We need your help! Here’s how you can support us... (original) (raw)

A progress bar at 72%

We have had a kind offer from an individual donor, who will match up to £5,000 of donations from others - so by supporting War Resisters' International today your donation is worth double! So far we have raised 72% of our target.

If you have any questions, please email info@wri-irg.org.

We support war resisters all over the world - to keep doing our work, we need your help. By donating to War Resisters' International, you are:

Other ways to donate

Bank transfer (to our UK account)

For direct transfers into our UK bank account, the details are:

Account No: 5072 7388

Sort Code: 60-83-01

If you would prefer to support our work with a regular standing order, please download this form, print it off, fill it in, and return it to us at: War Resisters' International, 5 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX.

Bank transfer (to our Eurozone account)

For a direct transfer into our euro's bank account, the details are:

Account name: War Resisters' International

Bank: Bank of Ireland

IBAN: IE91 BOFI 9000 9240 41 35 47


Tax deductible donations in the USA

If you would prefer to give to WRI via our fiscal sponsor in the USA, you can send a one-off or monthly tax deductible donation to WRI via the website of AJ Muste Memorial Institute.

Donating from Germany

If you live in Germany and would prefer to donate to WRI via our fiscal sponsor there, you can do this through Förderverein War Resisters International e.V. here.


Clicking the button below will transfer you to the Paypal website, and give you the option to send a one-off donation, or setup a regular monthly donation. However, WRI pays higher fees on receiving donations via PayPal than we do via the others systems outlined above.


We have had a kind offer from an individual donor, who will match up to £5,000 of donations from others - so by supporting War Resisters' International today your donation is worth double!

Click here to support WRI today.