Re: Final text of GPL v3 (original) (raw)

Chris Waters writes:

All free licenses, and especially all copyleft licenses, require the waiver of certain legal rights (such as the right to sue for copyright infringement).

Explain, please. There have been a number of copyright complaints filed (in Germany and the US) over GPLed software. The GPL's copyleft nature did not bar those lawsuits. I am not aware of any that went to trial in the US, but at least one German lawsuit alleging GPL violations was decided[1] for the licensor, and other cases (in both countries) have settled with the defendant agreeing to comply with the GPL.


The requirement in copyleft to provide source code can also be seen as a fee--in fact, this has been cited as a reason for considering the GPLv2 valid, enforcible and non- discriminatory with respect to anti-trust law.

That unattributed "has been cited" reads like a poor appeal to an indefinite authority. Daniel Wallace's failed anti-trust lawsuit cited such provisions as reasons to consider the GPLv2 invalid, unenforceable and an unlawful conspiracy with respect to anti-trust law. We can see how far making that claim got him.

(Incidentally, neither the district court's ruling[2] to dismiss Wallace's complaint, nor the appeals court's order[3] upholding dismissal, treat the requirement to provide source code as a fee. To the contrary, their orders seem to view it primarily as a benefit to the end user and to the software community.

[2]- [3]- )

While there is a fairly broad range of what people on this list think is a "fee", in the end, providing source code for software that one distributes has never been considered a fee. Giving up tangible property, actions unrelated to software (such as petting a cat) and intellectual property unrelated to the software in question (such as over-broad patent defense clauses) have been considered fees. Concessions necessary to exercise software freedoms have not.

Michael Poole

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