Merve Oflaz | Yeditepe University (original) (raw)


Papers by Merve Oflaz

Research paper thumbnail of How does your garden grow

English teaching professional, 2014

Kindergarten is a unique time in a child's life. All kindergarten students are new t... more Kindergarten is a unique time in a child's life. All kindergarten students are new to the educational process, so it is important to teach them in a way they can learn. We think that one of the best strategies a teacher can employ is an integrated curriculum approach. In ...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of right and left brain dominance in language learning

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on studen... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on students' academic achievement and learning English. Language classrooms consist of students who have different learning styles and these learning styles are related with the dominance of right or left brain. This has a great impact during the learning process. Therefore, having an idea about the brain dominance of the students is important. If the teacher knows his or her students well, he or she can use the methods, techniques and materials adequately. This research will provide the teachers to find out the dominant part of their students' brains and use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them. It will also give the opportunity of finding out the teachers' brain dominance to help him / her to be aware of his / her teaching style.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Learning Styles on Group Work Activities

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles.

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Coupon 1 Word, 1000 Coupons 1000 Words

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of the Technology Integrated Writing Lessons: CIPP Model of Evalution

TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – January 2022, volume 21 Issue 1, 2022

This paper is about the evaluation of a technology integrated writing course at the English Langu... more This paper is about the evaluation of a technology integrated writing course at the English Language Teaching Faculty of a private non-profit foundation university in Turkey. The course has been evaluated by using CIPP Model (Stufflebeam, Daniel L., 2003). The evaluator of the programme has conducted a programme by using the 5E Model (BSCS, 1987) as an instructional design, evaluated the course and given suggestions for the future plans and studies. The study displayed a positive effect on students’ writing skills especially on female students’ work. In the reflection they made on their own learning process, they mentioned that the ‘Write & Improve’ tool was beneficial and the comprehensive knowledge of using some other web tools helped them to adapt themselves into new situations in the transition to online education during Corona virus (Covid-19) Pandemic. However, some students stated that they missed face-to-face lessons and got bored of online lessons.

Research paper thumbnail of Oflaz, M Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce Öğretiminde wiki Kullanımı

ÖZET Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikl... more ÖZET Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler yapma ve dili gerçek ortamlarda kullanma yardımıyla pratik yapmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Aynı zamanda öğrenilenlerin sınıf duvarları arasında sınırlı kalmak yerine sınıf dışında da kullanılmaya devam edilmesiyle öğrenmede kalıcılığın sağlanabileceğine değinmektedir. Tüm bunlara dayanarak yabancı dilde okuma ve yazma konusunda isteksizlik yaşayan öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme yöntemlerinin de kullanılarak wiki etkinlikleri aracılığıyla nasıl daha istekli hale getirilebileceği, etkinliklere katılımlarının nasıl arttırılabileceği konusunda ve bu yolla hedef dili kullanarak yazılı tartışma fırsatları sağlayabilecek öneriler sunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: " wiki " , " wiki yoluyla öğrenme " , " eleştirel düşünme " , " yabancı dilin sınıf dışında kullanımı " ABSTRACT This paper focuses on: • the value of using wikis to improve different language skills, to have meaningful tasks and to practise the language by using it in authentic situations, • the permanent learning solutions to use the target language outside the class instead of limiting it between the walls of the classroom, • the writer's suggestions on how to gain the reluctant students through the tasks given on wikis with the help of critical thinking methods, • using wikis to raise their participation and to give opportunities on using the target language in written discussions.

Research paper thumbnail of Oflaz, M Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce Öğretiminde wiki Kullanımı updated.docx

Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler ya... more Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler yapma ve dili gerçek ortamlarda kullanma yardımıyla pratik yapmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Aynı zamanda öğrenilenlerin sınıf duvarları arasında sınırlı kalmak yerine sınıf dışında da kullanılmaya devam edilmesiyle öğrenmede kalıcılığın sağlanabileceğine değinmektedir. Tüm bunlara dayanarak yabancı dilde okuma ve yazma konusunda isteksizlik yaşayan öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme yöntemlerinin de kullanılarak wiki etkinlikleri aracılığıyla nasıl daha istekli hale getirilebileceği, etkinliklere katılımlarının nasıl arttırılabileceği konusunda ve bu yolla hedef dili kullanarak yazılı tartışma fırsatları sağlayabilecek öneriler sunmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Don’t Panic! It’s Not the Titanic: Tips for Classroom Management

Humanising Language Teaching (HLT), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Young Learners: How does your garden grow?

English Teaching Professional, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of learning styles on group work activities

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles. 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of learning styles on group work activities

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of right and left brain dominance in language learning

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on studen... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on students' academic achievement and learning English. Language classrooms consist of students who have different learning styles and these learning styles are related with the dominance of right or left brain. This has a great impact during the learning process. Therefore, having an idea about the brain dominance of the students is important. If the teacher knows his or her students well, he or she can use the methods, techniques and materials adequately. This research will provide the teachers to find out the dominant part of their students' brains and use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them. It will also give the opportunity of finding out the teachers' brain dominance to help him / her to be aware of his / her teaching style.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a junior teacher

This study presents a programme in which eight grade students were provided to have teaching expe... more This study presents a programme in which eight grade students were provided to have teaching experiences with third grade students in a state school in Istanbul, Turkey. The aim of the study is to give the students a place in the community service programme and through this programme to help them overcome their fears towards English language in the classroom. This paper describes how students can overcome second language classroom anxiety by becoming the teachers of younger students. Changing their roles provide them opportunities to develop their speaking skills and classroom performances. The results indicate that there is an obvious difference between the questionnaires given to the students at the beginning and at the end of the study.

Teaching Documents by Merve Oflaz

Research paper thumbnail of Webquest: Become a junior teacher

Research paper thumbnail of Stories for Schools

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Coupon 1 Word, 1000 Coupons 1000 Words

Humanising Language Teaching (HLT), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of How does your garden grow

English teaching professional, 2014

Kindergarten is a unique time in a child's life. All kindergarten students are new t... more Kindergarten is a unique time in a child's life. All kindergarten students are new to the educational process, so it is important to teach them in a way they can learn. We think that one of the best strategies a teacher can employ is an integrated curriculum approach. In ...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of right and left brain dominance in language learning

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on studen... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on students' academic achievement and learning English. Language classrooms consist of students who have different learning styles and these learning styles are related with the dominance of right or left brain. This has a great impact during the learning process. Therefore, having an idea about the brain dominance of the students is important. If the teacher knows his or her students well, he or she can use the methods, techniques and materials adequately. This research will provide the teachers to find out the dominant part of their students' brains and use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them. It will also give the opportunity of finding out the teachers' brain dominance to help him / her to be aware of his / her teaching style.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Learning Styles on Group Work Activities

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles.

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Coupon 1 Word, 1000 Coupons 1000 Words

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of the Technology Integrated Writing Lessons: CIPP Model of Evalution

TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – January 2022, volume 21 Issue 1, 2022

This paper is about the evaluation of a technology integrated writing course at the English Langu... more This paper is about the evaluation of a technology integrated writing course at the English Language Teaching Faculty of a private non-profit foundation university in Turkey. The course has been evaluated by using CIPP Model (Stufflebeam, Daniel L., 2003). The evaluator of the programme has conducted a programme by using the 5E Model (BSCS, 1987) as an instructional design, evaluated the course and given suggestions for the future plans and studies. The study displayed a positive effect on students’ writing skills especially on female students’ work. In the reflection they made on their own learning process, they mentioned that the ‘Write & Improve’ tool was beneficial and the comprehensive knowledge of using some other web tools helped them to adapt themselves into new situations in the transition to online education during Corona virus (Covid-19) Pandemic. However, some students stated that they missed face-to-face lessons and got bored of online lessons.

Research paper thumbnail of Oflaz, M Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce Öğretiminde wiki Kullanımı

ÖZET Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikl... more ÖZET Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler yapma ve dili gerçek ortamlarda kullanma yardımıyla pratik yapmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Aynı zamanda öğrenilenlerin sınıf duvarları arasında sınırlı kalmak yerine sınıf dışında da kullanılmaya devam edilmesiyle öğrenmede kalıcılığın sağlanabileceğine değinmektedir. Tüm bunlara dayanarak yabancı dilde okuma ve yazma konusunda isteksizlik yaşayan öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme yöntemlerinin de kullanılarak wiki etkinlikleri aracılığıyla nasıl daha istekli hale getirilebileceği, etkinliklere katılımlarının nasıl arttırılabileceği konusunda ve bu yolla hedef dili kullanarak yazılı tartışma fırsatları sağlayabilecek öneriler sunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: " wiki " , " wiki yoluyla öğrenme " , " eleştirel düşünme " , " yabancı dilin sınıf dışında kullanımı " ABSTRACT This paper focuses on: • the value of using wikis to improve different language skills, to have meaningful tasks and to practise the language by using it in authentic situations, • the permanent learning solutions to use the target language outside the class instead of limiting it between the walls of the classroom, • the writer's suggestions on how to gain the reluctant students through the tasks given on wikis with the help of critical thinking methods, • using wikis to raise their participation and to give opportunities on using the target language in written discussions.

Research paper thumbnail of Oflaz, M Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce Öğretiminde wiki Kullanımı updated.docx

Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler ya... more Bu makale, wiki'lerin yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı becerileri geliştirme, anlamlı etkinlikler yapma ve dili gerçek ortamlarda kullanma yardımıyla pratik yapmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Aynı zamanda öğrenilenlerin sınıf duvarları arasında sınırlı kalmak yerine sınıf dışında da kullanılmaya devam edilmesiyle öğrenmede kalıcılığın sağlanabileceğine değinmektedir. Tüm bunlara dayanarak yabancı dilde okuma ve yazma konusunda isteksizlik yaşayan öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme yöntemlerinin de kullanılarak wiki etkinlikleri aracılığıyla nasıl daha istekli hale getirilebileceği, etkinliklere katılımlarının nasıl arttırılabileceği konusunda ve bu yolla hedef dili kullanarak yazılı tartışma fırsatları sağlayabilecek öneriler sunmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Don’t Panic! It’s Not the Titanic: Tips for Classroom Management

Humanising Language Teaching (HLT), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Young Learners: How does your garden grow?

English Teaching Professional, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of learning styles on group work activities

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles. 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of learning styles on group work activities

This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lay... more This paper examines the effects of learning styles in language classrooms. The study examined lays out the learning styles of the students. Groups formed by the researchers considering the learning styles of the students show how learning styles affect the performance on group work activities in language learning. By finding out the learning styles of the students and giving activities according to them, the teacher might improve the efficiency of his or her own teaching and increase the success rate. By targeting all learning styles and forming groups with students who have different learning styles, the teacher is also able to help the students develop their less dominant styles.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of right and left brain dominance in language learning

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on studen... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of right and left brain dominance on students' academic achievement and learning English. Language classrooms consist of students who have different learning styles and these learning styles are related with the dominance of right or left brain. This has a great impact during the learning process. Therefore, having an idea about the brain dominance of the students is important. If the teacher knows his or her students well, he or she can use the methods, techniques and materials adequately. This research will provide the teachers to find out the dominant part of their students' brains and use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them. It will also give the opportunity of finding out the teachers' brain dominance to help him / her to be aware of his / her teaching style.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a junior teacher

This study presents a programme in which eight grade students were provided to have teaching expe... more This study presents a programme in which eight grade students were provided to have teaching experiences with third grade students in a state school in Istanbul, Turkey. The aim of the study is to give the students a place in the community service programme and through this programme to help them overcome their fears towards English language in the classroom. This paper describes how students can overcome second language classroom anxiety by becoming the teachers of younger students. Changing their roles provide them opportunities to develop their speaking skills and classroom performances. The results indicate that there is an obvious difference between the questionnaires given to the students at the beginning and at the end of the study.

Research paper thumbnail of Webquest: Become a junior teacher

Research paper thumbnail of Stories for Schools

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Coupon 1 Word, 1000 Coupons 1000 Words

Humanising Language Teaching (HLT), 2016