xmas_n_july - Profile (original) (raw)

on 16 January 2009 (#18077126)

A Buffy and Angel Fandom Revival

California, United States

Bringing Buffy and Angel back from the dead...yes, again.

Welcome to "Xmas in July," a Buffy and Angel community dedicated to Fiction and Art prompts pertaining to both of these brilliant series. Take a look around and see what we're about!

Sharpen your stakes and bloom your onions, kids;)

Sign Up and Prompt Dates
April 1st: Sign-Ups for Writers and Artists OpenApril 1st: Prompt Submissions Open April 16th: Prompt Claiming Opens May 1st: Sign-Ups for Writers and Artists Closes May 1st: Prompt Claiming Closes June 26th: Final Drafts of Fic and Art Due July 1st: Posting Begins
Rules and Guidelines
1. Writers and Artists sign up starting April 1st. Sign up closes May 1st.2. A post requesting prompts will be made April 16th. Anyone may submit prompts, whether they're participating in claiming or not. Claiming closes May 1st.3. All fiction and artwork is due in its final draft by June 26th, to be prepared to post on July 1st. The minimum length for fiction is 10,000 words.4. Prompts can be a phrase, idea, word, song lyric, poem, etc. They can be for a pairing or a single character. Crossovers are more than welcome, as long as they include a Jossverse character. Submitting a prompt does not mean you have to participate.
What is Allowed
~Fan Fiction and Fan Art rated G to NC-17~ Gen, Het, Slash and Femmeslash~ RPF/RPS~ Crossovers
What ISN'T Allowed
~ Please heed the LJ rules, guys. For more specific information, see the FAQ POST and ask questions if needed! Your mods are all glued to their computers, someone will get back to you ASAP. Promise.~ Plagiarism will not be tolerated and you will be banned.~MOD'S WORD IS LAW.

Banner/Layout/Graphics by vamptastica
Profile coding by xela_fic
General Awesomeness by nyghtpet

Pimp Us:

adam, angel, angel investigations, angel the series, angelus, anya jenkins, anyanka, aurelius, buffy summers, buffy the vampire slayer, caleb, caritas, cecily, charles gunn, connor, cordelia chase, darla, dawn summers, demons, doyle, drusilla, effulgence, ethan rayne, faith lehane, forrest, fred burkle, glorificus, graham, halfrek, harmony kendall, hellmouths, holtz, jasmine, jenny calendar, joss whedon, joyce summers, liam, lilah morgan, lindsey mcdonald, lorne, maggie walsh, mayor wilkins, oz, parker, potentials, principal flutie, principal snyder, pylea, riley finn, robin wood, rupert giles, slayers, spike, sunnydale, tara maclay, the first, the key, the master, ubervamps, vampires, werewolves, wesley wyndham price, william, william the bloody, willow rosenberg, witches, wolfram and hart, xander harris