12.3 Syntax Object Bindings (original) (raw)

12.3 Syntax Object Bindings🔗

Returns #t if the identifier a-id would bindb-id (or vice versa) if the identifiers were substituted in a suitable expression context at the phase level indicated byphase-level, #f otherwise. A #f value forphase-level corresponds to the label phase level.


> (check a a)
> (check a b)
> (define-syntax-rule (check-a x) (check a x))
> (check-a a)

“Same module binding” means that the identifiers refer to the same original definition site, and not necessarily to the samerequire or provide site. Due to renaming inrequire and provide, or due to a transformer binding to a rename transformer, the identifiers may return distinct results with syntax-e.


> (check car)
'(same: #procedure:car)
> (check mcar)
'(different: #procedure:mcar)
'(different: #procedure:list)
> (require (rename-in racket/base [car kar]))
> (check kar)
'(same: #procedure:car)

Same as (free-identifier=? a-id b-id #f).

Compares each identifier in ids with every other identifier in the list with bound-identifier=?. If any comparison returns #t, one of the duplicate identifiers is returned (the first one in ids that is a duplicate), otherwise the result is #f.

Returns one of three (if top-level-symbol? is #f) or four (if top-level-symbol? is true) kinds of values, depending on the binding ofid-stx at the phase level indicated byphase-level (where a #f value forphase-level corresponds to the label phase level):

If id-stx is bound to a rename-transformer, the result from identifier-binding is for the identifier in the transformer, so that identifier-binding is consistent withfree-identifier=?.

If exact-scopes? is a true value, then the result is#f unless the binding for id-stx has exactly thescopes of id-stx. An exact-scopes check is useful for detecting whether an identifier is already bound in a specific definition context, for example.

Changed in version of package base: Added the top-level-symbol? argument to report information on top-level bindings.
Changed in version Generalized phase results to phase–space combinations.
Changed in version Added the exact-scopes? argument.

Same as (identifier-binding id-stx (and rt-phase-level (add1 rt-phase-level))).

Changed in version of package base: Generalized phase results to phase–space combinations.

Changed in version of package base: Generalized phase results to phase–space combinations.

Same as (identifier-binding id-stx #f).

Changed in version of package base: Generalized phase results to phase–space combinations.

Like (identifier-binding id-stx phase-level top-level-symbol?), but the result is #f if the binding for id-stx has scopes that are a subset of the scopes for wrt-id-stx. That is, ifid-stx and wrt-id-stx have the same symbolic name, a binding for id-stx is returned only if the binding does not also apply to wrt-id-stx.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added the top-level-symbol? argument.

Like identifier-binding, but produces a symbol that corresponds to the binding. The symbol result is the same for any identifiers that are free-identifier=?, but the result may also be the same for identifiers that are notfree-identifier=? (i.e., different symbols imply different bindings, but the same symbol does not imply the same binding).

When identifier-binding would produce a list, then the second element of that list is the result thatidentifier-binding-symbol produces.

If id-stx is bound at phase-level to portal syntax, either via define-syntax or #%require, then the portal syntax content is returned. The module that bindsid-stx must be declared, but it need not be instantiated at the relevant phase, and identifier-binding-portal-syntax does not instantiate the module.

Added in version of package base.

Returns a list of all interned symbols for which(identifier-binding (datum->syntax stx sym) phase-level #f exact-scopes?)would produce a non-#f value. This procedure takes time proportional to the number of scopes on stx plus the length of the result list.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added the exact-scopes? argument.

Returns a list of sym names of interned scopes for which(identifier-binding ((make-interned-syntax-introducer sym) stx) phase-level #f exact-scopes?)could produce a non-#f value. This procedure takes time proportional to the number of scopes on stx plus the length of the result list.

Added in version of package base.

Returns a list that includes all phase-levels for which(syntax-bound-symbols stx phase-level) might produce a non-empty list.


Added in version of package base.