「イミテーション」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)
An imitation is an act of copying or reproducing something, or an object made to resemble another object, often with the intention of deceiving others. It can refer to a counterfeit item, a replica, or a person mimicking another person's behavior or appearance.
1. The necklace was made of imitation pearls.(そのネックレスは模造の真珠でできていた)
2. He is skilled at imitation of famous people's voices.(彼は有名人の声の模倣が得意である)
3. The painting turned out to be an imitation.(その絵画は偽物だと判明した)
4. She wore an imitation fur coat.(彼女は模造の毛皮のコートを着ていた)
5. The artist created an imitation of the famous sculpture.(その芸術家は有名な彫刻の模造品を作成した)
6. The child's imitation of the teacher made everyone laugh.(子供が先生の真似をしたことで皆が笑った)
7. The store sells imitation designer handbags at a lower price.(その店では模造のデザイナーハンドバッグを安価で販売している)
8. The imitation leather jacket looked almost like the real thing.(模造のレザージャケットは本物によく似ていた)
9. The actor's imitation of the politician was spot-on.(俳優の政治家の模倣は見事だった)
10. The museum displayed an imitation of the ancient artifact.(博物館では古代の遺物の模造品が展示されていた)