Re: FYI, re `BCS OS Licence' (original) (raw)

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[Added FSFE-UK to CC]

Ian Jackson wrote:

Quoting [...] Obviously this is a very bad idea. [...] A Debian Developer would be a natural choice and would have good standing to informally expand (on their on behalf) on such statements. Would anyone like to volunteer ? [...]

I'm up for reading statements from whoever and backing them up either personally or formally. I looked at UK-specific licences while on the committee and (although I don't have my notes here) I remember finding very few licences and none of them had a compelling reason for existing. Maybe current AFFS people can find a copy of my UkLaw notes file on the AFFS server?

Licence soup is one of the biggests threats to free software's commercial success and it is disgusting that BCS seem to want to waste software developers' money in this way.

Does the event have a predicted end time? If I'm going, I need to book time off project work ASAP.


MJR/slef My Opinion Only: see Please follow

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