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PDBに登録されている構造PDBオルソログ検索: RCSB PDBe PDBj PDBのIDコード一覧1AB2, 1AWO, 1BBZ, 1JU5, 1OPL, 1ZZP, 2ABL, 2E2B, 2FO0, 2G1T, 2G2F, 2G2H, 2G2I, 2GQG, 2HIW, 2HYY, 2HZ0, 2HZ4, 2HZI, 2V7A, 3CS9, 3EG0, 3EG1, 3EG2, 3EG3, 3EGU, 3K2M, 3QRI, 3QRJ, 3QRK, 3T04, 3UE4, 3UYO, 3PYY, 4J9B, 4J9C, 4J9D, 4J9E, 4J9F, 4J9G, 4J9H, 4J9I, 4JJB, 4JJC, 4JJD, 4TWP, 4WA9, 4XEY, 4YC8, 5DC9, 5DC4, 5DC0, 2O88, 5HU9
記号 ABL1, ABL proto-oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase, ABL, JTK7, bcr/abl, c-ABL, c-p150, v-abl, CHDSKM, BCR-ABL, Genes, abl
外部ID OMIM: 189980 MGI: 87859 HomoloGene: 3783 GeneCards: ABL1
遺伝子の位置 (ヒト)染色体9番染色体 (ヒト)[1]バンドデータ無し開始点130,713,016 bp[1]終点130,887,675 bp[1]
遺伝子の位置 (マウス)染色体2番染色体 (マウス)[2]バンドデータ無し開始点31,578,388 bp[2]終点31,694,239 bp[2]
遺伝子オントロジー分子機能• actin monomer bindingprotein domain specific bindingSH3 domain bindingキナーゼ活性protein C-terminus binding受容体結合ATP bindingprotein kinase activitynicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activitynon-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity金属イオン結合proline-rich region bindingmagnesium ion bindingトランスフェラーゼ活性actin filament binding血漿タンパク結合syntaxin bindingprotein kinase C bindingDNA結合ヌクレオチド結合manganese ion bindingマイトジェン活性化プロテインキナーゼ結合protein tyrosine kinase activityfour-way junction DNA bindingbubble DNA bindingphosphotyrosine residue bindingtranscription coactivator activityneuropilin bindingSH2 domain bindingephrin receptor bindingsupercoiled DNA bindingsequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding細胞の構成要素• 細胞質細胞質基質核膜extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membraneミトコンドリアactin cytoskeletonperinuclear region of cytoplasm細胞骨格細胞核核小体核質cell leading edge核内構造体樹状突起高分子複合体neuronal cell bodypostsynapse生物学的プロセス• positive regulation of protein phosphorylationB-1 B cell homeostasisregulation of axon extensionneuromuscular process controlling balancepositive regulation of muscle cell differentiationcellular response to DNA damage stimulusタンパク質リン酸化regulation of cell adhesionregulation of microtubule polymerizationDNA damage induced protein phosphorylationintrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damagepositive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascadesubstrate adhesion-dependent cell spreadingplatelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathwaypositive regulation of actin filament bindingB cell receptor signaling pathwayアポトーシスnegative regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic processcerebellum morphogenesisregulation of actin cytoskeleton reorganizationregulation of transcription, DNA-templatedepidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathwayFc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosisタンパク質局在化の確立胸腺発生negative regulation of phospholipase C activitypositive regulation of mitotic cell cycleactin filament branching脾臓発生酸化ストレスへの反応食作用positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylationregulation of response to DNA damage stimulusmitochondrial depolarizationpositive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathwayplatelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathwayregulation of endocytosisactivation of protein kinase C activityregulation of actin cytoskeleton organizationリン酸化signal transduction in response to DNA damagepositive regulation of oxidoreductase activitypositive regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosolnegative regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signalingregulation of cell motilitypositive regulation of microtubule binding細胞接着regulation of autophagypeptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylationalpha-beta T cell differentiationregulation of cellular senescencenegative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activityactin cytoskeleton organizationnegative regulation of cellular senescencepositive regulation of osteoblast proliferation体細胞分裂activated T cell proliferationエンドサイトーシスnegative regulation of cell-cell adhesionB cell proliferation involved in immune responsecellular response to dopaminepositive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentrationpositive regulation of neuron deathregulation of cell cyclenegative regulation of BMP signaling pathwayオートファジーB cell proliferationnegative regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activitymicrospike assemblypositive regulation of apoptotic processregulation of extracellular matrix organizationpositive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signalingnegative regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascadetransitional one stage B cell differentiationDNAミスマッチ修復Bergmann glial cell differentiationpeptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylationcollateral sproutingcellular response to lipopolysaccharidenegative regulation of mitotic cell cyclecellular response to hydrogen peroxideDNA修復自然免疫neural tube closurepost-embryonic developmentneuron differentiationcellular response to oxidative stressregulation of cell population proliferation自己リン酸化neuroepithelial cell differentiationintegrin-mediated signaling pathwaypositive regulation of endothelial cell migration細胞分化regulation of Cdc42 protein signal transductionneuropilin signaling pathwayendothelial cell migrationregulation of T cell differentiationpositive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase IIT cell receptor signaling pathwaypositive regulation of stress fiber assemblypositive regulation of focal adhesion assemblyDNA conformation changepositive regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesispositive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreadingnegative regulation of long-term synaptic potentiationregulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiationregulation of modification of synaptic structurepositive regulation of blood vessel branchingpositive regulation of actin cytoskeleton reorganization出典:Amigo / QuickGO
ヒト マウス
Entrez 25 11350
Ensembl ENSG00000097007 ENSMUSG00000026842
UniProt P00519 P00520
RefSeq(mRNA) NM_007313NM_005157 NM_001112703NM_009594NM_001283045NM_001283046NM_001283047
RefSeq(タンパク質) NP_005148NP_009297 NP_001106174NP_001269974NP_001269975NP_001269976NP_033724
場所(UCSC) Chr 9: 130.71 – 130.89 Mb Chr 9: 31.58 – 31.69 Mb
PubMed検索 [3] [4]
閲覧/編集 ヒト閲覧/編集 マウス

ABL1は、ヒトでは9番染色体(英語版)に位置する_ABL1_遺伝子(以前のシンボルは_ABL_)によってコードされているタンパク質である[5]。哺乳類ゲノムに存在するホモログを表す場合にはc-Abl、ウイルスの場合にはv-Ablという表記が用いられることがあり、当初エーベルソンマウス白血病ウイルス(英語版)(Abelson murine leukemia virus)から単離されたことに由来する[6]


ABL1がん原遺伝子は細胞質と核に位置するチロシンキナーゼ英語版)をコードし、細胞分化細胞分裂細胞接着、そしてDNA修復などのストレス応答といった過程への関与が示唆されている[7][8][9][10]。ABL1タンパク質の活性はSH3ドメインによって負に調節されており、SH3ドメイン領域が欠失することで_ABL1_はがん遺伝子となる。t(9;22)転座は_BCR_遺伝子と_ABL1_遺伝子とのhead-to-tail型の融合を引き起こし、慢性骨髄性白血病の多くの症例でみられる融合遺伝子が形成される。普遍的に発現しているABL1チロシンキナーゼのDNA結合活性はCDC2によるリン酸化によって調節され、このことはABL1が細胞周期機能に関与していることを示唆している。_ABL1_遺伝子は6 kbまたは7 kbのいずれかの長さのmRNA転写産物として発現する。最初のエクソン選択的エクソンであり、エクソン2–11は共通である[11]









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  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000026842 - Ensembl, May 2017
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  4. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:
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