zhai - Profile (original) (raw)

on 11 March 2002 (#492827)

Sword of Fire and Sea, high magic adventure fantasy debuting June 21, 2011 from Pyr Books! Click here to preorder with Amazon!
Join the Facebook group here!

I'm a game designer and freelance writer currently living in northern California with the wonderful jsridler and our parrots and dog. I've got a few bios littered around the web, but you can always google stalk me, too. It'd be cool if you emailed me if you did so, but I've given up asking people to actually make contact. Ah, Internet anonymity...

If you'd like to read some of what I think about a bunch of things, see this 2009 interview with Charles Tan. Thanks, Charles!

Standard disclaimer, this is a personal journal, and most of it is "friends only", which means you need to sign up for a livejournal and then add me to your friends list. I generally add back people who drop me a comment introducing themselves, and then you can see, as they say, the inside shit. I like meeting new people and especially connecting with folk who share my interests, so please don't be shy.

I'm rather terrible at keeping this up to date, but if you're looking for my writing, here are a few semi-recent pointers:



And just for bonus, my tag link at the Escapist, affirming my laziness in updating this page!

Appearances -- yep, tacking this on here

"Caught between the sweet life and nefarious necessity..."

!bush, !religion, 42, 8-bit theater, african greys, american civil liberties union, anne mccaffrey, aquascaping, athena, authenticity, bad religion, baltomuck, berkley hart, brian greene, brownism, buddha, buddhism, cake or death, calligraphy, calman hart, calvino, camus, car talk, carl jung, carroll, cheese, chicago, classical music, cooking, cosmology, cyberpunk, danny elfman, di'quinasev, donne, douglas adams, dragonrealms, ecco, eclectus, emergentism, emily dickinson, ethics, everything, existentialism, fantasy, fiery ancient goddesses, french horn, frost, game development, garrison keilor, gnosticism, graphic novels, gryphons, guys and dolls, hawk-headed parrots, heraclitus, humpback whales, i wish for peace, intp, japanese language, jung, kierkegaard, kurt vonnegut, legos, leopard geckos, literature, lou andreas salome, margaret weis, marge piercy, maya 3d, mercedes lackey, miyazaki, monty python, moose, musicals, neal stephenson, nethack, nietzsche, npr, pagels, passionate agnosticism, penny arcade, personal responsibility, phantasy star iv, philip k. dick, philomathy, piano, piers anthony, pionus, poe, quantum physics, raptors, robin hobb, science fiction, sega, shakespeare, shining force ii, sinfest, sister hazel, sonic 3, starlight express, stephen hawking, stephen lawhead, string theory, systems, t'ai chi, taoism, tea, the beatles, the daily show, the lion king, the music man, the secret garden, the will to power, thought, tigers, truth, valentinus, videogames, voltaire, whales, wings, wittgenstein, wordsworth, world creation