制御工学とは何? わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)



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制御工学(せいぎょこうがく、:control engineering)とは、入力および出力を持つシステムにおいて、その(状態変数ないし)出力を自由に制御する方法全般にかかわる学問分野を指す。[1][2]主にフィードバック制御を対象にした工学である。

  1. ^ Ogata, K., & Yang, Y. (2002). Modern control engineering (Vol. 4). India: Prentice hall.
  2. ^ Nise, N. S. (2020). Control systems engineering. John Wiley & Sons.
  3. ^ Zabczyk, J. Mathematical Control Theory: An Introduction. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 1993.
  4. ^ Brogan, W. L. (1991). Modern control theory. Pearson education India.
  5. ^ Behera, L., & Kar, I. (2010). Intelligent systems and control principles and applications. Oxford University Press, Inc..
  6. ^ Szederkényi, G., Lakner, R., & Gerzson, M. (2006). Intelligent control systems: an introduction with examples (Vol. 60). Springer Science & Business Media.
  7. ^ Zadeh, L., & Desoer, C. (2008). Linear system theory: the state space approach. Courier Dover Publications.
  8. ^ Kirk, D. E. (2004). Optimal control theory: an introduction. Courier Corporation.
  9. ^ Lee, E. B., & Markus, L. (1967). Foundations of optimal control theory. Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Center For Control Sciences.
  10. ^ "Optimal control". Scholarpedia.
  11. ^ 新誠一. (1999). 有限時間整定制御と制御理論. 計測と制御, 38(9), 537-540.
  12. ^ Rugh, W. J. (1981). Nonlinear system theory (pp. 12-90). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  13. ^ Åström, K. J., & Wittenmark, B. (2013). Adaptive control. Courier Corporation.
  14. ^ Sastry, S., & Bodson, M. (2011). Adaptive control: stability, convergence and robustness. Courier Corporation.
  15. ^ Landau, I. D., Lozano, R., M'Saad, M., & Karimi, A. (2011). Adaptive control: algorithms, analysis and applications. Springer Science & Business Media.
  16. ^ Passino, K. M., Yurkovich, S., & Reinfrank, M. (1998). Fuzzy control (Vol. 42, pp. 15-21). Menlo Park, CA: Addison-wesley.
  17. ^ Driankov, D., Hellendoorn, H., & Reinfrank, M. (2013). An introduction to fuzzy control. Springer Science & Business Media.
  18. ^ "Fuzzy control". Scholarpedia.
  19. ^ Miller, W. T., Werbos, P. J., & Sutton, R. S. (Eds.). (1995). Neural networks for control. MIT press.
  20. ^ a b 伊藤正美『自動制御』丸善、1981年、3-8頁。ISBN 4-621-02534-1
  21. ^ 足立修一『制御工学の基礎』東京電機大学出版局、2016年、110, 214頁。ISBN 978-4-501-11750-4





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