Re: Final text of GPL v3 (new interactive interfaces) (original) (raw)

On Sun, 1 Jul 2007 12:43:27 +0100 (BST) MJ Ray wrote:

Francesco Poli wrote: [...] [...]

In this scenario, I have to comply with Section 5 of the GNU GPL v3. Work B is the "work based on the Program" referred to in the first sentence of Section 5:

| You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications | to | produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the | terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these | conditions:

On the other hand, work A is the "Program". Is that right? I cannot see any other reasonable interpretation.

Now I'm unsure. Earlier, the Program was defined as "any copyrightable work licensed under this License".

Yes, it's the work that's licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 and that you (who are reading the license to see what you are permitted to do) have received. This is, AFAICT, "the Program" for you, when you are modifying it and going to distribute your modified version, which is a "work based on the Program".

Of course, when you distribute your modified version to me, I read the text of the license and what for you was the "work based on the Program", is now for me "the Program". And so forth, should I decide to further modify what I received from you...

Does it make sense? Should I add that IANAL, TINLA, IANADD, ...?

Because the GPL is a copyleft, isn't the modified Program also the Program?

Yes, but for your licensees that receive your modified version from you.

Is 5d's work the original or modified work?

As I explained, I think that it's the modified work.

Is 5d's Program the original or the modified Program?

I think it's the original work. Otherwise, why use two different terms in clause 5d ("work" and "Program") for the same meaning?

I thought it was 'the work' [= work B] as mentioned in the first part of 5d. It seems a bit fiddly for the work to change in 5 to mean the modified work but the Program never to change.

I don't see this as a change. Section 5 talks about conveying a "a work based on the Program":

| You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to | produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the | terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these | conditions:

Then it states the first condition that must be met:

| a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you | modified it, and giving a relevant date.

Here, the "work" is the "work based on the Program", otherwise stating that you modified it would be utterly false. Likewise for the following conditions, up to clause 5d, where I believe that "work" is the "work based on the Program", while "Program" is the unmodified version as you received it...

Hope this clarifies.

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