Guardian and Observer style guide: M (original) (raw)


M - style guide illustration

Illustration: Jakob Hinrichs

people and language; the Maasai Mara is a game reserve in Kenya

Mac or Mc?
Andie MacDowell (actor), Sue MacGregor (broadcaster), Kelvin MacKenzie (ex-editor), Shirley MacLaine (actor), Murdo MacLeod (photographer).

Sir Cameron Mackintosh (impresario), Elle Macpherson (model).

Sir Paul McCartney (composed song about frogs), Steve McClaren (football manager), Sir Trevor McDonald (ex-newsreader), Ian McEwan (novelist), Ewan McGregor, Sir Ian McKellen (actors), Malcolm McLaren (late impresario)


MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866-1937)
first Labour prime minister, known as Ramsay MacDonald

mace, the
parliament; Mace riot control spray

an object or event in a book or a film that serves as the impetus for the plot

after Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)

machine gun
noun; machine-gun verb; submachine gun

Machu Picchu
Peruvian “lost city of the Incas”

refers both to a person from Sunderland and their accent

Macmillan, Harold
(1894-1986) Tory prime minister

MacMillan, Kenneth
(1929-92) choreographer
MacNeice, Louis
(1907-63) Belfast-born poet

Macquarie University
in New South Wales

the adjective to describe the people and everything else from the country is Malagasy, which is also a language

Madama Butterfly
is the correct title of Puccini’s 1904 opera; Madame Butterfly and Madam Butterfly are the French and English versions

Madame Tussauds
no apostrophe, even though there was a Mme (Marie) Tussaud

wine and cake

Madejski Stadium
home of Reading FC

Madison Square Garden
(not Gardens) in New York City

now known as Chennai

normally used to mean Islamic school, although in both Arabic and Urdu the word is used to refer to any kind of school


Maga for Make America Great Again

Magdalen College, Oxford

Magdalene College, Cambridge

magic bullet
easy solution; silver bullet as used to kill a werewolf, and by the Lone Ranger.

We should normally stick to magic bullet for metaphorical use, at least when talking about a simple or ready solution.

By all means say silver bullet, however, when actually referring to werewolves or, metaphorically, if you are talking about getting rid of something. So:
Labour will need magic bullet to win the next election;
Labour will need silver bullet to remove Cameron from No 10

magistrates court
no apostrophe

high-speed trains (it is short for magnetic levitation)

Magna Carta
not “the Magna Carta”; note that it was sealed, not signed

a .44 Magnum is a cartridge, not a gun (although Dirty Harry used a .44 Magnum revolver)


Mahathir Mohamad
prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003, and from 2018 to 2020; Mahathir on second mention (except in leading articles, where he is Mr, not Dr, Mahathir)

city in South Africa, formerly known as Mafikeng, and Mafeking when it was famously relieved in 1900

maiden name
sounds outdated in an age of marriage equality; preferable alternatives include birth name, original name, previous name, or a construction such as “Jane Smith (born Jane Jones)

mailbag, mailvan


mail train

should not be used to refer to Great Britain in reports about Northern Ireland

mainmast, mainsail

mai tai
cocktail; muay thai contact sport

a major case of overuse; avoid except in a military context: big, main and leading are among the alternatives

Unless you are specifically talking about the larger part of a measurable number, “most of_”_ normally sounds more natural_:_ “aclear majority had voted Conservative, so he resolved to spend most of the next five years in the pub”

makeover, makeup
(nouns) one word; (verbs) two words: making up is hard to do

makrut lime
not “kaffir lime”; note that it is makrut and not, as Wikipedia has it, makrud. Used in south-east Asian cooking and to flavour drinks


Malaysian names
generally the given name comes first, and Muslim Malays tend not to use surnames, so Mahathir Mohamad (Mahathir the son of Mohamad) becomes Mahathir on second reference. Chinese Malaysian names, like Singaporean names, are in three parts: eg Ling Liong Sik (Ling after first mention)

Mall, the
in London

Malloch-Brown, Lord
a former deputy secretary general of the UN, Mark Malloch Brown acquired a peerage and a hyphen when he became a Labour minister

not Majorca


Mamma Mia!
musical show and film featuring Abba songs


use a gender-neutral term instead whenever possible eg crew, staffed

Man Booker prize
no longer the name of the prize, it is now just the Booker prize


plural manchildren

one word

maintenance hole is a non-gendered alternative

plural manifestos

humankind or humanity are preferable

use human-made, artificial or synthetic instead

manner or manor?
“To the manner born” is a phrase from Hamlet. To the Manor Born was a sitcom

manoeuvre, manoeuvring

plural mantids

the people and their language. The plural form is also Māori

Mao Zedong
Mao on second mention



Mariinsky theatre
St Petersburg home of the Mariinsky Ballet, formerly known as the Kirov Ballet

Royal Marines, US Marine Corps, US marines

Marks & Spencer
at first mention, then M&S

not marquess, except where it is the correct formal title, eg Marquess of Blandford


Mars bar

not Marseilles

(military rank) not marshall, a very frequent error; a reader sent in this mnemonic: “Air Chief Marshal Marshall presided at the court martial of the martial arts instructor”

Marshall plan
US aid to help rebuild Europe after the second world war

not marshmellow, munchmallow, munchmellow

Martha’s rule

Martí, José
(1853-95) writer and leader of Cuba’s war of independence against Spain

arts, law

cocktail made with gin or vodka and vermouth; note that Martini & Rossi makes Martini, a brand of vermouth – so you might make a martini with Martini

Marxism, Marxist

Mary Celeste
not Marie Celeste

Mas, Artur
(not Arturo) former president of Catalonia

lc; mass is celebrated or said, not read or given

the savage killing of large numbers of people, not Macclesfield Town beating Stockport County 6-0 in the big Cheshire derby

massively overused

Master card

masterful or masterly?
the former means wilful or domineering; the latter means highly competent: “He gave a masterly demonstration of good grammar”

as in “I did my master’s at UCL”

floor covering; matt non-shiny, as in matt finish; matte used to combine images in films


(golf) but World Match Play Championship

no accent, for the South American drink

Mathews, Meg
former model and ex-wife of Noel Gallagher; they have a daughter, Anais


may or might?
The subtle distinctions between these (and between other so-called modal verbs) are gradually disappearing, but they still matter to many of our readers and can be useful.

may implies that the possibility remains open: “The Mies van der Rohe tower may have changed the face of British architecture for ever” (it has been built); might suggests that the possibility remains open no longer: “The Mies tower might have changed the face of architecture for ever” (if only they had built it). Similarly, “they may have played tennis, or they may have gone boating” suggests I don’t know what they did; “they might have played tennis if the weather had been dry” means they didn’t, because it wasn’t.

Our headline “Capello has stayed aloof but personal touch may have kept Bridge onside” says the opposite of what is meant – it suggests that Capello’s personal touch means there is still a possibility of Bridge staying onside; it should have read “Capello has stayed aloof but personal touch might have kept Bridge onside” (but it didn’t).

may also has the meaning of “having permission”, so be careful: does “Megawatt Corp may bid for TransElectric Inc” mean that it is considering a bid, or that the competition authorities have allowed it to bid?

May Day
1 May

May, Theresa
with an H; Mother Teresa with no H

Maya not Mayan, to refer to the civilisation, people and most things related to them. Say the Maya civilisation and the Maya people. You can, however, refer to Mayan languages

distress signal (from the French “m’aidez!”)

mayor of London
or anywhere else: lowercase

not Mazar-e-Sharif

megabytes (storage capacity)

megabits per second (communication speed); take care to get such terms right: we referred to a “2mbps internet connection” which, at two millibits a second, is about the speed of smoke signals

note the “Sir” in the building and civil engineering company Sir Robert McAlpine (named after the baronet who founded it); not to be confused with Alfred McAlpine construction and support services

MCC, the
founded in 1787 as Marylebone Cricket Club

hamburgers; the possessive is the same word, eg “McDonald’s new vegan-friendly image”

defined by the OED as “an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects, esp one created by the expansion of the service sector”

McLuhan, Marshall
(1911-80) Canadian author who coined the phrase “the medium is the message”

mean or median?
To calculate the mean, commonly known as the average, you add up everyone’s wages (for example) and divide them by the number of wage earners. The median is the wage earned by the middle person when everyone’s wages are lined up from smallest to largest. The median is often a more useful guide than the mean, which can be distorted by figures at one extreme or the other

usually means “here’s a slight change of subject”

measurements see metric system

Meat Loaf

doesn’t sing.

To quote “the Loaf” himself:
“When I see my name spelt with one word, I want to slap and choke people. If you do that, you got to be a moron. It’s on every poster, every album and every ticket as two words. If you spell it as one, you’re an idiot. Bottom line”

holy city in Saudi Arabia; mecca as in “Ashton-under-Lyne is a mecca for tripe-eaters”

a noun not a verb. She won a medal in Sydney, she did not medal in Sydney

British Empire Medal, George Cross, Medal of Honor, Victoria Cross, Congressional Gold Medal etc; but Fields medal (official name: International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics)

Médecins Sans Frontières
international (not French) medical aid charity; no need to translate it

Colombia’s second-largest city

The media, including social media, are plural, so television might be your favourite medium of all the media. A convention of spiritualists, however, would be attended by mediums

Medicaid, Medicare
are both US federal health insurance programmes, but Medicare primarily covers people over 65 and has no financial requirements for eligibility; Medicaid is targeted at those on low incomes

medieval not mediaeval. While the term can be used to refer broadly to old-fashioned or primitive behaviour that might have been found in the middle ages, if using the term to refer specifically to that time period please ensure it falls roughly between 500 and 1455 AD.

Medvedev, Dmitry
(not Dmitri) became president of Russia in 2008, then swapped jobs with Vladimir Putin in 2012 to become prime minister

meet, met
You might meet with triumph and disaster, or meet with a bad end, but “meet” should normally suffice if you are just going to meet someone


Mekelle capital of Tigray province in Ethiopia

Meloni, Giorgia

Melinda French Gates French Gates at subsequent mentions

plural mementoes

plural memorandums, not memoranda

no accent

the definite article is not needed.Say someone is going through menopause, not going through the menopause. Maintain the distinction between perimenopause and menopause, where possible. Perimenopause is when you have symptoms of menopause but your periods have not stopped. It ends and you reach menopause when you have not had a period for 12 months

not Minorca


mental handicap, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded
do not use: say a person with learning disabilities

mental health
Take care using language about mental health issues. In addition to such clearly offensive and unacceptable expressions as loony, maniac, nutter, psycho and schizo, terms to avoid – because they stereotype and stigmatise – include victim of, suffering from, and afflicted by; “a person with” is clear, accurate and preferable to “a person suffering from”.

Terms such as schizophrenic and psychotic should be used only in a medical context: for example never use schizophrenic to mean “in two minds”. Also, they should only be used as adjectives, not nouns.

Avoid writing “the mentally ill” – say mentally ill people, mental health patients or people with mental health problems

If relevant, include helpline information at the end of articles or other content:

In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email You can contact the mental health charity Mind by calling 0300 123 3393 or visiting

merchant navy

meretricious or meritorious?
Derived from the Latin for prostitute, meretricious means flashy but without substance; meritorious means worthy of merit

ITV region; Meridien hotels


Messiaen, Olivier
(1908-92) French composer


traditionally defined as the application to one thing of a name belonging to another, eg bowling blitz, economic meltdown, “every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined” (Oliver Wendell Holmes)


a piece of space rock, usually from a comet or asteroid, that enters the Earth’s atmosphere; if it hits the ground before it burns up, it is a meteorite

method acting
techniques associated with the Russian Constantin Stanislavski (1865-1938) and the American Lee Strasberg (1901-82)

Met Office


should be written out in full, to avoid confusion with million (an obvious exception would be athletics, eg she won the 400m)

metric system
We use the metric system for weights and measures; exceptions are the mile and the pint. As understanding of the two systems is a matter of generations, conversions (in brackets) to imperial units should be provided wherever this seems useful, though usually one conversion – the first – will suffice. Imperial units in quoted matter should be retained, and converted to metric [in square brackets] if it doesn’t ruin the flow of the quote.

It is not necessary to convert moderate distances between metres and yards, which are close enough for rough and ready purposes (though it is preferable to use metres), or small domestic quantities: 2 litres of wine, a kilogram of sugar, a couple of pounds of apples, a few inches of string.

Small units should be converted when precision is required: 44mm (1.7in) of rain fell in two hours. But be sensible: don’t convert a metric estimate into a precise imperial figure (round the conversion up or down). Tons and tonnes are close enough for most purposes to do without conversion; use tonnes (except in shipping tonnage).

Body weights and heights should always be converted in brackets: metres to feet and inches, kilograms to stones/pounds. Geographical heights and depths, of people, buildings, monuments, etc, should be converted, metres to feet. In square measurement, land is given in sq metres, hectares and sq km, with sq yards, acres or sq miles in brackets where there is space to provide a conversion. The floor areas of buildings are conventionally expressed in sq metres (or sq ft). Take great care in conversions of square and cubic measures: 2 metres is about 6.5ft, but 2 sq metres is about 21.5 sq ft

How to write units for precise measurements (examples):

10 metres (but, eg 400m in athletics)
10 sq metres
10 tonnes
10 litres
10 sq ft
10 yards
10 miles
10 pints

Please note that although our style for numbers is that one to nine should usually be written out as words, we usually use figures when they come alongside a unit of measurement, for example 5 miles, 3kg.

in Paris; Metro is its Tyne and Wear equivalent

Metropolitan police
the Met at second mention; commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Met commissioner is acceptable; but note Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA).

The Metropolitan police are plural, like other forces, but the Met is singular, so: the Metropolitan police are investigating, but the Met is investigating, etc

Mexican wave

not mezze

Miami Beach
US city

noise made by cats

abbreviation for microphone, but you are miked up

is what people do on X

microbrewery, micropub
“A micropub is a small freehouse which listens to its customers, mainly serves cask ales, promotes conversation, shuns all forms of electronic entertainment and dabbles in traditional pub snacks,” according to the Micropub Association

mid-60s, mid-90s, etc

but transatlantic


middle ages

middle America, middle England

(Tolkien) not Middle Earth

Middle East
never Mid, even in headlines

Middlesbrough, Teesside
not Middlesborough, Teeside

considered by some to be offensive, certainly more so than dwarf; best to ask the people you are writing about how they prefer to describe themselves

Midlands East Midlands, West Midlands

not 12 midnight, 12am or 12pm. Midnight on Sunday means the end of Sunday, not the beginning

Midsummer Day
24 June

midterm, midweek, midwest
no hyphens

migration, refugees and asylum seekers

Migrant should be a neutral term, but is widely used in a pejorative way that dehumanises people and presents them as a threat. It is not banned, but we should use only when necessary; the alternatives are often preferable.

Migration crisis is a better term than “migrant crisis” because it suggests that the crisis is a complex global issue, not something that can be blamed on those doing the migrating. An alternative is refugee crisis.

Where possible, we should use the word people rather than “migrants”. It’s an accurate description, rather than a dehumanising label. Say “100 people drowned” or “2,000 people were rescued”, rather than “100 migrants” or “2,000 migrants”. Of course we need to give as much information as possible about these people – where they come from, where they are trying to get to, and why.

The 1951 refugee convention’s definition of a refugee is a person who “owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country”. However, it’s neither possible nor desirable to establish that every single person we are calling a refugee meets such criteria. If people are fleeing civil war or violence in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Syria, Yemen or Sudan, they are refugees.

Asylum seekers are people who have left their country of origin and are seeking asylum in another country but whose applications have not concluded. The term is not interchangeable with “refugees” and is best reserved for people we know are seeking asylum in a particular country. Someone who is refused asylum should be referred to as a refused asylum seeker, not a “failed asylum seeker”.

Smuggling or trafficking? Generally speaking, people pay smugglers willingly to take them across borders, but are coerced and exploited by traffickers. So most people being driven across Europe at the moment, however shocking their plight, are being smuggled, not trafficked. See entry on “smuggling or trafficking?”

An “economic migrant” is how rightwing newspapers and politicians describe someone who immigrates to the UK to do what emigrants from the UK do when they migrate to other countries.

Terms to avoid: “genuine refugees”, “illegal asylum seeker”, “bogus asylum seeker”, “failed asylum seeker”.

Migration Watch UK
also sometimes styling itself Migrationwatch (randomly using both spellings in the same document); calls itself “an independent think tank” but is a rightwing anti-immigration pressure group and should be described as such

Soviet Union-built fighter plane, still in use in some countries

Milad al-Nabi
Islamic festival celebrating the birth of the prophet; many Muslims disapprove of celebrating this event


Militant tendency

military ranks
Use as abbreviated below on first mention, then just surname, eg Col Tommy Smith, thereafter Smith.

Army: Gen, Lt Gen, Maj Gen, Brig, Col, Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Lt, 2Lt, OCdt, WOI, WOII, SSgt, CSgt, Sgt, CoH, L/CoH, Cpl, Bdr, L/Cpl, L/Bdr, Pte, Rfn

Navy: Adm, V Adm, R Adm, Capt, Cdr, Lt Cdr, Lt, SLt, Mid, OCdt, WOI, WOII, CPO, PO, LH, AB, Mne

RAF: Gp Capt, Wg Cmdr, Sqn Ldr, Flt Lt, Fg Off, Plt Off, MAcr, WO, Ft Sgt, Ch Tech, Sgt, Cpl, Jr Tech, L/Cpl, SAC, LAC, AC

Do not abbreviate: Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet, Commodore, Marshal of the RAF, Air Chief Marshal, Air Marshal, Air Vice-Marshal, Air Commodore

Where a rank is part of a nickname, honorary or refers to a fictional character, there is no need to abbreviate: eg Captain Sir Tom Moore, Colonel Sanders, Major Major

militate or mitigate?
To militate against something is to influence it (his record militated against his early release); to mitigate means to lessen an offence (in mitigation, her counsel argued that she came from a broken home)


but millennium, plural millennia

millennials This term is generally applied to people born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s. They can also be referred to as generation Y.
Generation Z applies to people born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s.
Generation X applies to people born between the mid-1960s and the late 1970s.

millennium development goals
abbreviation MDGs

Millennium Dome
(now historical) at first mention, then just the dome; reopened in 2007 as the O2

in copy use m for sums of money, units or inanimate objects: £10m, 45m tonnes of coal, 30m doses of vaccine; but million for people or animals: 1 million people, 23 million rabbits, etc; use m in headlines

measure of radiation dose; abbreviation mSv

not milktoast. Named after Caspar Milquetoast, a character in the 1920s US cartoon strip The Timid Soul. Modern meaning: wuss

mimic, mimicked, mimicking

contraction of minute/minutes


minibus, minicab, miniskirt, minivan


are all lc: prime minister, etc

Minnelli, Liza
“Liza with a Zee, not Lisa with an Ess”, and Minnelli with two Ns; her father was the film director Vincente Minnelli (1903-86)

minority ethnic
(adjective) rather than ethnic minority

not miniscule

hates everyone; misogynist hates women

mis-hit, mis-sell
but misspeak, misspell, misspent


Mississippi Delta cap up the D in the name of this US region known for its culture and music, as it is not simply the delta of the Mississippi River. In subsequent mentions you can call it the Delta. Not to be confused with the Mississippi River delta further south, which like other conventional deltas, such as the Nile delta, takes a lowercase d

mistakable, unmistakable

best reserved for historical contexts; girlfriend or lover is less judgmental and sexist

misuse, misused

member of the Northern Ireland assembly (it stands for member of the legislative assembly)

master of letters, not master of literature

Mobo awards
it stands for Music of Black Origin

The title of Herman Melville’s classic is hyphenated, although the name of the whale is Moby Dick

in the sense of Modern British, to distinguish it from modern art

Moët & Chandon

molotov cocktail

mom or mum? It’s “mom” in the US, “mum” in the UK. In a father’s account about his son who went on a shooting rampage in a California high school, we referred to the boy’s “mum”, which as a reader pointed out was “noticeably at odds with the American tone of his remarks”

moment magnitude scale
measures earthquakes; superseded the Richter scale in 1979


money-grubbing not money-grabbing

money laundering
noun; money-laundering adjective

eg moneyed classes; moneys not monies

one of the peoples of Mongolia

(not mongeese) plural of mongoose

not monicker

Monk, Thelonious
(1917-82) American jazz pianist and composer, generally but erroneously referred to in the Guardian and elsewhere as “Thelonius”; a pleasing mnemonic is that he made a melodious thunk

monkeypox now known as mpox (see entry on mpox below)

inhabited by Montenegrins

massive open online course

lc for the Earth’s moon

moon walk
what Neil Armstrong did; moonwalk what Michael Jackson did

Moors murders
committed in the 1960s by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

a moot point, in British English, is debatable, open to discussion; in American English, it is irrelevant

technically this term refers to a low-powered motor scooter of less than 50cc, but it is sometimes acceptable to use it in headlines as shorthand for motor scooters generally

“morality police”
enforcers working for repressive regimes in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan. Please use quote marks

can mean the state of being morbid (taking an unusual interest in death or unpleasant events); but morbidity, also known as the morbidity rate, also means the relative incidence of a disease in a specific locality

More details soon … Please use this wording at the bottom of a web article if you wish to indicate it is a breaking news story that will be updated and extended shortly

more than
generally preferable to over: there were more than 20,000 people at the game, it will cost more than £100 to get it fixed; but she is over 18

More Than
not MORE TH>N, which is how the insurance company styles itself

Morissette, Alanis

Mormons or Latter-day Saints, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which should be used once (unabbreviated) and thereafter can be referred to as “the church” or “the Mormon church”

morning-after pill

morris dancing
often seen with a capital M, for no apparent reason

for the supermarkets (not Morrison or Morrison’s)

morse code

mortgage borrower, lender
the person borrowing the money is the mortgagor, the lender is both the mortgagee and the mortgage holder; to avoid confusion, call the mortgagor the mortgage borrower and the mortgagee the mortgage lender

mortise lock not mortice

Mosaddegh, Mohammad
former prime minister of Iran, overthrown in a coup in 1953

plural mosquitoes

“youth dispersal device” that emits a piercing noise inaudible to over-25s

Mossad, the
Israeli secret service, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA. The Hebrew word mossad simply means institute, so the definite article in “the Mossad” is designed to distinguish it from other more mundane institutes

test cars must undergo when they are three years old or more; not MoT, although this was the abbreviation for the former Ministry of Transport

mother of parliaments
the great 19th-century Liberal politician and Manchester Guardian reader John Bright described England, the country (not Westminster, the institution), as the mother of parliaments

mother of three
etc, not mother-of-three; but do not use unless relevant to the story

Mother’s Day
or Mothering Sunday

Mötley Crüe, Motörhead
include “metal umlauts”

motorbike, motorcar, motorcycle

motor neurone disease
may be abbreviated to MND after first mention

junction 4 of the M4, etc


not mustache



if spelling out, lowercase: member of parliament

MP3, MP3 player
not mp3

mpox the disease formerly known as monkeypox but renamed by the World Health Organization to avoid stigma. You can mention that it was formerly known as monkeypox where this is helpful to readers

Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
In leading articles: use the appropriate honorific after first mention (unless you are writing about an artist, author, journalist, musician, sportsman or woman, criminal or dead person, who take surname only); use Ms for women subsequently unless they have expressed a preference for Miss or Mrs.

Everywhere apart from leading articles: generally use first name and surname on first mention, and thereafter just surname. You can use an honorific to identify different members of the same family
See honorifics

member of the Senedd Cymru, or Welsh parliament. Formerly called a National Assembly for Wales member, or AM

member of the Scottish parliament

Muslims consider Muhammad to be the last of God’s prophets, who delivered God’s final message. They recognise Moses and Jesus as prophets also.

The above transliteration is our style for the prophet’s name and for most Muhammads living in Arab countries, though where someone’s preferred spelling is known we respect it, eg Mohamed Al Fayed, Mohamed ElBaradei.

Muhammad Ali
born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr in 1942

collective noun for people fighting a jihad; the singular is mujahid

secret police in the Arab world (it means “informers”)

multicultural, multimedia, multimillion, multinational, multiparty
but multi-ethnic

meaning more than one, is a word that is in increasing and unhelpful use on our pages. Sometimes, arguably, it cannot be avoided, for example in breaking news stories where even rough numbers are not immediately available. But it is not usually telling the reader much. Often it is completely redundant (“multiple gunshots were heard”); the simple plural suffices (“gunshots were heard”). It is a bit more helpful to say several (more than two or three, but not a large number) or many, but best to just tell us how many, if you know

Mum or mum?
capital M if it’s just Mum, eg “Mum was a lovely person”; otherwise lowercase, eg “my mum was a lovely person”, “how is your mum?”, “she’s a hard-working mum”, etc

formerly Bombay, but no need to say so

Murphy’s law
”If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it”; also known as sod’s law.

Not to be confused with Muphry’s law – “the editorial application of the better-known Murphy’s law” – which states: “If you write anything criticising editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written”

initial caps, eg British Museum, Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A on second reference), Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc

not Moslem

Ignore pedants who say mutual should only mean reciprocated – mutual respect, mutual admiration society, mutual destruction – rather than shared. By this logic, Dickens would have had to change the title of Our Mutual Friend to Our Common Friend

no need for a capital M



not Burma, but its people and language are Burmese. The capital is Naypyidaw, not Yangon.

A large, unspecified number, derived from the ancient Greek for ten thousand. The OED lists various ways it is used: as a singular noun (there is a myriad of people outside), a plural noun (there are myriads of people outside), or an adjective (there are myriad people outside)

no longer MySpace
