xhicons - Profile (original) (raw)

on 17 August 2009 (#21643071)

xHicons {Graphics by Xiperita & Heliotitans}

Icons, Wallpapers, Textures ... Graphics by Xiperita & Heliotitans

TERMS OF USE Credit is always required. This is the best way for the people who take a look at your userpics and they like an icon to know who has made it. No editing or claiming as your own. DON'T HOTLINK. Use your own server, Photobucket is free. Our icons could be textless so THEY ARE NOT BASES. Our textless icons are not simple resized images, we usually change their colour, and it takes time to make each one so be kind and don't modify nothing. We make graphics only by hobby, we don't have any intention to violate any Copyright. The pics we use are copyrighted to their respective owners. Comments are love! and if you comment we will know if we make good or bad graphics. Our muses will be really happy. Pleaseee, Comment :-D Concrit and Noms are welcome. Let us to know :-)AFFILIATESWe are looking for affiliates so ...If you want to affiliate with us just leave a comment (with 4 examples of your icons if you want to affiliate your personal community). We only accept graphics communities (personal, icons, stills, lims, claims ...). You can see xhicons affiliates HERE. Hi!, we are xiperita and heliotitans, and this is our Graphics Community.**This Comm is MEMBERS ONLY. xhicons entries will be public for 7 days and then will be locked so you'll need to join, if you want, to see everything. You are very welcome :-)**Here you can find mostly icons, but you also can find another graphics like wallpapers, textures, banners ...Join, take a look and ENJOY SO MUCH!.

..., aeon flux, asoiaf, babylon 5, battlestar galactica, bbc miniseries, callum keith rennie, chuck, daniel jackson, daniel/vala, defying gravity, doctor horrible's sing-along blog, doctor who, faramir, faramir/eowyn, farscape, firefly, glee, harper's island, icons, jamie bamber, jamie oliver, john sheppard, john/aeryn, law and order uk, layouts, lee adama, legend of the seeker, life on mars, lord of the rings, matthew bomer, movies, photoshop, pride and prejudice, primeval, serenity, spaced, star trek, star wars, stargate atlantis, stargate sg·1, stargate universe, stock, taylor kitsch, textures, the tudors, torchwood, ugly betty, vala mal doran, veronica mars, watchmen, white collar, wicked, x-files