A node agent, called a kubelet, manages the pods, their containers and their images. Kubelets also automatically restart a container if it fails. Alternatively, Kubernetes APIs can be used to manually manage pods.


A Kubernetes Replication_C_ontroller manages clusters of pods using a reconciliation loop to push for a desired cluster state. This ensures that the requested number of pods run to the user's specifications. It can be used to create new pods if a node fails or to manage, replicate and scale up existing pods.

The ReplicationController scales containers horizontally and ensures there are an adequate number of containers available as the overall application's computing needs fluctuate. In other cases, a job controller can manage batch work, or a DaemonSet controller can be used to manage a single pod on each machine in a set.

Structure of a Kubernetes cluster.

The basic structure of a Kubernetes cluster shows the master, which creates and schedules pods; nodes that host one or multiple pods; and several pods, which can encapsulate one or more containers.

Other Kubernetes infrastructure elements and their primary functions include the following:


The master node runs the Kubernetes API and controls the cluster. It serves as part of the control plane and manages communications and workloads across clusters.

A node, also known as a minion, is a worker machine in Kubernetes. It can be either a physical machine or a virtual machine (VM). Nodes have the necessary services to run pods and receive management instructions from master components. Services found on nodes include Docker, kube-proxy and kubelet.

Security is broken into four layers: Cloud or Data Center, Cluster, Container and Code. Stronger security measures continue to be created, tested and deployed regularly.


An abstraction called service is an automatically configured load balancer and integrator that runs across the cluster. Labels are key-value pairs used for service discovery. A label tags the containers and links them together into groups.


Kubernetes is all about sharing machines between applications. As each pod gets its own IP address, this creates a clean, backward-compatible model. Pods can be treated as VMs in terms of port allocation, naming, service discovery, load balancing, application configuration and migration.


There's a direct connection between Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) and Kubernetes. Each user in the cluster who can create pods can run any pods that use any images in the ECR registry.

Benefits of Kubernetes

Kubernetes lets users schedule, run and monitor containers, typically in clustered configurations, and automate related operational tasks.

Common benefits of Kubernetes include the following:

Challenges of using Kubernetes

Kubernetes often requires role and responsibility changes within an existing IT department as organizations decide which storage model to deploy -- a public cloud or on-premises servers. Challenges of using Kubernetes vary depending on the organization's size, number of employees, scalability and infrastructure.

Common challenges with Kubernetes include the following:

This model shows Kubernetes security as it relates to attackers.

Kubernetes security is a full-stack affair, as attackers can gain control of everything from a container to a cluster.

Who are Kubernetes' competitors?

Kubernetes was designed as an environment to build distributed applications in containers.It can be adopted as the upstream, open source version or as a proprietary, supported distribution.

While Kubernetes is one of the leading orchestration tools, it's certainly not the only one. The orchestration landscape is dynamic and various alternatives and options are available for companies seeking to schedule and orchestrate containers.

Popular competitors of Kubernetes include the following:

Kubernetes support and enterprise product ecosystem

As an open source project, Kubernetes underpins several proprietary distributions and managed services from cloud vendors, including the following:

Components of a Kubernetes ecosystem.

A brief overview of the Kubernetes ecosystem.

What is the history of Kubernetes?

In the past, organizations ran applications on physical servers, with no way to define resource boundaries, leading to resource allocation issues. To address this, virtualization was introduced. This allows multiple VMs to operate at the same time on a single server's CPU. Applications can be isolated between VMs and receive increased security because they can't be readily accessed by others.

Containers resemble VMs but with relaxed isolation properties. Just like a VM, a container has a file system, CPU, memory, process space and other properties. Containers can be created, deployed and integrated quickly across diverse environments.

Kubernetes, created by Google and released in 2015, was inspired by the company's internal data center management software called Borg. Since then, Kubernetes has attracted major contributors from various corners of the container industry. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) took over hosting Kubernetes in 2018.

Kubernetes is open source, so anyone can contribute to the Kubernetes project via one or more Kubernetes special interest groups. Top corporations that commit code to the project include IBM, Rackspace and Red Hat. IT vendors have developed support and integrations for the management platform, while community members attempt to fill gaps among vendor integration with open source tools.

Kubernetes adopters range from cloud-based document management services to telecom giant Comcast, financial services conglomerate Fidelity Investments and enterprises including SAP Concur and Tesla.

What is the future for Kubernetes?

According to Semantic versioning, Kubernetes versions are expressed as x.y.z, where x is the major version, y is the minor version and z is the patch version. The latest minor version of Kubernetes is 1.28, which was released in November 2023. Kubernetes updates in 2019 -- versions 1.14 through 1.16 -- were major releases that added or improved several areas to further support stability and production deployment. These include the following:

Since then, industry interest has shifted away from updates to the core Kubernetes platform and more toward higher-level areas where enterprises can benefit from container orchestration and cloud-native applications. These include sensitive workloads that require multi-tenant security, more fluid management of stateful applications such as databases, and fostering GitOps version-controlled automated releases of applications and software-defined infrastructure.

As organizations expand container deployment and orchestration for more workloads in production, it becomes even harder to know what's going on behind the scenes. This increases the need to better monitor various layers of the Kubernetes stack, and the entire Kubernetes platform, for performance and security. Markets to serve these emerging areas with third-party tools have already formed, with startups -- some through the CNCF -- as well as experienced vendors. At the same time, the Kubernetes ecosystem continues to consist of dozens of Kubernetes distributions and vendors, which will probably narrow in the future.

While it's challenging to predict the exact trajectory of Kubernetes, the following trends are expected to grow:

While Kubernetes is frequently set up as a cluster on a single cloud, opting for a multi-cloud cluster presents several advantages. Explore the process of building a multi-cloud Kubernetes cluster.

This was last updated in January 2024

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